Old man and others such as amnesty, quickly toward the southwest direction to escape.

Not long after they left, Xia Jue turned to look at Gu Qingying.


before his words were uttered, Gu Qingying's head tilted and his whole body fell from the air.

Seeing this, Xia Jue is very surprised. He comes here and takes Gu Qingying in his arms.

"How are you, master?"

Xia Jue asked anxiously.

It seems that Gu Qingying is going to be in a coma again. What he is afraid of now is that the old man and these people will come back again and again. That will be a trouble.

Just now Gu Qingying treated him like this. If he lost consciousness, he would take the opportunity to get rid of her.

"Don't worry, those guys are far away, but they won't dare to let the sense come over."

Gu Qingying sees Xia Jue's worry and says that he signals his relief in a hurry.

"I see, master, but what's the matter with you?"

"Before I forced the holy body to fall, I was just awakened by the dragon sword. It didn't last long."

"You're going to sleep again, master?"


Gu Qingying's eyelids go up and down, and it seems that they are about to close.

"Master, please tell me how to cure you."

With Gu Qingying, the big boss, Xia Jue can rest easy. Of course, he has to do everything he can to make Gu Qingying recover. Is it enough for him to face the guy who came from Yuanjie.

"Unless you can find the most precious healing medicine, or enter the so-called yuan Kingdom, Gu Qingying tilts his head before finishing his words.


Xia Jue shook his head, and then took Gu Qingying to the shore.


Soon, Xia Jue came down to the shore from the air.

But when he got to the shore, he found something that surprised him.

Originally, he thought that what happened before would absolutely frighten these ordinary people out of their wits and then run away.

But I didn't expect that the group of people were still here after I came down, even almost a lot of them.

Xia Jue knelt down just now, and they didn't notice that.

General manager Guan and others see that Xia Jue is back, and they dare not breathe, for fear of provoking the dissatisfaction of the immortal in front of them.

"What are you doing here?" he said

Xia Jue asked.

After hearing this meeting, the sweat on the forehead of Guan Zong and the three of them kept sliding down.

They think that the other side is not satisfied with what they have done before.

Finally, Mr. Li couldn't help it. He knelt down and crawled over to Xia Jue.

"Immortal, please spare me a life. We didn't know Taishan before and offended you. Please forgive us once."

"Immortal, I don't dare any more. Spare my life."

"Immortal, I'm wrong, PA Pa."

Seeing Mr. Li come out to admit his mistake, Mr. Guan and Mr. Hao are not slow. In order to get Xia Jue's understanding, Mr. Guan even slaps himself in the face.

"Go away."

In the face of such a few rubbish, Xia Jue is really not interested in it.

"Yes, thank you, immortal. Let's go now."

After hearing Xia Jue's words, the three of them were finally relieved. After they bowed to Xia Jue again, they ran away in a panic.

"What else are you doing here? Please don't tell me today."

Xia Jue gave a big drink to the crowd who was still kneeling.

"Good immortal, we promise we will never tell you what happened today."

"We promise we won't spit out half a word."

The crowd promised to retreat.

When the crowd retreated, there was still one person at the scene, Li Yanli, who was at a loss.

"Thank you very much for today's business. Let's go, too."


Li Yanli didn't dare to say anything more. She only looked at Xia Jue once more, then turned and left.

However, what she doesn't know is that since today, her career has reached its peak, and no one dares to provoke her in the circle. No matter who sees her, she will give her face.

Because a lot of people have seen the scene here today. Li Yanli is a man covered by immortals.

No one dares not to give face to those who are covered by immortals.


in the southwest.

Seeing the safe distance, the old man was relieved at last.

He decided to stop first to recover his internal Qi, and then he went down to a desert island below.The others behind him followed the old man down the desert island.

"Old man, we...

after what happened just now, Chen Shang felt that old man suddenly became a stranger, and he didn't know where to start some words.

"You want to ask why I didn't tell you I came from Yuanjie, right?" It was the old man who saw what they wanted to ask.

Chen Shang and others did not speak, as if acquiesced in the old man's words.

"I was going to find the door first and then tell you all about it, but I didn't expect it to happen."

The old man shook his head. At this point, he didn't know whether it was a blessing or a curse.

"Hoo Hoo."

Just then, a gust of wind hung around.

"What a strong wind. What's the matter?"

If something goes wrong, there will be demons. All of them here are experts of the later stage of the heaven order. Naturally, they know that the wind in front of them is unusual.

Before people had time to explore carefully, the wind was blowing more and more, and finally it turned into a black wind.

The old man's heart has been full of ripples.

Of course, he felt that someone must be making trouble here, but it was strange that he could not find any trace of the other party with his sense.

It's just a little weird.

Is the strength of the other side above itself?

But it's impossible.

Now, in addition to Gu Qingying, the ancient monk, who else has the strength above him.

His heart is constantly tossing.

All of a sudden, he seemed to think of something, and then his face changed suddenly.

From the news Chen Shang brought back, the demon who fought with Gu Qingying was not killed by her, but escaped by some secret method.


"don't let out your little trick. It's not enough to lock you in."

Just before they were shocked, a hoarse voice came out.

"It's him!"

How can Chen Shang forget this voice? It's the devil who fought with Gu Qingying for a long time in that space.

"Since you are here, why do you have to be so timid? You can't compete with us at all. You'd better show up and meet me more generously."

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