Demon Dan is full of vitality, which is no less than the total strength of the whole world. How can he miss this opportunity.

In Xiajue's body, the demon pill is constantly refined.

Deeply refined into a part of their own strength.

Because the master of demon Dan is dead, Xia Jue absorbs it very quickly.

In this way, the treasure protecting fish gave Xia Jue Yuan Li, who had been practicing for many years.

But for a long time, Xia Jue suddenly opened his eyes, a strong air burst out, extended several feet, directly shot through the air and hit the body of the big fish at the bottom of the river.

In an instant, the body of the big fish turned into powder and disappeared.

In the eye is shining the fine light, Xia Jue sees his present influence, also quite satisfied.

"But not so fast."

Nevertheless, Xia Jue had some doubts.

Even if it is their own strength, but refining a demon Dan, it should not be so fast.

In doubt, he looked at the water around him and understood the reason.

I'm afraid that water has a lot of effect.

In this water, it's a perfect place to practice.

With this in mind, Xia Jue directly took out an empty storage bag and filled it with water.

Yes, water!

Even if you don't need such a good thing, it's hard to get a drop out of here.

There are many storage bags over Xia Jue's body. He is not afraid that the storage bags are not enough, but he is afraid that the water is not enough.

He was busy until he filled five storage bags.

The visible River also has less than half of its flow.

That's not enough. He turned to the tree again.

He killed the fish not only because of the red demon pill, but also because of the treasure on the giant tree.

Directly jump on the body to pick all the fruit, Xia Jue left a few, the rest are swallowed into his body.

I don't know when, after they find the weak point of space, they will enter another world.

No matter where you go, you should respect your strength.

Now it is the right way to improve our strength as soon as possible.

Absorbing the yuan power of the fruit, he tried to refine it, and the abundant yuan power in Dantian reached a peak at this time.

I don't know how long it's been running. Suddenly, there is a green energy in Yuanli.

Xia Jue doesn't know, this is the vitality!

If others only know that he is only one step away from the peak of later stage, he will have the vitality of concretization at this time, it will be a big surprise.

You know, vitality can only be found in the peak strength of building foundation.

One of the most important differences between the later stage of Tianjie and the peak of Zhuji is vitality.

In this realm, no matter who you are, you can't control the vitality.

But Xia Jue is not the same, Tianzong wizard does not say, this time also let him get such a big opportunity.

This tree is the tree of life. What we get is not only Yuanli, but also vitality.

Only when the vitality is awakened, can we control the vitality, understand all things in the world, and act against the heaven.

Based on vitality, Xia Jue can also cultivate his own practice.

At this time, the vitality in Dantian has become a dragon.

Sometimes it goes to heaven, and sometimes it goes to earth.

Finally, it turns into a real dragon and melts into the ferocity of Dantian.

At this time, Xia Jue's Dantian was like the sea, like a huge spring, providing a steady stream of strength and vitality.

Slowly flowing, suddenly, Dantian a turbulence, the spring suddenly bigger, not much smaller than a well.

Stop to open an eye, summer Jue deeply vomit out a breath, the eye is full of pure light.

"The peak of the later stage of the heaven stage is really extraordinary."

Making a fist, Xia Jue feels his change and is very comfortable.

The whole person is like a new man.

"I don't know how long it's been. Let's see what else is in this palace."

Mumbling to himself, although Xia Jue was happy, he didn't delay his time because of this.

Gu Qingying and the big devil are still fighting. It's hard to separate them.

Take advantage of this time, I must get more in gutuo palace.

Otherwise, all this will be in vain.

He went ashore and went straight on to the other side.

The further forward, the darker.

After walking about 100 meters, Xia Jue stopped.

In front of me, it was a secret room.

There must be a lot of things in this secret room.

The stone gate radiates light yellow, and the carved patterns are very attractive.

When he came forward, he felt the stone gate and knew it.

There is no mechanism on the stone gate. With its thickness, it needs at least the strength of the heaven level to open it.

Fortunately, he was already the peak of the later stage of the heaven stage. When he pushed steadily, the door was opened.As the stone gate moves back, light light comes out from the stone gate.

There is only a set of simple bronze chairs in the table.

He was not very interested in bronze tables and chairs. On the contrary, several bronzes on the table attracted his attention.

There must be something strange in gutuo Qinggong, but he can't see it for the time being.

He can't see through, but take it out. Gu Qingying must know.

Thinking of this, Xia Jue did not dare to act rashly. He opened a storage bag, turned out the inside, put it on his hand, and directly put all the bronzes in.

If it's an organ or an array, it's not good for him to touch it directly. It's good to take it away.

After collecting his things, he went out of the stone gate without stopping, and continued to walk deep down the road.

Although he gradually lost his sense of direction, Xia Jue knew about the direction of gutuo palace.

Now, I'm afraid I've finished the passage of the water arrow, and I've been going to other passages.

Feeling the change of Yuan Li around him, Xia Jue is more confident.

In the water arrow channel, the water attribute accounts for the largest proportion. Now here, the soil attribute accounts for the largest proportion.

It seems that he has entered the channel of soil property.

Different from the water arrow passage, after walking a certain distance in the wall passage, it becomes more and more open, but it is still desolate.

Continue to walk, has been out of the narrow passage, came to a mountain general place.

It's not so much a mountain range as a valley.

The valley is strewn with gravel and no vegetation.

Suddenly, Xia Jue suddenly stopped.

Originally in the world has been stable before the yuan force suddenly a lot more turbulence.

It's not a dangerous situation, but there are signs of fighting and moves.

"Someone else!"

With a flash of thought, he quickly turned the Yu Feng Jue and found a small hillside in front of him, hiding behind it.

With a sneak glance, Xia Jue also saw clearly the other people who broke into the palace of gutuo.

Chen Shang and others.

They were attacked by stone men made up of dozens of stones.

Although the stone man is slow in action, he is highly defensive and has a large number. Even the old man Chen Shang and others can only resist.

Of course, it's just that Xia Jue seems that these stone men are slow, but they are different to old Uncle Chen Shang and others.

The speed of the two sides is not much different.

Xia Jue's eyes didn't blink.

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