After all, the consequences are unpredictable. Who knows what will happen after Gu Qingying takes it.

Eyes slightly narrowed, Xia Jue felt the powerful power of pills in his hand, he knew he had to.

In this case, without Gu Qingying, he could not go to that world, and all his previous efforts were in vain.

The exhausted resources here are not enough to keep him going.

The next moment, Xia Jue no longer hesitated, holding Gu Qingying's chin in one hand and feeding the pill in the other.

At the same time, with their own force to promote the Dan medicine to play.

But who knows, Xia Jue's hand just put on Gu Qingying's stomach, and he was bounced back by a powerful force.

With Xia Jue's strength, Rao retreated a few steps.

With a heavy face, he turned back and tried to come forward, but found that he couldn't get close at all.

Powerful forces scattered from Gu Qingying's body, and the whole territory began to vibrate. Even the air was full of ripples.

Every ripple contains great power, as if it can kill everything.

It's dark. Everything seems to be destroyed at this time.

Xia Jue's heart sank, and he couldn't care so much at this time.

Yuan Li works, and he moves directly.

As soon as he took a step, he felt the great lethality, and the dense wind blade spun and strangled in an instant.

"Go away!"

In a low voice, the surging and majestic Yuan Li came out of Xia Jue's body as madly as Bu Ming.

The confluence of the two forces is like a dragon and a dragon fighting together.

Hard bite, regardless of himself, it seems that the void has been broken by two forces, and constantly restored.

With his own strength to open the way, Xia Jue seems not to have these shackles and comes directly to Gu Qingying.

These steps look like a long time, but Xia Jue knows how dangerous it is.

If it was in the past, I might not be able to survive.

Even if it is for other people, without a steady stream of strong support, they will have no place to die when they take the first step.


Such a powerful force is running rampant in Gu Qingying's body. Xia Jue is also secretly worried. Fortunately, he finally controls his own Yuan Li and the power of the pill, which will not cause any irreparable impact on Gu Qingying's body.

And the drug is slowly working.

Only feel the breath of Gu Qingying slowly rising, unfathomable.

I don't know how long later, Xia Jue is to support forehead sweating, but still dare not slack for a moment.

Finally, Gu Qingying opens her eyes and waves her hand gently, and the power of the pill is recovered.

In an instant, all the disturbance became invisible.

Xia Jue was also relieved.

"Master, you wake up at last."


In light response, Gu Qingying's eyes flashed a little surprised.

Those who can wake up their pills must be very precious. In the current situation of the earth, Xia Jue can still find pills of this degree

This Xia Jue is a little interesting.

Moreover, it is not easy for Xia Jue to survive the storm just now.

"I can't stay here any longer. I'm going to Yuanjie."

Eyes light one Lin, own body condition stay in this can only gradually weak.

"It's true, it's just that the weak points of space haven't been found yet."

Slightly frown, Xia Jue mouth, where the weak point of space, they still don't know.

"Nanli is a wasteland of fire."

"Xize belongs to gold, the land of alchemy."

"Dongzhen is a place of thunder and lightning."

"The vitality of heaven and earth is the strongest in these three places. They are respectively located in the five elements of fire, gold and thunder. If things are abnormal, there must be demons. It seems that we have to go to these three places first."

The corners of the mouth gently pull, Gu Qingying after taking the medicine can clearly detect a wide range of wind and grass, quickly chose the next place to go.

"Well, let's go south to the barren land first."

Xia Jue nodded. He didn't expect that the pill was so effective.

But it's good for them.

Maybe we can find the weak space soon.

After choosing the place, Gu Qingying shrinks to an inch and quickly rushes to the barren land with Xia Jue.

Barren land, as its name implies, is full of barren and desert.

Vast desert, cigarette smoke, a palace stands, covers a huge area, just the steps have been more than one person high..

The Palace door exudes a simple atmosphere, majestic and powerful, it seems that people unconsciously surrender.

With the wind and sand of the dry wind hit on the body are a little tingling, but these two people are not a problem.

"The barren land, the imperial palace of gutuo, is still there for millions of years."With a smile, Gu Qingying murmured to himself, and his eyes were full of complexity.

Hearing this, Xia Jue took a look at Gu Qingying and was shocked.

It's not that he didn't know about gutuo's palace. It's said that gutuo was a mysterious and powerful man who created his own palace world when the earth was full of powerful people.

Enclosure is the king, above all people.

In the international battlefield, it was said that the palace of gutuo was born in China. I don't know how many treasures there are in the ruins of our predecessors.

Because the news of the site also caused a lot of disputes in the international community at that time.

But I've never heard of anyone who can find it, let alone go in.

Now, Gu Qingying can enter the barren land accurately just by shrinking the ground to an inch, and come to the gate of King gutuo's palace. I'm afraid it will envy countless people.

"Master, it's better to be careful. Gutuo palace is not an ordinary place."

As a reminder, Xia Jue always feels that it seems too easy to come here.

But where there are treasures, there must be many dangers.

Even with Gu Qingying, I can't relax my vigilance.

Nodding, Gu Qingying is about to step forward. Suddenly, a strong black wind strikes, which makes Gu Qingying's face change.

The willow eyebrows stand erect, she slender waist light turn, can avoid a blow.

At the same time, Xia Jue realized that it was not good, quickly accumulated his strength, and suddenly waved to the void.

"Why hide when you're here."

There are ripples in the void, and then a shadow finally emerges.

"Jie, Gu Qingying, I didn't expect you to find such a helper. It's just like that."

The comer hides himself in a black robe, full of black smoke, hoarse voice full of cold and disdain.

"It's not your turn to be presumptuous here!"

With a cold drink, Gu Qingying's whole body is full of momentum, with a head of green silk.

Now that she has recovered most of her strength, she doesn't have to be afraid of the devil.

"You don't care whether you get it or not."

With a sneer, the big devil went to the palace of King gutuo.

"Gutuo palace remains for thousands of years. I don't know if we will destroy this place."

He is not afraid of Gu Qingying's hands. If he is defeated, no one can enter the palace of gutuo.

Jade hand clenched, Gu Qingying chest ups and downs, try to endure.

The big devil is right. Once he starts, who knows if it will damage the gutuo palace.

Xia Jue knew the advantages and disadvantages, but it was not so easy for him to enter the palace.

As soon as his idea came to an end, he saw the great devil flying up to the gate of gutuo palace.

At the same time, he and Gu Qingying's heart are mentioned in the throat, Yuan Li ready to go.

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