I don't know how the other party did it.

But he didn't have time to go into it.

I'm afraid I will not be able to support myself soon because I haven't refined the other party.

"I can't believe you so soon."

The old man scolded in his heart, and then urged the sense cage to continue refining the sense of being imprisoned.

On a luxury yacht.

Xia Jue's hands once again appeared two bottles of Zengshen pills, and then two pills in his lower abdomen, his lost sense recovered slowly again.

"I'd like to see what you take to consume this old thing with me."

Xia Jue smiles in his heart. There are many Zengshen pills in his storage bag. He doesn't believe that the other party can consume them all the time, unless the other party also has this kind of pills similar to Zengshen pills.

"Damn it, it's impossible."

Shennongjia over the old man's heart is a curse.

This time, he made great efforts to refine the other party's sense, but at this time, the other party's sense recovered as quickly as the previous several times.

What's going on?

How could such a strange thing happen?

He really can't understand.

The old man's teeth began to cackle. He could recover several times, but he couldn't support himself.

If you force the sense to go on like this, it's his turn to get hurt.

Thinking of this, he gritted his teeth and made a decision.

"Boy, you wait for me. After I find you, I will tear you to pieces."

After putting down the cruel words, the old man began to pull open the cage and take back his sense. Then the vortex around him dissipated immediately. Finally, he opened his eyes.

"How's it going, old man?"

Seeing that the old man's face is so pale, Chen Shang and others have long wanted to ask, but the old man is still releasing his feelings, and it's hard for them to speak.


The old man ignored the people's words, he slowly fell from the sky to the ground and sat up.

Then a small bottle appeared in his palm. Finally, he opened it and poured a medicine into his mouth.

After doing all this well, he closed his eyes again to absorb the power of the medicine in his body. Obviously, the sense war with the other side consumed him a lot.

Chen Shang and others suddenly looked at each other when they saw the old man's gloomy face.


luxury yacht, Xia Jue also earned his eyes at this time.

"It's a pity."

He obviously felt that the old man was almost unable to support, so he took back his sense.

It's a pity that they have the attack sense of each other, which makes him just watch each other run away without any way.

This situation makes Xia Jue inevitably think of the martial arts skills that Madame Meizhi translated for him that day.

At that time, time was too urgent and he didn't have time to learn. As a result, the martial arts skills translated by him were placed in the storage bag.

It seems that we have to study when we have time, because it is likely to be useful in the future.

"What happened to you?"

From the beginning to the end, Li Yanli has been looking at this thing. She thinks that Xia Jue must have been doing something just now, otherwise Xia Jue's expression just now can't be changing all the time. Besides, he is still swallowing the pills that came out of thin air.

"Don't ask more than you should."

Xia Jue turned to look at her.


Xia Jue gives Li Yanli such a cold look, as if she is a dead person as soon as she wants to, which makes her out of her mind.

"It's the port."

Just at this time, I don't know who yelled above the yacht, which made Li Yanli sound like the sound of nature.

At this time, many people gathered above the port.

Most of these people are family members who have heard about what happened on the yacht.

Of course, there are dozens of strong men in black, who are arranged by Ju Junmin.

"Ha ha, it's finally landed."

The faces of the children of the rich families, Miss Qianjin and the big stars all showed joy.

Arriving here proves that they are completely safe and have no more scruples.


Ju Junmin stares at the room at the bottom of the yacht, then strides to the shore.

"Live less."

Seeing Ju Junmin come up, the bodyguards in black say hello.

"Didn't my father come?"

Ju Junmin asked.

"President Ju is holding a meeting and can't come over for the time being, so let's take the young master home, but your face..."The head of the bodyguard saw that there was a very obvious scar on Ju Junmin's face. He asked.

"That's why you're here. There's a guy on the boat. He seems to be a master of Qigong. I was beaten by him."

Ju Junmin said grimly.

"What, someone dares to do this to Ju Shao? Our brothers must abandon him this time."

The head of the bodyguard said viciously, as if he was not ju Junmin but he was beaten.

"This guy is a little weird. Be careful."

Although he wanted to kill Xia Jue in his heart, Ju Junmin was still a little afraid of his anti human means.

"Don't worry, Ju Shao. Our brothers don't eat dry food with so much money from your family. No matter what masters of Qigong or bullshit, we will make Ju Shao satisfied."

Today, they have 50 bodyguards here, and they are all very skillful. They can fight against ten with one, which is the strength of the bodyguard leader.

"Well, it's up to you. Look, the guy comes out. It's OK to deal with him, but the girl behind him must be intact."

That girl is too moving, if you don't get her, Ju Junmin is very itchy.

"I see. Ju Shao, leave it to us."

The head of the bodyguard looks itchy.

"Ah, my son, why do you all come back safe and sound? My son is gone. Even if he is gone, there will be no dead body."

Just then, there was an angry and wailing voice in the field.

When they turned around, it turned out that it was Zhang Dong, Zhang Cong's father.

"Pa pa."

"Say, you bitches, why do you all come back alive and my son is gone?"

Zhang Dong slapped several popular female stars in the face.

Zhang Cheng is also the boss of an entertainment company. He has a strong background. These famous stars are just hiding their faces and dare not refute.

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