
Just as the bodyguards of Bao San wanted to start, a sudden voice interrupted them.


It was Xia Jue who said this, and their eyes also looked at him. They didn't understand what he wanted to do.

"What's the matter?"

Guan asked with trembling.

"Did I ask your bodyguards to do it?"

Xia Jue's words not only made the three of them dull, but also made other people at the scene take a cool breath.

They are not fools, and of course they know what that means.

This young man is not only killing people, but also killing people.

"Why, don't you?"

Xia Jue squinted at the three of them.

"No, no, we'll do it now."

Three people have no way, can only be gritted teeth to Zhang Dong is a punch.

At the same time.

Not far from Shennongjia.

The old man who has been cultivated for a long time looks much better at last.


After a big drink, the old man stood up in the air and went to the front.

Chen Shang and others looked at each other, and then followed.


after being beaten and kicked for a long time by general manager Guan, Zhang Dong lost his voice in the scream.

"Is that ok?"

Seeing that Zhang Dong has been beaten like this, it's meaningless to fight any more. Mr. Li asked carefully.

Xia Jue ignored each other's words and turned to Li Yanli.

At this time, Li Yanli, who looked at Xia Jue coming, did not dare to breathe.

She didn't want to know that the other party had so much courage to beat the famous Zhang Dong to death. She even dared to force general manager Guan to do it. It's really audacious.

Gu Qingying in Li Yanli's arms is carried on his back again. Xia Jue walks out slowly.

Looking at Xia Jue who wants to leave, Ju Junmin doesn't dare to fart now.

The other party even Mr. Guan and Mr. Li dare to force him to be like this. He's nothing. If he angers the other party, I'm afraid his fate will be the same as that of Zhang Dong.

At this time, his heart is very tangled.

On the one hand, he didn't want to see the beauty slip away from his eyes. On the other hand, he was afraid of Xia Jue's force and didn't dare to make any mistakes. It really made him worry.

In the eyes of everyone, Xia Jue who left suddenly stopped.

He frowned and seemed to notice something bad.

That's right.

He did detect something.

That is, there are several strong breath coming towards him in the distance.

This breath is not strange to him. It was the old man who had a confrontation with him before.

I just didn't expect him to come so soon.

"Hoo Hoo Hoo."

The old man and others brought a strong wind at the scene, blowing the people on the scene.

Xia Jue turned his head and looked to the other side.

On the other side, some reporters are still taking pictures with cameras.

He held out his right hand in the direction of those people, and then his right hand suddenly pinched.

"Bang bang."

In the distance, the cameras in the hands of reporters all burst apart.

"What's going on, my camera."

"Mine is broken like this."

A kind of media reporter is shocked to see that the camera in his hand suddenly becomes like this.

"Hoo Hoo Hoo."

The visitors are getting closer and closer, and the Phoenix on the scene is getting bigger and bigger.

But before long, the wind came down, and several figures appeared in the sky.

At this time, the people who came back to see this scene were scared out of their wits.

"Is this... Ghost?"

"Flying in the sky, is this a fairy?"

"It must be immortals. Look at their clothes, immortals."

Old man, some of them are not wearing modern clothes, but ancient clothes. In addition, they have been in the late stage of the heaven stage for many years, and they have already taken the attitude of being superior. So naturally, these people who have never seen such a scene call for immortals.

Many people on the scene have knelt down and kowtowed to the old man above. However, the old man didn't look at them at all. Instead, they only stare at Xia Jue.

"Boy, you surprised me."

Half a ring, the old man finally said the first sentence.

"You surprised me, old man."

Xia Jue also a bit impolite retort."I'd like to just know how you can keep your senses strong all the time."

If it wasn't for this reason, the old man would have won the other party long ago. Even now, it's basically the same as picking up the pieces. It won't be so troublesome.

"You want to know, but I won't tell you."

Xia Jue grinned, as if he was deliberately angry with each other.

On one side, general manager Guan, general manager Li and others were shocked when they heard Xia Jue's conversation.

They don't understand why the young man is so bold that he is not afraid to die if he dares to say such words to the immortals?

"Ha ha ha, I've lived for so many years. I'm the first time to see such an arrogant young man as you. If I don't peel your skin and tendons today, I'll live in vain."

There was a trace of ruthlessness in the old man's laughter.

"Old man, the one on his back is an ancient monk."

Taking advantage of this gap, Chen Shang came to the old man's ear and said.


Hearing this, the old man looked at the woman behind Xia Jue.

"It's worthy of being a friar in ancient times. This body alone is not an ordinary fetus."

Although Gu Qingying's face is peerless, it can't affect the determination of people like old man. He just praises it secretly.

Xia Jue turns to Li Yanli.

At this time, Li Yanli looked at the old man, who came from the sky. Naturally, she was also shocked, especially when she saw that Xia Jue had a big argument with the other party.

She was afraid that because of Xia Jue's arrogant remarks, these immortals would be angry with them. In this case, my uncle would be in great trouble.

"Please take care of him for me."

Xia Jue gently puts Gu Qingying on the ground.

"Old man, since you have come all the way here, if I don't give you any color, I will really treat me as a sick cat. Try it."

After that, Xia Jue also slowly rose from the sky.

See Xia Jue also imperial air but rise, the public below is urine all quick to scare out.

In particular, the general manager of Guan, Li Zongju, Junmin and others.

Now they suddenly realized.

They said that how could anyone dare to say such things to these immortals? Only people of the same level would say such things. Otherwise, they would not seek death.

Want to understand this, several people's bodies can't help shaking.

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