To fight himself like this, he must make the other party pay a heavy price.

Thinking of this, Ju Junmin directly took out the phone.


at the same time.

Above the huge underground cave in Shennongjia.

Chen Shang, who was in a state of depression, came back here.

"I don't know if ye Fei has come back."

After murmuring a word, Chen Shang directly went into the cave.

"I'm back. How's it going?"

Before Chen shangdun reached his destination, a voice came out.

"Something's wrong, old man."

After waiting to arrive at the goal, Chen Shang, who is aware that ye Fei has not yet come, says in a hurry.

"What's the matter, Chen Shang?"

"Yes, what's the matter, old demon and ye Fei?"

The old man hasn't answered yet, but a few people on one side are the first to ask.

"Old demon... He's dead."

Chen Shang put his head in his mouth.


"How can it be that the old demon is a master in the later stage of the heaven stage. Who in the world can kill him?"

The crowd around obviously couldn't believe it.

"Tell me what's going on."

Compared with other people's anxieties, the old man is more calm.

"This is what happened..."

Chen Shang told us the cause and effect of the incident.

"What, there are still monks who survived in ancient times?"

People who heard this were more shocked than those who heard the old demon's death before.

Others are shocked.

As for the old man, if someone stares at him carefully, you can see that his body can't help shaking.

There is no doubt that he did not expect that things would happen. Even the ancient friars were dug out.

"Where are the ancient friars now?"

The old man asked for the first time in such an urgent tone.

"When we broke through that space, she was carried away by the boy named Xia."

Chen Shang answered truthfully.


next, the old man asked many details, and finally, knowing all the details, he spoke again.

"Let all the middle-term sky level experts who are stationed at the weak points of the space all go out to look for the figure of the boy surnamed Xia, and we are also ready to go out."

The old man made up his mind because he couldn't wait any longer.

After so many years, his Shouyuan is almost consumed. If he can't find the weak point of space and return to that realm, he will die here.

In front of him, this ancient monk is undoubtedly a life-saving straw.

As long as we find this ancient monk, and then rely on the other party's strong strength, we can find the weak point of the space.

Otherwise, they and this group of waste do not know when to find the weak point of space.

"Old man, let the little ones go to find the boy first, and then let's go out. Why go out early and waste our inner energy?"

One of them didn't understand.

"Are you questioning my decision?"

The old man turned his head to question.

"Don't dare, uncle. We'll do everything according to your arrangement."

Being stared at by the old man, this man's mind is a little trembling, and the sweat stains in his forehead are constantly showing.

The longer they get along with him, the more they can feel his terror.

It's true that they guess that the old man's strength only needs the strength of the peak in the later stage of Tianjie. Compared with them, his strength is just higher.

But they knew that as long as the old man wanted to kill them, they would never be called ten breaths.

"Let's go."

Chen Za's tongue and other people went up and down to make him stop at the speed of light.

In less than ten breaths, all the people in the cave have reached the ground.

After arriving at the ground, the old man closed his eyes and seemed to feel something, while there were swirls on his head and around him.

Seeing this, Chen Shang and others did not dare to breathe, just waiting for the end of the old man's work.

Half a sound, the old man seemed to notice something. As soon as he opened his eyes, the whirlpool beside him disappeared.

"Southeast, go!"

At the end of the speech, the old man has disappeared in the same place.


the yacht in the ocean.

Xia Jue's eyes suddenly opened, and his fierce breath spread out.

When his cultivation reached the strength of the later stage of the heaven level, and he swallowed the mysterious yellow fruit of Gu Qingying's seal land, his sense of consciousness was enhanced to a powerful and incomparable level.And just now, he felt another sense that was not weaker than his came to him, and this sense spied on him.

What made him wonder was whose sense it was?

Even Chen Shang and ye Fei, masters of the later stage of the heaven stage, have absolutely no sense ability.

And can accurately detect his position, then this sense is not only not weaker than him, is likely to be stronger than him, which makes his heart toss.

Can we say that Chen Shangye is not the old man they are talking about?


According to them, the old man is an extremely terrible person, and he is also the most powerful expert on the earth.

In addition, Chen Shangye is not sure that he has not died yet, so he came out of the cave and released his sense to find his trace. Everything is reasonable.

It is the so-called "know yourself and know the enemy, win all battles". After knowing who the other party is, Xia Jue relaxes.

"Er, cough, cough, cough."

A choking cough rang through the room.

Li yanjue's voice in the room was so nervous that she couldn't see it.

"You... What did you do just now? I almost died."

Li Yanli looks at Xia Jue with frightened eyes.

"Sorry, something just happened."

Xia Jue is also rare to say sorry.

At the same time, Ju Junmin and others on the yacht are also flushed and gasping, as if they had just been hanged and rescued.

"What happened, how could it be?"

Ju Junmin looks around in shock.

"Brother min, we didn't meet ghosts just now, did we?"

A child of a rich family felt that the scene just now was like a ghost bed in legend.

Can ghost pressure bed is not all in sleep when it happened, how they are still so awake to encounter this kind of thing, which makes him strange.

"Where's the ghost in the daytime?"

Ju Junmin scoffed at the man's statement.

"Brother min, I don't think there is anything unclean on the bottom of the sea that we just passed by?"

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