"Thank you, Mr. Zhang."

Hearing the reward of 500000 yuan, the bodyguards behind Lao Liu are also happy. One by one, they want to fight Xia Jue in front.

"Boy, I was going to let you come to our Ju Shao and give him a good life, but I'll kowtow a few heads and give the beauty to Ju Shao to forgive you once, but now you've heard Mr. Zhang's words. It's not my fault."

Old six tone of light to the front of Xia Jue said.

"Well, you're right."

Xia Jue nodded and walked to Li Yanli.

"Can you do me a favor?"

"What's up?"

Li Yanli was a little flustered when she saw that Xia Jue was so powerful that he would come here to help.

Should not be a weak woman to face the bodyguards?

What can I do?

Just as Li Yanli was thinking wildly in her heart, Xia Jue's words let her get rid of her worries.

"Help me take care of her first."

Xia Jue slowly put Gu Qingying on his back on the ground.

After Xia Jue said that Gu Qingying was put on the ground, Gu Qingying's true face was shown to the public without reservation.

At this time, the presence of male faces are exposed in the expression of brother pig.

They had never seen a girl with such white skin and delicate facial features.

Zhang Dong is not far away.

He can be said to be the nearest person to Gu Qingying except the old six bodyguards, so naturally he can see Gu Qingying's delicate face more clearly than many people.

He runs an entertainment company and hasn't seen any pretty girls.

And if you compare those girls with the girl who is sleeping now, it's like the firefly and the bright moon.

At this time, he had changed from brother pig's expression, and a strong emotion appeared on his face.

He decided to get the girl at all costs.

Seeing so many people cast such eyes on Gu Qingying, Ju Junmin is very upset.

In his heart, he has already regarded Gu Qing's films and TV as his taboo. How can he allow others to spy on him like this?

"Lao Liu, what are you doing now?"

Ju Junmin had a bad drink.

"Oh, yes."

At the same time, he finally understood why Ju Junmin repeatedly told him to be careful of the girl on the boy's back.

Who doesn't want such a beautiful woman.

But it's a pity.

It's a pity that such a peerless beauty can only be enjoyed by those who are powerful and powerful. Don't think about it for those who are powerless and powerless.

But this guy is lucky.

He doesn't look like a powerful man. I don't know how he got such a beautiful woman.

"Brothers, don't stand there and do something quickly?"

Such a beautiful woman, Lao Liu knew that his gang of energetic men must also be fascinated, so he roared again to raise their morale.

Again by the old six such roar, the bodyguards head also to clear up seven or eight points, and then they clenched their fists toward Xiajue came over.

"Cluck cluck."

It is said that Xia Jue has seldom done anything with others since he cultivated his internal Qi. He thinks it's time to exercise his muscles and bones today.

"Bang bang."

"Ah, ah."

The first two people who rushed towards him were the first to suffer, and then Xia Jue rushed into the scene in the form of a Tyrannosaurus Rex.

But in a few breaths, the scene became a mess.

And so ferocious Xia Jue naturally also met the people at the scene.

"How can this guy fight like this?"

"It seems very easy to see him punch one by one. What's the matter? You know, these bodyguards are all hired from the top security companies in Kyoto!"

After the shock, people began to burst out in bursts of discussion.

Looking at the fallen bodyguards on his side, Ju Junmin has a bad feeling in his heart.

He thought that so many people he had found had been able to feed each other.

Don't even think that you can't eat well.

Looking at his men one by one knocked down by the other side, I'm afraid they will be destroyed in a few minutes. You have to bite your teeth.

He first followed the cover of the remnant's men and sneaked to Xia Jue's side.

At last, he took advantage of Xia Jue to deal with his men unprepared and hit him on the headThe other side didn't respond at all, as if he just let his fist hit him.

Old six was very happy.

He is very clear about the power of his fist. If the opponent is hit by his fist, even if he is immortal, he will lose the ability to resist instantly.

With a surprise in his heart, he hit Xia Jue's head, and his fist did hit each other's head, but he didn't fall on the ground as he imagined.

Before he recovered from the shock, it was the pain in his fist that made him wake up.

It was as if his fist had hit an iron plate.

"This... How is this possible?"

Old six mumbled out this sentence, look is both shocked and puzzled.

He did not understand, the other side's head is made of iron, how can it be so hard?


Don't wait for old six to think about this problem too much, the opposite Xia Jue is a kick to kick him to fly out.

After Lao Liu was solved, no one who came to deal with him at the scene could stand up again.

All the people who saw this scene were petrified, and their faces were full of incredible expressions.

This is the well-trained bodyguard of fifty people.

But now he was abandoned by the young man alone. What level of master can he do?

Others are like this. Zhang Dong, who is closest to him, is sweating. He doesn't know what to do.

He shouldn't have done it if he had known that the other party was so hard to provoke.

Now it's really a loss. Madam, it's a loss.

"Boy, I warn you, if you dare to touch my hair, you will die. No matter how hard you can fight, I have countless ways to kill you and your family."

There is no way, in order to let the other party cast a rat's fear, Zhang Dong can only use words to start threatening Xia Jue.

Originally, Xia Jue just wanted to exercise his muscles and bones. He was not interested in cooking these rubbish.

I didn't expect that this guy would dare to threaten him with his family, which made him unbearable.

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