There is no doubt that the pirate leader has the same idea as the herring.

It's a pity that such a peerless beauty was married by Xia Jue first.

"What do you say?"

Xia Jue was still looking at him with an interesting face.

"Ha ha, what else can I say? Your woman is very beautiful. We want to try something fresh. What do you think?"

The pirate leader is very happy now.

I thought I could only play with these rich families and stars, but I didn't expect that there was such a beauty here.


Xia Jue shook his head and sighed.

It's just that Gu Qingying hasn't woken up now. If she still soberly hears the reason why these guys are so frivolous, it's strange that she turns these guys into fly ash in an instant.

"Boy, do you offer the beauty yourself, or do we kill you and grab your beauty?"

The pirate leader doesn't want to spend any more time with Xia Jue.

After he said this, the two pirates pressed against Xia Jue.

"Bang bang."

But before he got close to Xia Jue, suddenly they felt a direct force of gravity on them, which made them kneel down in an instant.

"What's the matter?"

Seeing his men kneel down suddenly, the pirate leader and the herring are all shocked. They don't understand what happened suddenly.

"I... i... I can't breathe."

Kneeling on the ground of a hand difficult to spit out words.

"Boy, what did you do to them?"

Their subordinates can't become like this without any reason. In addition, the other side is now confident and fearless, so it's obvious that the other side is doing it.

"Get out of here and jump into the sea, or you'll die!"

Xia Jue just wanted to use the yacht as a carrier to let him return to China without so much effort. He didn't have much interest in these rubbish.

To put it in a bad way, with his current strength, it's really dirty his own hands to fight against these rubbish.

So if you guys know each other and do what he says, there will be a way to live. Otherwise, he doesn't mind letting the garbage blood spill three feet.

"You are...

" woo woo. "

When the pirate leader wanted to attack, suddenly a boat flute sounded.

"No, boss, it's like those patrol boats."

The black fish said to the pirate leader with a heavy face.

"What's the matter? Didn't you say your jamming device was ok?"

The pirate leader said angrily.

"Boss, it's definitely not our interference with the equipment. It's likely that those patrol boats accidentally bumped into it."

"Damn, how can there be such a coincidence, let alone in such an ocean position."

"I don't know, boss. Let's go first, or we won't be able to leave."

The herring understands that they are just trying to be brave in front of these rich children who have no power to bind a chicken. If they are faced with those ruthless characters, they have no chance of winning.


The pirate leader looked at Gu Qingying behind Xia Jue reluctantly, then quickly jumped out of the door.

Seeing these people go, Xia Jue didn't stop them. It's the best way for them to leave, so as not to contaminate his hands.

"Help, help."

"Ha ha, someone saved us."

The men and women were overjoyed to see the pirates go.

"Let's go and have a look."

A child of a rich family was very surprised and walked towards the door, followed by others.

When they came to the door, they suddenly saw a ship in the distance, which they were not unfamiliar with. It was the ship that the pirates came to.

And there was a big ship coming towards them in the distance.

No accident, it's the patrolmen in this area.

Soon, the ship came close to their yacht.

When Li Yanli saw the arrival of this group of people, it was like seeing the God coming down to earth, and she felt a sense of incomparable security in her heart.

"I saw the pirate ship show up with you just now. Are you ok?"

Several patrolmen came into the yacht.

"It's OK. It's good that you're here. Otherwise, the consequences will be unimaginable."

Ju Junmin patted his chest, obviously afraid of what happened just now.

"It's OK, Zhang Cong was killed by the pirates..."

Li Yanli said in a deep voice.Li Yanli's words were like a basin of cold water pouring on people's heads, which made people's hearts sink down.

Although Zhang Cong deserves all this, how can he say that he is also his companion, and now he is dead, which is too worrying.

"What, dead people?"

The patrol was surprised to hear that.

"Yes, the pirates killed one of us, and the bodies were thrown into the sea."

"You should cooperate with us first, simply register, and then inform the family of the deceased about this."

Said the patrol.

"All right."


after registering the information with the patrol officers, the people returned to the cabin one after another.

Xia Jue in the cabin is now putting Gu Qingying on the sofa. When he was in that place before, he didn't have time to find out what injury Gu Qingying had. Now he is constantly using his sense to find out what injury Gu Qingying had suffered.

People returning to the room just saw Gu Qingying's face when they came in.

It froze their faces as they froze.

Before that, the pirate leader and others said that the girl on the young man's back was a gorgeous beauty. They also heard about it.

But in that situation, they can't even take care of themselves, and how can they have time to study too much.

So at this time, they were shocked when they saw Gu Qingying's peerless face.

Despite them, there are many big stars with outstanding looks.

But their so-called outstanding appearance is just relative to ordinary people.

If you want to compare with the woman lying on the sofa, it's really a heaven and a earth.

It's not even an exaggeration to say that if the girl wants to enter the entertainment industry, just relying on her appearance will be enough to make her quickly popular and attract thousands of young men.

It can be said that only one face is enough for this girl. She doesn't need any other messy talent at all.

Because other messy talent in front of her face is just a foil, is not enough to cover up the light of her face.

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