Although it is said that when the pirates arrived just now, they called Ju Junmin bloody one by one, but it was only a special case at that time. No one could worry too much about life and death.

But now that the crisis has come back to reality, they naturally have to think about their future and dare not offend Ju Junmin any more.

Because Ju Junmin's background is really big. His father is a famous producer in China. Anyone who wants to be in the entertainment industry can't afford to offend his father.

So people can only look at Li Yanli with pitiful eyes.

In their view, Li Yanli's future was ruined.

In the face of Ju Junmin's words, Li Yanli didn't have any expression on her face, because she had been psychologically prepared.


After handling Li Yanli's affairs, Ju Junmin turns to look at the peerless beauty on the sofa.

Now it's his main goal to get the best talent. Everything else can be put aside.

"You beast, get away from him."

Ju Junmin clenched his fist and walked towards Xia Jue.

Xia Jue shook his head helplessly. Originally, he just wanted to take a boat. He didn't want to fight with these rubbish.

But the garbage is forced to do it yourself.

In that case, please them.


Xia Jue gently waved his sleeve and saw Ju Junmin flying out in an instant.

While flying out, the teeth in his mouth kept falling down.

People who saw this scene were immediately dumbfounded.

What's going on?

How could a nice person just fly out of here?

And in the absence of any contact?

Is he a master of Qigong?

Such a strange scene reminds people of the scene when the two men of the pirate leader suddenly knelt down.

In the previous scene, they were also very strange, but in the end they all felt that it must be the two men who had something wrong with their bodies. They didn't think that it was the young man's move in front of them.

Because people living in the 21st century believe in science. How can they believe things that are illogical and contrary to physical knowledge.

But whether they believe it or not, the scene in front of them is really in front of them.

Without any contact between the two sides, the other side just waved a little, and Ju Junmin flew out automatically.

If this is not the legendary Wulin master or neiqi master, how can this be explained?

"Cough, you... Who the hell are you?"

Xia Jue just waved his hand casually, just like blowing his breath, so Ju Junmin didn't die on the spot, but at this time he was very frightened.

As a client, no one is more aware of the horror of the force that just shot him away.

He felt that this was the reason for the other party to stay, otherwise he might die on the spot, which was enough to make people afraid.

"I'll ask again, are you going back to China now?"

Xia Jue asked again.

"Yes, the patrol boat in front of us is helping us to open the way. We have returned to chaohuaxia."

It was Li Yanli who answered Xia Jue's words.

No matter how Xia Jue beat Ju Junmin out, he felt very comfortable when he saw that Ju Junmin was taught a lesson, as if he had a bad breath.


Hearing that he had returned to China, Xia Jue was relieved.

Ju Junmin saw that the other side didn't answer himself. He stood up and walked out quickly.

The only way to keep his life is to fight against him.

With Ju Junmin's departure, others followed him one after another.

Soon, only Xia Jue, Gu Qingying and Li Yanli were left in this room.

Li Yanli didn't leave because she knew that she was not in the same circle with those people now. Instead of asking for nothing in the past, she would rather stay here.

At least with Xia Jue's skill just now, those people would not dare to come here at will, but they ended up in peace.

"Aren't you afraid of me?"

Seeing the fear of other people like a flood, he chose to leave, but Li Yanli stayed regardless. Xia Jue also looked at him with great interest.

"What are you afraid of? Aren't you all human beings? I think you should be a master of Qigong?"

Some of them have heard of some masters of Qigong.

Each of these Qigong masters has a special method.So although she was awed by Xia Jue's hand just now, it was not totally unexplainable.

"If you say so, that's it."

Xia Jue didn't explain too much.

"What's the matter with that sister?"

It can be said that before Ju Junmin, the reason why they aimed at Xia Jue was because of this peerless beauty, so Li Yanli was also very curious about why this peerless beauty was in a coma.

It's funny to hear Li Yanli's words.

Li Yanli's age is only in her early twenties. As for Mr. Gu, it's a super living fossil that has lived for thousands of years.

It's not too much to call this living fossil ancestor business. It's too funny to call it sister.

"She should be hurt."

Xia Jue said faintly.

"Hurt? Then you have to go to the hospital as soon as possible? "

"The hospital is useless. It can't cure her."

Gu Qingying can't find any clue about his illness even now, so it's unlikely that he can be cured by going to the hospital.

But no matter what, he has to find a way to wake Gu Qingying up, because if anyone can find the door to the outside world, only Gu Qingying has the strength to do it.


the top of the yacht.

The previous group has been here.

"Brother Junmin, are you ok?"

A good-looking girl came forward to care about Ju Junmin's injury.

"Get out of here."

Ju Junmin pushed forward to care about his girl, whose appearance is very ferocious.

"Do you see what tricks the bastard used?"

"I feel that his method is very similar to Qigong."

"Yes, I heard some friends say that some Qigong masters are very powerful and can hurt people in the air. I think that boy is probably Yimin Qigong master."

Several people gave their guesses.

"Master Qigong?"

When the audience said that, Ju Junmin really felt that it was quite in line with what they said.

Only the master of Qigong can fly himself out like that.

However, whether the other party is a so-called Qigong master or not.

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