The old man's face became more and more twisted, as if he was about to suffocate.

"Master, I have a secret that you may be interested in."

Seeing that Gu Qingying was about to be killed alive, the old man choked out these words.

Hearing the old man's words, Gu Qingying seems to have no interest, and still doesn't stop any action in his hand.

"Master, I have ruled here for so many years. I think I know something that ordinary people can't know. Let him talk about it."

It was Xia Jue who said this for the old man.

Xia Jue felt that this guy had led so many heaven level experts to find that door for so long. He must have known something. Then he said that it was a secret.

"Let's talk about it."

Gu Qingying's big hand loosens, and the frightening internal Qi waves around her body disperse.

"Hoo Hoo Hoo."

The old man who got a breath opened his mouth and gasped for fresh air.

Calm down, the old man looks at Gu Qingying with a scared eye.

"Master, actually I'm not from this world. I came from Yuanjie."

Said the old man.

Hearing this, Chen Shang was completely surprised.

This old man is not a person in this world, but a person in the yuan world?

And so many of them have lived with him for so many years, but they have never heard of this old man confide a little. He is really hidden deep enough.

"What is Yuanjie?"

Gu Qingying asked.

"To tell you the truth, Yuanjie is the weak point of the space we are looking for, which leads to another plane."

The old man's words can be described as a rock breaking shock, which set off a wave in the hearts of these people present.

especially Chen Shang.

I've been looking for this door for so many years, but today I found out that the old man actually came out of the world of that door, which immediately overturned his three outlooks.

It's just like several hunters working together to set traps for a wild boar or rabbit, and suddenly one of their hunters is a warm prey.

"So you came out of Yuanjie? How did you get out of Yuanjie? "

Hearing that this guy had such a secret, Xia Jue couldn't help asking.

"It's a long story. It's like this..."

the old man told many people about the cause and effect of the incident. He also described the various benefits of cultivation in the yuan Kingdom and the various treasures existing in the yuan kingdom. People were excited, but there was no way to verify whether it was true or not. After all, it was only his one-sided statement.

After listening, Xia Jue had a general understanding.

It turns out that the old man is a disciple of a sect in the Yuan Dynasty.

On a certain day, he was chased by people and accidentally broke into a weak spot in the space, which was sent here in a muddle headed way.

As far as he knows, if he wants to go back, he has to find a weak point in space to cross it, so that he can return to Yuan kingdom.

But listening to his words, the passage of the weak point in space is very dangerous. It is a near death for him to pass through it. At the beginning, he successfully came to the earth by relying on all kinds of treasures given by the clan.

If they don't want to go back, it's very dangerous.

At this time, Chen Shang and others finally realized completely.

No wonder they say why the old man is so mysterious. It turns out that his true identity is like this.

"That is to say, even if we find the weak point of space, but if we want to pass, the success rate of body protection without treasure is not high?"

Xia Jue continued.

"It's not true. The elder is highly cultivated. When we find the weak spot in the space, maybe we can protect us."

If you want to be in the past, even if you find the weak point in the space, you have to weigh and prepare very well before you dare to step in again.

But now with Gu Qingying, an ancient great power, here, he thinks that with each other's cultivation, he should be able to safely bring them to the yuan kingdom.

But the premise is that the other party is willing, if the other party is not willing, then there is no way.

"The art of space is bred by the laws of heaven and earth. It's not so easy to explore. No matter how high the cultivation is, people dare not say that they can control the art of space steadily."

Gu Qingying didn't exaggerate Haikou by virtue of her own cultivation, instead, she told the truth.

Her words are undoubtedly a touch of cold water, all of a sudden will be excited to pour out the hearts of the people down.

Her words have been very obvious, so even she dare not say that she can safely pass through the weak point of space.

Then the problem comes. Even Gu Qingying's level of people dare not guarantee that they can pass safely. How can they pass through the weak point of the space where they are doomed?Can their destiny only be to wait for this world to gradually become a reality?

"In any case, the vitality of this place is about to wither, and we don't have much longevity. Only through the weak points of space can we have a glimmer of hope."

The old man said calmly.

"Yes, that's the hope of all the monks on earth now."

Chen Shang also added.

"In that case, if I kill you, can I find the weak point of space?"

After hearing what happened, Gu Qingying killed the old man again.

At this time, it is obvious that it is the enemy Tai Long Jian wants to kill, but now it has no value. Gu Qingying doesn't think it's necessary to keep him.

"Senior, senior, the weak point of the space is dangerous and unpredictable. I know that I can avoid the risks to the greatest extent. If I lead the way, I have a better chance of winning. If I don't lead the way..."

the old man has made it very clear that he knows the other party will make a choice.

If at this time the other party still decides to fight him, then he has no way.

"Master, this guy is really right. He is still useful. Let's save him a dog's life first."

Since the old man successfully passed through the space channel from the outside world, he not only knew about the risks of the space channel, but also knew about the Yuanjie side. It was useful to keep him, so Xia Jue also spoke for him.

Gu Qingying looked around for a while, and finally said, "OK, I'll leave you one first. I feel that the space passage is in the southwest direction. You go to lock the position first."

They couldn't believe it when they heard that.

The other side just let them go?

"Yes, we'll find it now."

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