"Pa pa."

"Say it."

Seeing that these people dare not answer their own words, Zhang Dong slapped the other two female stars twice.

In this way, the angry Zhang Dong as if queuing up, one by one ashore people slapped and questioned.

However, although he was angry, he didn't lose his mind. He just started with female stars and yacht staff who had no background for him.

As for those rich and young people with the same background as Ju Junmin, he did not dare to do so.

He thinks that the other party's parents are also dignified people. He only moves them when he is crazy.

Soon, his goal of * * has been basically completed, but the last two people... To be exact, they are three people who seem to have no background.

Zhang Dong raised his hand and said that he was ready to go to Li Yanli.

"What do you want to do?"

In front of Li Yanli to see each other want to start on her, is also toward behind dodge.

"Dare to run, you slut, why can all of you sluts come back and my son can't come back?"

"Your son was killed by pirates. You should go to the pirates. What's my business?"

Li Yanli has made up her mind not to mix in the entertainment industry. Naturally, she will not be afraid of this building any more.

After hearing this, Zhang Dong was also stunned.

This is the first person who dares to clamor with him since he found the target.

And it's a stinking actor with no background.

How can he bear it.

"Get this bitch for me."

Zhang Dong told several bodyguards behind him.

"Yes, Mr. Zhang."

Several bodyguards forced Li Yanli.

"Haven't you heard that good dogs are out of the way? Get out of my way."

Just when Li Yanli didn't know what to do, a fierce voice came from behind her.

Xia Jue's arrogant voice can't help but make a few bodyguards stop, and make Zhang Dong and the people who are watching this scene as if they were watching a play.

In their opinion, it's OK for Zhang Dong not to go to the trouble of the young man first. The young man dare to take the lead in challenging Zhang Dong. Isn't it that the old man hanged himself for a long time?

Sure enough.

Zhang Dong, who had come back to himself, was furious in an instant.

But even in such a fury, he didn't lose his mind.

He first looked at Xia Jue.

After a look, he found that the young man in front of him was not any rich childe he knew, and the other side didn't seem to have anyone to greet him.

In addition, the other party's clothes didn't look like a rich and powerful family. Based on the above, he concluded that the young man had no big background at all.

Then the problem is easy to deal with. A boy without any background dares to speak so loudly to himself in such a public. How can he get along without giving him any color?

"Give me a discount on this kid's leg."

Zhang Dong released the words without hesitation.

"I see, boss."

Several bodyguards are naturally very dissatisfied with Xia Jue's words, so naturally there will be no neglect.

Xia Jue shook his head, trying to release some prestige and discard the rubbish on the spot.

But when he saw many cameras and reporters in the distance, he changed his mind.

If he does this, he will be exposed in the spotlight. At that time, people all over the world may study him. Maybe Su Yihan and others will dig him out.

He doesn't want Su Yihan and his family to be exposed to these spotlights.

So he decided not to use the internal Qi, but to use some ordinary means to clean up these rubbish.

Thinking of this, Xia Jue quickly raised his legs to the two bodyguards.

"Bang bang."

Xia Jue's two bodyguards flew out seven or eight meters away.


seeing this scene, Zhang Dong was speechless.

At this time, he already doubted in his heart whether this is the top bodyguard with an annual salary of 2 million.

You say so, but they were so easily kicked so far by the boy in front of them.

But you don't think so. His two bodyguards are really brave when they fight against others. Twenty or thirty people can't beat them.

So his inner state at this time is very muddled.

It's not only Zhang Dong, but most of the faces on the scene are wonderful.

Especially Ju Junmin.

He knew before that Xia Jue was a qigong master, but he didn't expect that Xia Jue's hand was so powerful."Lao Liu, as you saw just now, are you confident to deal with that guy?"

Ju Junmin turned to the head of the bodyguard and said.

At this time, the head of the bodyguard named Lao Liu's face became dignified again.

There is no doubt about it.

They are all in the same circle. Of course, he is familiar with the two bodyguards who were kicked off by Zhang Dong just now, and he also knows their strength.

With their strength, they were all kicked by the seemingly harmless young man. It can be imagined that this young man is definitely not like the surface. He definitely has two brushes.

If a few of them go up, they may not be able to win each other, but they have 50 people here now. If all of them go up, it should be no problem.

But then there will be a lot of noise.

"No problem, Ju Shao. No matter how fierce he is, he can still fight so many people here?"

The head of the bodyguard assured Ju Junmin.

"Good, then it's up to you. Remember, I want the girl intact."

Speaking of this, Ju Junmin stares at the girl on Xia Jue's back with salivating eyes, as if looking at a rare treasure.

"I heard Ju Shao's words. Brothers, come with me."

It's time for them to make a move, so old six gave a big drink and went up to Xia Jue in front of him.

Hearing Lao Liu's words, the bodyguards behind him naturally won't have any slights, and they follow up one after another.

"Mr. Zhang, you go to the back first. We Ju Shao have some problems with this boy."

Came to the front, old six is at a loss Zhang Dong said.

"Well, well, you've abandoned this boy, and I'll give you a reward of 500000 each."

Zhang Dong is now like dozing and bumping into a pillow. Fortunately, when he didn't know what to do, he suddenly appeared the group of old six, so he naturally won't have any stinginess.

"Thank Mr. Zhang for his reward, brothers. Thank Mr. Zhang as soon as possible."

Lao Liu is also happy to bloom in his heart. Unexpectedly, there is an unexpected harvest. It's a surprise.

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