
The barrier of space was shocked several times by his blow, but it soon returned to normal.

"Ha ha ha, don't waste your efforts. You can't break through my confinement this time. Let's die."

The old man laughed a, the action in the hand still did not have the slightest stagnation.

"Well, I don't believe it."

Xia Jue takes out the dragon sword again.

Seeing that the dragon sword was taken out, the smile on the old man's face dissipated a little.

Obviously, after a few blows, he also suffered from this sword.


He took out a delicate box from his pocket and opened it. A white pill appeared in it.

This pill is white and yellow as a whole. If you look carefully, you can still see the faint vitality of heaven and earth floating out.

Finally saw this Dan medicine one eye, the old man is very reluctant to take up this medicine to send into the mouth.

Not long after the pill was swallowed by him, the breath in his body suddenly began to soar, and soon his strength reached a very terrible level.

"This... What is this realm?"

Chen Shang and others in the distance were also surprised by the sudden surge of momentum.

"It seems that... Has surpassed the peak of the later stage of Tianjie"

an old man in the later stage of Tianjie said in disbelief.

"No, beyond the realm of heaven, what kind of realm has it reached?"

They have lived for so many years. They have never heard of a realm above the heaven level. So it's natural to be surprised to see that the old man has now reached a brand new realm.

"Bang bang."

Xia Jue in the confinement of space has no time to care why the strength of the other party suddenly soared so much.

at this time, he just wants to break through the cage as soon as possible and get out of the cage to breathe.

Because it's too hot inside, it seems that he will be baked dry soon.


Tai raised his hand and cut out two swords, but what surprised Xia Jue happened again.

It seems that his two swords were absorbed by the light curtain of that layer of space. There was no trace of them, and there was no damage to them.

"What kind of martial arts is it? How can it be so outrageous?"

There is no doubt that Xia Jue thinks that the old man's martial arts skills are far better than his dragon shaking arm and wind fighting.

"I don't believe you can be so strong all the time without any harm.

He took several pieces of Huiqi pills again, and then Xia Jue chopped off the light curtain again.


The result is the same, his two attacks are absorbed by the light curtain.

But at the same time, he noticed a detail.

That is, when he cuts his attack towards the light curtain, the old man outside will look a little pale.

In other words, his attack seems to have no effect on the light curtain, but it has an impact on the person who manipulates and imprisons the light curtain.

Knowing this, Xia Jue was very happy.

As long as your attack is enough, it is obvious that the other side will not be able to support it in the end.

No longer hesitated, a few back to the gas Dan again.

The old man outside finally understood something.

He said that before the sense war, he had already imprisoned the other party's sense, but why could the other party still recover the sense repeatedly.

I think there must be some pills in the other party's storage bag that can restore the sense.

Thinking of this, the old man wanted to capture the boy quickly so as to ask him what treasure was in his storage bag.

"Hoo Hoo."

At this time, the space where Xia Jue was imprisoned suddenly burst into flames. Even Chen Shang and others outside still felt the heat of the flames.

"What a hot flame."

"I'm afraid it's not Sanwei zhenhuo?"

"Hum, I didn't expect that the old man said there was such a way. This time, the boy will die."

"That's right. I'm afraid that boy can't last long with such a fire."

Such a hot flame, even Chen Shang these days later strength of the people also can't last long.

The boy surnamed Xia is just in the same realm with them. Although he can suppress them with all kinds of treasures, how can he support them for too long.

In fact, what Chen Shang thought was right.

At this time, Xia Jue, who was in it, could not support any more.

It's just that with the help of Huiqi pill, the internal Qi is almost continuously restored to fight against the flame.

However, the internal Qi consumed by this flame is faster than that recovered by Huiqi pill. It can be expected that he will be swallowed by this flame sooner or later."This damned old thing, if you don't take revenge, you will not be a man."

Ever since Xia Jue cultivated his inner Qi, he has never been so embarrassed as he is today. All this is given by the old man.

If he can go back alive today, he must give back his revenge ten times and a hundred times to the old man.

"Hum, boy, how about asking me for mercy now?"

Feeling the embarrassment of Xia Jue in it, the old man once again uttered sarcastic words.

"I beg you, mom."

In Xia Jue's dictionary, there is only death in battle. He has never said so.

"Well, that's what you want."

After that, the old man wanted to get rid of him, and then he would take advantage of him.

Time went by.

The internal Qi in Xia Jue's body is almost consumed. Although he had taken five pieces of Huiqi pills before, the internal Qi in his body has not recovered.

The layer of inner gas shield around him is slowly weakening, and the fire inside is also slowly seeping in, which makes the sweat stains between his faces constantly show first.


All of a sudden, a voice rang out.

After hearing this voice, Xia Jue raised his head to see that it was the dragon sword in his hand that gave out a burst of light.


this situation is the same as when Gu Qingying dealt with the demon in that space, which made him not understand what happened to the Tai Long Sword?

Does it mean that Tailong sword wants to help Gu Qingying as well?

It's quite possible.

Didn't Gu Qingying say that he was the master of the dragon sword.

Where is the master? This dragon sword doesn't help when his life is in danger.

Xia Jue, who wanted to understand this, was overjoyed.

When he was in that space, he saw the scene when the dragon sword was activated.

It's called a person who can block the killing Buddha. Even the demon who has been cultivated all over the world can't stand it.

If the dragon sword is really activated now, it's not strange to break the cage or even kill the old guy.

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