After hearing the words of the old devil, he was sure.

Now that we know that the one who came is the devil, it's much easier to do things.

This demon is the one who almost takes Gu Qingying. If he wants to fight them, they have no power to fight back.

Now that the other party hasn't started, there must be something to find them.

"Well, you're a bit bold."

After the sound, the wind slowly news, the old man and others in front of a black fog.

"I ask you, did you fight with that girl just now?"

"Girl?" The old man thought for a while. It seems that what the devil said must be Gu Qingying.

"I'm joking. Where can we be the opponent of Mr. Gu?"

"Hum, don't follow me. I want to know everything you've just done."

There was a voice of discontent in the black fog.


the old man began to tell what had just happened one by one.

"That is to say, when you first arrived, the girl didn't wake up, that is, she woke up later?"

The black fog asked again.

"That's right, and we're wondering about it."

At this time, the old devil in the black fog was thinking.

According to the truth, it's absolutely impossible for the girl to force her body to fight against her. She can wake up so soon. What's the matter?

"Then why did she let you go again?"

The old devil asked again.

"She said that the weak point of the space was in the southwest, which made us come here to look for it."

The old man answered truthfully.

"The weak point of space, what's the matter?"

Old devil just came out of this world, many things are still confused, he is eager to find a clear person to get familiar with the situation here.

"It's like this..."

the old man told him about Yuanjie again.

"Ha ha ha, I can't believe that there is Yuan Jie."

Old devil heard each other's words and burst into laughter.

Originally, he thought that heaven and earth had been in such a state of decay. Even if he escaped the suppression and was limited by the decadence of the present vitality of heaven and earth, it was useless.

I can't imagine that it's another village with hidden willows and bright flowers. His original world no longer exists, but now there is another so-called Yuanjie.

In this yuan Kingdom, not only is the vitality of heaven and earth 100 times stronger than here, but also there are many things they had at that time.

That is not to say that his great cause can be completed in Yuanjie. How can he not be happy.

Fortunately, after that, he thought of another problem.

It is very dangerous to enter the space. If you are not careful, you may be torn to pieces by the force of space.

If he is OK in his heyday, he will have the means to deal with it.

But now he has been suppressed for thousands of years, and he finally broke away from the seal. He was also frustrated by the girl. In addition, the withering vitality of heaven and earth made him really unable to recover.

If you go to the space channel at this time, it is estimated that it will be more or less dangerous.

What should we do?


Seeing that the other party had been silent for a long time and was still hungry, the old man couldn't help asking questions.

"Do you know where there are ancient relics, just like the place where you were looking for my seal before?"

There is no way, the old devil can only ask this question.

Now the vitality of heaven and earth is so weak, only by finding this kind of place can we supplement the vitality of heaven and earth, and maybe we can get some treasures from this kind of place, so that we can have a better grasp of the passage through the space.

"I don't know, but it's said that there has been a palace in gutuo for thousands of years, but it's still occupied by the boy named Xia, but it's just a palace. Most areas of gutuo have not been found yet."

The old man gave his guess.

"Gutuo palace, did you find it?"

The old devil was a little surprised.

"That's right."

"Well, ha ha, I didn't expect that the gutuo palace still exists. God really helps me."

The old devil's ecstasy puzzled several people nearby, and he didn't understand why he was so excited.

After the excitement, the old devil pinched his hands, and then a huge black whirlpool appeared on his head.

This spiral disc is bigger and bigger until it completely covers the sky of this island.

At this time, the whole sky is like a huge black hole. If someone saw the purity here, he must have thought that something foreign came.

Feel the pressure around more and more strong, the old man and others are also secretly frightened, do not understand what the secret is.But see the other party is forgetting is unfolding, but they dare not have any disturbance, can only be secretly watching.

The Arctic.

In a world of ice and snow.

All of a sudden, a huge crack appeared in the ground.

Then, in the crevice, some ice flowers came out like jets.

"Whew, whew."

Black objects came out quickly.

If Xia Jue and others see these black objects here, they will be very surprised.

Because these black objects are just the ugly things that he killed several times.

West Asia.

In a dry land.

All of a sudden, the dry land burst like the North Pole before, and then many ugly monsters sprang out.

At the same time, this is happening in many parts of the world.

In the middle of the island.

The face of the old devil who was still casting the black whirlpool was getting paler and paler.

After half a sound, it seems that it's almost done. He begins to finish his work, and the black whirlpool above his head begins to dissipate slowly.

"I want you to do something for me."

The old devil said this after he finished his work.

"Please tell me, we will try our best to help you."

The old man and others originally wondered why the devil used that secret skill, but now they are more curious when they hear what the other party said.

They are just a little cultivation. What can they do for the devil.

"Come to me."

The devil said.

"That's... OK."

Uncle several people dare not resist, hastily is close to each other's body.

When he was near the other side, he saw the old devil in the black fog pinching his hands. Then he and the old people around him were all entangled in the black fog.

"Whew, whew."

I don't know why, the old man and others wrapped in the black fog felt a little dizzy.

It was as if the black fog was carrying them along.

Seven or eight minutes later.

The vertigo disappeared from their heads, and at the same time the black fog around them began to dissipate.

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