"Since you don't move, I'll go first."

With a sneer, the devil was so proud that he pushed the door and was about to enter.

But at the moment of pushing the door, if the hand was hit by thousands of lightning at the same time, the invisible ancient power instantly weighed heavily on the old devil.

The old devil fell to his knees and couldn't get up at all.

At this time, with the gutuo palace as the center, there was a roaring sound, and the whole foundation was shaking. At the same time, the gutuo palace was bursting with light, as if to break the sky.

Every ray of light contains a strong intention to kill.

"Xia Jue

Seeing this, Gu Qingying certainly won't let go of this opportunity. The jade hand grabs the void in the direction of the big devil.

The big devil can't take care of the resistance and is directly thrown aside by Gu Qingying.

The forbidden system of gutuo palace has been opened. Gu Qingying and the big devil are not allowed to enter the palace at all, so the big devil can't move at all.

But Xia Jue is different. He can go in directly.

When he heard Gu Qingying's words, Xia Jue jumped up the steps and entered the palace of gutuo.

At the moment, the big devil directly got up to catch up, but was stopped by a thorn.

"Your opponent is me."

Gently pull the corner of the mouth, Gu Qingying naturally won't let the big devil succeed, stop in front of him.

Not into the big devil hate teeth itch, at this time, but there is no way, can only deal with the eyes of Gu Qingying.

The two of them had a good fight in an instant.


In the palace of King gutuo, the golden and resplendent, everywhere contains Yuanli.

Xia Jue just took a breath, and he felt excited.

Where you see, you can't see the end.

This gutuo palace really deserves its reputation.

But the further he went, the more he frowned.

There should be a lot of things in countless secret rooms, but the door has been opened, and there is nothing inside.

It seems that someone is one step ahead of Xia Jue.

After walking quickly through the main road, seven passages appeared in front of him.

Each passage is seven different colors, I don't know where to go.

But the passage was extremely dangerous. Wind blade, lightning, water arrow, wood thorn, golden spear, fire dragon and earth wall all blocked his way.

"The barren land is in the south, which belongs to fire. The seven passages should represent different attributes."

His eyes narrowed slightly, and he began to calculate.

Which is the right channel

Or, every one is wrong!

In this case, we must choose carefully.

The most prosperous attribute of the whole gutuo palace is fire, and the one that can support the least strength should be the water arrow.

Thinking of this, Xia Jue's eyes brightened, and his eyes locked on the water arrow road.

The next moment, he strides forward.

Sure enough, water arrows are increasing instead of decreasing.

Every arrow changes for no reason, like rain.

Yuanli protects the whole body, but Xiajue is not moved.

Although these water arrows are powerful, with his current strength, they are not a problem at all.

A moment later, it came to an end.

At the end of the river is a continuous stream, in which is a huge tree.

It's more like Yuanli flow than river.

Because the meta force contained in it is comparable to the meta force of the whole world.

Xia Jue was also shocked.

The giant tree stands still, full of fruit, fruit like the sun and moon, leaves like the Milky way, this tree, as if it can break the sky and earth!

No one knows that the fruit on this tree is absolutely unusual.

But the tricky thing is that there is a faint shadow under the water.

Such a huge tree, I'm afraid there are protective animals in it.

"No, no matter how dangerous, I'll go down and have a look."

Without hesitation, Xia Jue jumped directly into the river.

The river is so cold that even Xia Jue's body can't support without any force.

It's a lot better.

At the bottom of the water, where Xia Jue couldn't see, there were two hands staring at Xia Jue.

It is thousands of meters away from Xia Jue, but in such a dark underwater situation, you can still see him clearly.

As Xia Jue enters the water to transfer Yuan Li, the monster moves in an instant, quietly, like a flash of lightning, rushing to his side.

"Protect treasure big fish!"

suddenly noticed the movement, Xia Jue's scalp burst.

The distance between the two has allowed him to see the monster clearly.

This is a big fish with the thickness of a bucket. Its scales are red and gold.

The power of the tail's swing makes people palpitating. They open their mouths and go to Xia Jue.


Xia Jue's eyes were cold, and he made a big blow directly.The current is also split in two.

The powerful Zhenlong fist blows directly on the head of Hubao big fish, making bursts of crashing sound.

Zhenlong boxing is practiced to the extreme, even the dragon can be Zhenlong, not to mention it's just a big fish protecting treasure.

A blow down, also blow that protect treasure big fish whole body to fall.

But just a few seconds later, the big fish came again.

It's not a fish. It's a monster.

With the power of Xia Jue, it is no problem to smash a tank, but there is no wound on the big fish.

Head a slant then unloaded oneself to attack of all strength.

At the moment, Xia Jue knew how terrible the big fish was.

"Go away!"

With a roar, Xia Jue no longer retains his strength.

Take out the Tai Long Sword in the storage bag and turn it into a sword shadow.

There was a sharp roar in the fish's head.

They collided with each other and made an ugly stabbing sound. Then they cut a scar and penetrated into the scales of the big fish. The blood overflowed.

Big fish's attack also slowed down.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Xia Jue takes advantage of Yufeng Jue's figure to flash and get close to the big fish, and grasps his Tai Long Sword again.

Because of the body method, big fish can't lock his figure for a while.

Just when the big fish couldn't attack, Xia Jue put out his sword with his right hand, aimed at the wound before him and strangled him.

At the moment when Tai long sword was out of hand, his left hand hit the hilt.

It's not only the weight of the fist, but also the power of the sword.

Many factors add up, the Dragon Sword finally stabbed into the big fish's body.

The body of the sword fell into it, and the big fish lost his breath.

He took out his sword and relaxed.

I can see the red light in the big fish.

"It should be demon Dan. It seems that it's really a treasure land."

Knowing a smile, Xia Jue takes Tai Long Sword to cut open big fish's body.

Sure enough, in his mind, there is a lesson red demon Dan!

Xia Jue was very happy when he saw the red light of the red demon Dan, which was golden.

"This red demon pill is not small."

Satisfied nod, Xia Jue swallowed the demon Dan directly.

As soon as the demon pill entered the stomach, it felt that all the viscera began to heat.

Xia Jue directly sat cross legged in the water and began to absorb the power of the demon pill.

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