"No way. How can you have so much inner Qi?"

With such great power, it's good that the opponent's strength in the later days of the heaven level can move two swords. How can he move the third sword.

Even with his strength in the later stage of the heaven stage, he may not be able to push up three swords in a row.

After tossing and turning for a while, the old man suddenly thought of something.

That's Huiqi pill.

About Huiqi Dan, both the old demon and Chen Shang have mentioned it to him.

It's just that even Huiqi pill has to have a time buffer. How can it recover the internal Qi in the body so quickly?

"Old man, you are very strong, aren't you? Come on, try to fight me again with ten swords and eight swords."

Before he knew it, suddenly the other side cut a sword at him.

"Damn it."

The old man scolded, but he didn't dare to resist any more. One or two times was fine. At present, the attack of the other side was more fierce than the other. Even if he went on like this, he would be injured.

"Ha ha ha ha, old man, don't you think you are very powerful? Are you afraid?"

Seeing that the other Party chose to dodge this time, Xia Jue could not help but use the method of arousing.

"Asshole, when I catch you, I will make you feel regret."

The old man killed Xia Jue with his fast body method.

Seeing that the other party didn't come with him, Xia Jue also put away the dragon sword and started the Yufeng decision.


When Xia Jue's body flashed to one side, the old man appeared in his original position.

Seeing that one blow failed, the old man's figure flashed and chased Xia Jue again.

In this way, the two began to form a chase at the scene.

If Lao Bo's strength is stronger than his, he can't even hold it down.

"Old man, I'll see how long you can hold on."

Yukong needs to consume a lot of internal Qi. In addition, the opponent has made so many moves with him before. As long as the opponent's internal Qi is almost consumed, it's time for him to make a move.

Thinking of this, Xia Jue quickly started to attack the old man who was chasing him.


Old man can carry down the power of Tai Long Sword, so he won't be afraid of Xia Jue. He just sends out a blow at will and resists it.

"It's not good to go on like this."

Chen Shang, who is watching this scene in the distance, looks very ugly.

Not only his face is not good-looking, but also the faces of others.

Because this kind of situation no matter who can see it.

That boy has so many back to the gas Dan, and the old man with each other to play the war of attrition, where to play with each other.

"Or... Let's do it?"

A master in the later stage of Tianjie said.

"No, if we can use it, our old man will talk, otherwise it will only annoy him."

Chen Shang clearly knows the old man's temperament.

Just as they were talking, Xia Jue and the old man kept pestering for several rounds.

Suddenly, the old man stopped.

He also knew that it would be extremely unfavorable for him to go on like this, and he had to make a quick decision.

When he made up his mind, he squeezed out a strange handprint with his hands, and then he murmured a few incantations.

It's just a few breaths. The vitality of this world seems to be boiling.

Immediately after that, the sea water below also began to show a rough state.

"This is... Martial arts."

Xia Jue in the distance was startled to see this scene.

the other side as like as two peas in the air and the form of his skill.

But he didn't understand that martial arts had been lost for a long time. It was from the storage bags of those ancient monks that he found a way to cultivate. Why did this old man know martial arts?

Who the hell is this guy?

Just as the other party kept guessing, suddenly he felt that the surrounding space seemed to be squeezed by him. This feeling made him very uncomfortable. He could only escape desperately, trying to rush out of this space.

But a long time later, no matter how he found that he rushed, it was a layer of inner air wall that made him unable to escape from this space.

"Well, do you feel familiar?"

The old Xia Jue's face was like a fly.

Before so long let him take each other have no way, now is finally suppress each other a few minutes, this naturally let him as if out of a breath.

Hearing this, Xia Jue suddenly thought of something.

Now this space is not the same as the scene where the other party used a special method to imprison him.It's just a sense of confinement, and now it's a physical confinement.

The practicality of the two is different, but they are similar.

So the sense attack before is really a martial art as he thought.

"You don't have to struggle to get out this time."

This son is too terrible. Now he can suppress the other party for a little. If he makes the other party grow up in the future, he can't suppress it any more. So he decided to suppress the other party even if he paid some price today.

The old man began to manipulate the fingerprints quickly, and then the space became more and more boiling, and the people in the space became more and more uncomfortable.

For example, Xia Jue is in it now.

Now he felt that it was like an electric cooker, which would cook him at any time.

"I don't believe how strong your cage is."

The idea moves, the summer Jue hand once again appeared five bottles to return to the gas Dan, followed by five Dan medicine.

Before, Xia Jue took Huiqi pill while attacking, so they didn't see it, but now they do.

No wonder he can recover so quickly.

It turned out that this time the Qi Dan was eaten like peanuts.

If you swallow it like this, you won't recover quickly. That's the hell.

It was painful for them to think of this old man.

It's too wasteful to let the other party swallow so many Huiqi pills in order to quickly recover the internal Qi.

In order not to let the other side waste the air returning pill, the old man manipulated the space cage a little faster.

He wants to quickly take the other side, so as to quickly get the other side's storage bag, reduce the other side's consumption of resources inside.

After taking the Huiqi pill, Xia Jue's internal Qi suddenly surged back.

Then he ran a dragon shock fist and roared toward a barrier in this space.

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