"I don't think it's the guy at the bottom, is it?"

A popular actress said.

After hearing the actress's words, other people had a feeling of sudden brightness.

That's right.

Judging from the method of that guy just now, it's really possible that he did it.

Otherwise, how could Ju Junmin and these people suffer the feeling of hanging without any reason.

Can't it really be a ghost?

"Is master Qigong really so terrible?"

A rich boy's face became frightened.

"No, no matter how powerful master Qigong is, it's impossible to be like this. Is that still human?"

"Hum, no matter whether he did it or not, I'll make him kneel down to admit his mistake when he gets to the shore."

Ju Junmin has asked his father to prepare a lot of hands on the shore. After landing, he let the so-called Qigong master know how many eyes Mr. Ma has.


in the room at the bottom of the yacht.

With Xia Jue's strong sense of the above people's conversation, he naturally heard it clearly.

But he is too lazy to pay attention to the rubbish. At this time, he has more important things to do.

Since the other party's senses have come here to spy on him once, he is naturally not willing to lag behind, and he also wants to give the other party some colors as a fight back.

Eyes slightly closed, Xia Jue slowly released the sense.

Soon, the situation of tens of meters around him was clearly revealed in his sense, and then hundreds of meters and thousands of meters spread out like radar.

Four or five minutes later.

He locked up several powerful breath in a place of China.

One of the breath he was familiar with was Chen Shang's breath.

"Sure enough, the old man is following him."

After discovering Chen Shang, he can be 100% sure that the old man just peeped at him.

And at this time, after he narrowed down the locking range of sense, he did find a very powerful breath.

I'm afraid this man is the old man.

At this point.

Huaxia is in the sky not far from Shennongjia.

The old man who was walking in the sky at a very fast speed suddenly stopped.

Then his eyes gave out a trace of light, as if he had found something.

"What's the matter, old man?"

Chen Shang and others who come after him in the rear become curious when they see that the old man suddenly stops.

Several people asked after the old man did not respond.

After half a sound, there was a strange expression in the old man's face.

"Good boy, the sense is so powerful that even I can spy, but I'm not so good at spying. Well, let's teach you a lesson. "

The old man said these words to himself, and then his eyes closed, and then his whole body appeared again the previous vortex at the mouth of the cave.

"What, someone is spying on us with sense? How could it be that we didn't find anything? "

An old monster who came out of the cave in the later stage of Tianjie can't believe it.

"If you say yes, you will. Don't disturb me."

Chen Shang whispered to everyone to shut up first.

In the room at the bottom of the yacht.

Xia Jue, who was demonstrating his sense, suddenly felt a tingling sensation.

Then he felt that his sense was trapped in a whirlpool and became very sticky.

This is not the most important thing. The key is that he finds that his sense can't be withdrawn, just like the other party has limited his sense by some means.

"Damn it, what is this means?"

Xia Jue scolded in his heart.

"Boy, how are you feeling now?"

When Xia Jue didn't know what to do, a voice came into his mind through his sense.

"How does the other party do it?"

Xia Jue was very surprised in his heart. He had never known that sensation could transmit sound like this since he had developed it.

From other people, he has never heard of anyone whose sense can be transmitted. That is to say, only the old man can use this unique method.

No wonder Chen Shang and ye Fei are so afraid of this old man. From this perspective, we can see how terrible the old man's strength is.

"It's amazing, isn't it, boy. There are people out there, and there are days out there. You think you are very powerful, but in fact, in the eyes of some people, you are nothing, such as me."

The feeling of satisfaction in the other party's words came to Xia Jue's mind.

"Old man, what are you? I'll let you go when I find you."The angry Xia Jue also scolded directly in his sense.

"You don't have to come to me, because I have come to you. No one dares to be so rampant after killing my people. You are the first one.

But it's not easy for you to reach this stage when you are young. If you can kneel down in front of me and beg for mercy and serve me, I may consider letting you live. "

The old man's tone was light, as if Xia Jue had been in his bag.

After hearing this, Xia Jue was shocked.

I didn't expect that the other party could not only pass on the message to himself through the sense, but also hear the words from his side.

"Old man, if you can kneel down in front of me and beg for mercy and work for me, I may consider letting you live."

Since the other party can hear his own words through the sense, then he has nothing to be polite about.

"Hum, I'll teach you a lesson. When I get to you, I'll let you feel the pain of the body."

After the old man's words, Xia Jue not only felt that his sense became more viscous, but also something began to mix in, constantly squeezing his sense.


It's really hard to feel the feeling of being squeezed. It's just like the whole brain being forced into the water. The dizziness and tingling are constantly filling his mind.


There is no way, Xia Jue can only grit his teeth to increase the strength of the sense, in order to forcibly break through the other side of his sense of imprisonment.

"Hey, hey, don't struggle. Your way is still shallow now. It's impossible to break through my sense prison. I advise you to give up the struggle."

Feel the feeling of Xia Jue, now it's like drowning people in a crazy struggle, the old man is very happy to laugh a few times.

The tingling and vertigo of his head became more and more intense. If he hadn't taken those strange yellow fruits, he would not have been able to support himself at this time if he only had the strength of the later stage of heaven to fight against each other.

Thinking of this, he had to miss those yellow fruits.

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