They were just thinking that if they got out of the boy's control, they would use a strong relationship to retaliate.

Now think about using these humble mortal means to deal with people like gods.

A little finger of someone else can make them fly away in an instant. They suddenly feel that they have become ridiculous.

At this time, Ju Junmin was even more out of his wits.

He said how could there be such a perfect girl in the world.

Now, if this girl can be with this fairy, she must be a fairy.

Only a fairy can have such a perfect face. It's ridiculous that he was still making the idea of the fairy before, and he really didn't know how to die.

"Old man, let's not disturb these ordinary people here. If you have the ability, come with me."

Xia Jue turned his head and plundered to the no man's land in the sea.

The old man had vowed to peel the skin and tendons of the young man in front of him. How could he be indifferent? He also caught up with him immediately.

At this time, these people on the ground saw that they were ready to go. After the gods left, they all looked at each other.

As for the beautiful woman in Li Yanli's arms, if they didn't know the situation just now, they would fight on the spot. However, no one dares to act now, or even have the courage to look at it more.

You know, this is a fairy. Who dares to think of a fairy.

Soon, Xia Jue and these people went to a deserted sea area.

"The wall."

With a move of thought, the Tai Long Sword in the storage bag appeared in his hand.

This old guy is different from others. We can see that he absolutely has many means from the other person's previous sense means. He dare not be careless, so his hand is the most powerful weapon.

"Old man, what he has in his hand is the dragon sword. It's the sword that drives the devil away."

Chen Shang whispered a few words in his ear.

When the old man heard this, he turned his head and looked at the sword in his opponent's hand.


He felt an extremely powerful force in the sword, and even he was a little frightened.

But what calmed him down a little was that the boy's strength was not enough. It was estimated that it was difficult to motivate all the strength of the Tai Long Sword, which made him feel at ease.

"Push away."

I felt that I had been defeated in front of this boy before. This time, I want to find this place myself.


Chen Shang and others immediately retreated to the distance.

After Chen Shang and others retreated to a distance, the old man stood with a negative hand and looked at Xia Jue with scornful eyes.

"Boy, I'll give you another chance. As long as you kneel down in front of me and beg for mercy and swear to serve me, then I can let bygones be bygones, otherwise I will die."

Although he hated the boy in front of him, he did it for the sake of the overall situation.

Now the vitality of heaven and earth is withering, and their heaven level masters are old and dead. In this case, it is more difficult to find the door.

At present, this guy's strength has reached the state of the later stage of the heaven stage. If he helps, he will have a better grasp of finding the good gate. That's why the old man is willing to give him a chance now.

"Old man, I'll give you another chance. If you can kneel down in front of me and beg for mercy and swear to serve me, then I can let bygones be bygones. Otherwise, I will die."

Xia Jue returned each other's words intact.

"To die."

After hearing this, the old man no longer hesitated, his face turned into a fierce color, and then attacked the Xia Jue in front.

Xia Jue, who had already been prepared, was not in any panic. He waved his right hand holding the sword and chopped the old man.


There was a loud noise, and the old man flew out for about ten meters.

Seeing this, Xia Jue was surprised.

Just now, he saw the old man, but he didn't dodge at all. He resisted his attack directly. It's really shocking.

You know, no matter when he is in the early stage or the middle stage of the heaven stage, as long as he urges the Tai Long Sword to strike a person in the same realm, the other person will surely die.

However, now this old guy who is in the same level with him is not only without any injury, but also without half damage to the corner of his clothes. It's ridiculous.

"The sword is a good sword, but your strength is still shallow. You can't give full play to the power of the sword. You'd better give it to me."

More than ten meters away, the old man yelled and hit Xia Jue again.

"Well, old man, it's too early to talk big."

Xia Jue struck the other side with his sword again.Before that, it was just a blow made by Xia Jue who urged one fourth of the internal Qi in his body. Now he urged two quarters of the internal Qi in his body to send out another blow. He didn't believe that the old man could be safe.

After chopping out a blow, Xia Jue's hands appeared four bottles of Huiqi pills.

Then he quickly opened four bottles and poured the pills into his mouth.

It's a waste of time, but it's a pity to be able to quickly recover the internal Qi in the body.


That old man is still as hard as just now to resist the sword Qi that Xia Jue cut.

But this time he was not as relaxed as before.

His face was covered with dust, and his clothes were torn.

"Well, I'll see what else you can do."

The old man attacked Xiajue again.

Xia Jue's face was cold, and then he chopped a sword at the attacking opponent again.

Different from before, he urged three-quarters of the internal Qi in his body this time, which is also all the internal Qi that his four Huiqi pills restored in his body.

Xia Jue, who urged the sword, had six bottles of Huiqi pills in his hand, and then six pills came down.

The way he takes now is the same as the way he did before the war of consciousness.

That is, relying on resources to kill each other.


In my mind, the sword Qi collided with my uncle again.

In the face of Xia Jue's sword, which was driven by three-quarters of the Qi in his body, the old man was not feeling well this time.

At this time, his appearance can be said to be embarrassed.

The hair of the Beatles, the clothes are broken and can't be seen, and the breath is also very complicated.

Chen Shang and others in the distance were shocked to see this scene, and their chin was about to fall off.

It's really that the old man has impressed them so much for so long.

They have never seen the old man in such a mess, or even something tricky for him. How can they accept such a huge contrast at the moment.

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