If he gets more of those yellow fruits, his sense will be much stronger, so that he may be able to break through the current sense of each other.


thinking of these yellow fruits, Xia Jue suddenly thought of another thing.

I remember when he was in gutuo palace, he got a kind of pill called Zengshen pill.

At the beginning, he was the first monster defeated by this pill.

The function of this pill is to greatly enhance the monk's sense.

In the first storage bag he opened before, there were not only a lot of Huiqi pills, but also a lot of Zengshen pills.

But this kind of pill is only for a short time, can only enhance the sense of it, for him is like chicken ribs in general pill, this was his light forgotten in the back of his mind.

But isn't this the right time for Zengshen pill to work?

Thinking of Xia Jue, he didn't have any hesitation. As soon as he started, two bottles of Zengshen pills appeared in his hand. Then the bottle cap was opened and two pills fell into his mouth.

Li Yanli, who has been secretly observing in the room and does not dare to disturb her, is stunned to see this scene.

She clearly saw that Xia Jue didn't put his hand into his pocket and didn't go anywhere to get anything, but the two little bottles suddenly appeared in his hands, and the magic didn't change like this, did it?

Xia Jue certainly won't know what is in Li Yanli's mind at this time.

At this time, it seemed that he was more than twice as happy as before.

"Old man, do you think you can imprison me just by your means, wishful thinking."

After a big scold, Xia Jue urges Ganzhi to break through each other's prison.

It is conceivable that his sense power is enhanced by half of the previous sense. He dares to guarantee that even the sense of the peak master in the later stage of the heaven level can never be as strong as his sense now.

Under the initiation of Xia Jue's sense, the previous oppressive and sticky feelings were gradually pushed away by him.

At this time, he finally felt that his mind was no longer dizzy and tingling.

Above Shennongjia.

There was a slight change in the old man's expression.

This means of sense imprisonment is an extremely rare sense martial art, which he learned with great effort in those years.

It can be said that as long as the other side releases the sense to him, and then he forcibly imprisons the other side's sense with this sense martial art, the other side will have to peel off even if he is immortal.

But now the other side not only did not appear any damage, but also forced his sense of imprisonment to break through, this only one can explain.

That is, the other person's sense is much stronger than his.

But how could it be.

Let's not say that the other side is just the strength of the later stage of the heaven stage. Just say that the other side has already felt that the sense of the other side is obviously not stronger than him, and he is still oppressed by the power of his sense.

Why did the other person's sense become so strong all of a sudden?

This is what surprised and doubted him.

"Old man, are you surprised that I can break through your sense prison? I'm just teasing you. You think you can really suppress me with your three legged Kung Fu, ha ha ha. "

Before the old man thought too much, Xia Jue's arrogant words came to his mind again.

The words of such ridicule naturally made the old man angry.

He has always been the only one who plays with others and holds them in his hands. When would anyone dare to play with him and ridicule him like this?

He vowed that he would let the boy know his strength.

I thought that the old man made a strange handprint with his hands, and then the vortex around him doubled, and the speed of rotation on the vortex doubled.

"No, what's going on?"

Chen Shang and others who were stationed on one side were very surprised to see this scene.

Since they knew him, they have never seen him feel difficult or difficult about anything.

And the old man's action is obviously that he has encountered something difficult or an opponent, so how can he not surprise them.

"Is it the boy?"

Chen Shang naturally thought of Xia Jue.

But no matter how powerful the boy surnamed Xia is, how can he be the mysterious old man's opponent?

But if it wasn't for him, who else?

Chen Shang also fell into a situation that he couldn't figure out.

After the old man here made that strange handprint, his sense was as strong as Xia Jue, who had taken drugs before.

But although the old man used this secret skill, his sense of consciousness was only increased by one fifth of the original, far less than that of Xia Jue."I don't know the heaven and earth, today I'll show you what is called ginger or old spicy."

As he spoke, the old man's profound sense stirred him up again.

Soon the sense that he urged turned into a sense cage again and imprisoned Xia Jue, which made Xia Jue's sense that he had just broken away be imprisoned again.

"This time, I will directly refine your sense, let you feel the feeling of the injured spirit."

The cage that imprisoned Xia Jue's sense began to become hot, which naturally made him feel it on the yacht.

But now his sense is so strong that he will not be afraid of the other party's only means.

"I'll see how long you can last."

Don't look at the other person's sense now. He can still jump around in this cage, but the sense will also be consumed.

As long as the other party's sense is refined by him, then it's his uncle's time.

Once he has destroyed the other party's sense, he will be deeply hurt by convenience, and his foundation will be destroyed. He won't have another few years to live.

In this way, the two sides from the previous overwhelming struggle into an ordinary autumn fight, and then into the current stalemate war.

More than an hour passed by.

At this time, Lao Lao's face over Shennongjia had become a little pale, and there were bursts of sweat stains on his forehead.

It's just his appearance, it's a phenomenon.

As for the phenomenon in his heart, it was as rough as the river.

He was surprised and puzzled.

In this period of time, it is clear that the boy's sense has been almost refined by him several times, but when he wants to rush on, suddenly, the other person's sense suddenly recovers as if he has something to add.

If it's once or twice, it's OK. The key is that it happened five times in more than an hour.

Five times. It's just amazing.

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