"Old man, you'll die."

Xia Jue clenched his teeth and looked at the old man who was still imprisoning him.

At the same time.

At the time when the Dragon Sword appeared, it was on the shore.

At this time, the people have not left.

Before Guan Zong three people offended but the immortal, how dare they leave without the permission of the immortal.

So at this time, they have made up their mind to wait for the immortal to come back and ask him for mercy. They will choose to leave after the other party doesn't care.

And the reason why other people didn't leave is because the immortal doesn't have to see it once in his life.

But they ran into it today. What does that mean?

It means they are all lucky people.

Fortune means wealth. Who doesn't want it? So they naturally want to stay here and get more money.

And at this time, the most enviable is Li Yanli.

Not only can I live with that immortal for so long, but also I get two requests from that immortal for help.

It can be expected that with the care of the immortal, she and no one will dare to provoke her in the future, and her career in the entertainment industry will be prosperous.

As a person at that time, Li Yanli naturally did not think about these.

When Xia Jue rose from the sky, her brain became a paste.

Before, she thought that Xia Jue was just a qigong master, just like others. She never thought that he was an immortal.

And she was in that room, muddleheaded with the immortal for so long, this is enough to think of dream.


Just as she was thinking about these messy things, suddenly the girl in her arms radiated a holy light.

After this light came out, people were shocked.

It's true that they have long suspected that the girl who is with the immortal is probably also an immortal, but now seeing each other exuding such immortal power still makes them vomit.

"Meet the fairies."

I don't know who yelled, and then all of them knelt down and followed this man.

"Meet your fairy."

Gu Qingying, who has just woken up, is a little surprised by the sound of a tsunami.

However, after she felt these mortals who just didn't cultivate their inner Qi, she was relieved again.

"Why am I here? Is there anyone else? "

Gu Qingying only remembers that she had a fight with the old devil in the land of seal before. Later, because she forced the holy body to move, she fell asleep and woke up to this place.

As for why and how he got to this place, she was not very clear.

"Back to... Back to fairies, those fairies, they all went in that direction."

With trembling fingers, Li Yanli pointed to the ocean where the light was coming from.

Looking at the direction of Li Yanli's fingers, Gu Qingying looks there, and soon she realizes what's going on ahead.


All the people at the scene only heard a slight sound. Then when they looked at Li Yanli, they found that the fairy had disappeared.

In the distance.

The joy on the old man's face, who was about to crush Xia Jue to death, was more and more revealed.

At this time, he is just like you, an old vegetable farmer, who is excited about the harvest season.

But at this moment of his excitement, suddenly he felt a mysterious force coming.

Then, before he came back to himself, the confinement of Xia Jue in front of him just disappeared, and Xia Jue's figure also appeared.

"What's the situation?"

The old man was shocked.

It's not a common method to disperse his martial arts in this way.

Not even the friars in this world can do it.

It's not that the friars in this world can do it, isn't it...

the old man seemed to think of something, and then his face became frightened.

Soon, Xia Jue in front of the sudden appearance of the shadow confirmed his idea.

It was the ancient friar named Gu Qingying who just shot!

"Are you all right?"

Gu Qingying said to Xia Jue.

In fact, she was quite fond of the young man in front of her.

At that time, it was not common to dare to act bravely to support him.

Besides, he is also recognized by Tai Long Jian. I think he will make great achievements in the future.

"More seniors help each other."

Xia Jue is also very curious about why the other party suddenly woke up and came here to save him.However, no matter what, it is a good thing. It can solve his immediate danger and play a great role in the subsequent search for the door.

"Who are they?"

Gu Qingying turns to look at them.

"They are the most powerful people here now."

Xia Jue replied.

"Oh? Then why do they want to kill you? "

"I'm dissatisfied with the elder. The boy has some problems with them, and they covet some things from the boy."

Covet what's on him?

That is to covet the dragon sword.

No wonder how many people don't want to get the treasure of Tai Long Jian this time.

But even if everyone wants to get it, not everyone can get it.

At present, these people want to rob the owner of the dragon sword. No wonder the dragon sword will wake her up.

Thinking of this, Gu Qingying looks at the old man with a cold face.

Gu Qingying was staring at him. The old man felt that his hair was standing up, and a shadow of death was hanging over him.

"Master, misunderstandings, misunderstandings."

The old man knew that his strength was not even a hair in front of these ancient friars. If people wanted him to die, it would not take much effort, so he quickly accepted.

"Hum, misunderstanding. Do you think qiangtailong sword is also a misunderstanding?"

Gu Qingying said coldly.

"No, master, how dare I have this meaning? I just came to see if I could find the door to another place. It's just that this friend killed a friend of mine, which leads to some misunderstanding."

Of course, the old man can't say that he is coveting each other's treasure. Otherwise, the ancient monk would not hesitate to kill him.

"Hum, go and explain to Yama."

Gu Qingying doesn't say much anymore. She just grabs at the old man.

Seeing this, the old man's first reaction is to escape, but where can he escape from Gu Qingying's hand.

"Er er... Spare your life, master."

The old man, who was too confined to move, asked for mercy in a hurry.

Chen Shang and others on one side were surprised and frightened to see this scene.

The old man, whose strength is profound and unfathomable, can't even escape in front of this woman.

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