The others were shocked to hear what the old man said.

How big is Xia Jue? His strength is comparable to that of my uncle.

It sounds terrible.

If you give Xia Jue a certain amount of time, it's no problem to surpass him.

Even, future achievements will be even higher than Gu Qingying and the big devil.

This is unbelievable to them.

"When you wait, Xia Jue, it's undeniable that you are a genius, but have you ever thought that it's useless for you to kill me?"

See Xia Jue immediately have the desire to start, the old man now also can't care so much.

Before Xia Jue's strength was not as strong as his own, so he was hard to beat Xia Jue, not to mention that he consumed so much power at this time.

At this time, he has no other.

He is willing to do anything as long as he can survive.

Even if he was a Xia Jue, he would bear it.

Life is nothing compared to the rest.

If you keep green hills, you are not afraid of no firewood.

"Oh? If you want to live, what is your value

Slightly pick eyebrows, Xia Jue is to see what this old man can say.

The biggest secret I told Gu Qingying last time. At this time, it's rare for me to say anything valuable.

"I really have no value in living, but I'm the only one who comes from Yuanjie."

Gu smiles and shakes his head, but the old man is also very helpless.

When he first came to this world, he found that there were not many practitioners in this world, which made him very surprised.

he thought that he could have a good time in this world with his own power, but Xia Jue and his family had a hair.

He also ended up in such a mess.

However, these are nothing compared with life.

"My experience and experience will certainly provide you with something you can't think of."

Chen Shang was also worried when he heard that

what he said was right. If Xia Jue was willing, with this little, he could let him live.

But they are different. They are all from the world.

It's of no value to Xia Jue.

Swallow saliva, several people stare at Xia Jue.

For fear that Xia Jue would not be happy, he started.

"Yes? I don't want it

Ask a question, Xia Jue is very disdainful.

No matter where we go, we still talk by strength.

Xia Jue has always believed in this point.

Even if the old man came from Yuanjie, he didn't find the weak point of space and returned to Yuanjie.

I don't know if it's too difficult or too useless.

He wants to think about these things.

But for him, the old man is dispensable..

Besides, he doesn't care about people like old man at all.

No value, no pure mind.

Even if it's for a moment, it's useless to stay by your side.

Listening to this, the old man and others trembled.

Now Xiajue is an irresistible God of killing in their eyes.

If we deal with other people, they still have a chance to fight to the death, maybe they can escape.

But in the hands of Xia Jue, the chance of escape is very slim.

In this case, they dare not act rashly.

This feeling, helpless and powerless.

In a hurry, the old man couldn't care so much. He said a word tremblingly.

"This Don't regret it, Xia Jue

Words are threatening, but the tone is weak.

He wanted to save his life, but he was afraid of really irritating Xia Jue.

After living so long, my uncle has never been so subdued.

"Oh? Why do I regret it? "

With a sneer, he put away the dragon sword. Xia Jue wanted to hear what the old man could say.

"The purpose of your coming to gutuo palace is clear to all. Since it is for the same purpose, I can guarantee that it will not affect your interests."

Biting his teeth, the old man said painfully.

To come to gutuo palace is just for treasures and adventures.

Even the gutuo palace is likely to be a weak point in space.

These things are really precious, but they have to be enjoyed by one's life.

In order to survive, he certainly doesn't mind giving all his benefits to Xia Jue. "

"I killed you, didn't I?"

Slowly shaking his head, it is obvious that Xia Jue is not very satisfied with this reason.

Now they dare not violate their own interests, but if they are killed, no one will violate their own interests."Do you think that after such a long time, gutuo palace can still withstand the fighting between the two peak people in the later stage of the heaven stage?"

"Besides, we don't have to lose!"

With a sneer, the old man had plans.

If you fight to the death, even if you die, no one is sure whether the gutuo palace will affect you.

It's not impossible to gamble.

The people behind them are not vegetarians.

"Those who are trapped in beasts dare to speak wild words."

The narrow and long Mou son reveals a bit to kill an idea, the summer Jue still doesn't care.

Even if gutuo palace is destroyed, he is confident that he can leave gutuo palace intact.

As for the things in the gutuo palace, they have almost all been put into their own pockets.

They don't have to worry about that.

"The weak point of space has not been found, so he came to talk with me about the terms."

A cold drink, Xia Jue at this time has played a killing heart.

The old man and others are very cunning. At this time, they should not be here. They should go to find the weak point of space.

These are the places where Xia Jue really wanted to kill him.

After a drink, Xia Jue went up with his sword.

Seeing this, the old man tried his best to split the air arrow which he had been resisting.

After the hard to solve air arrow, it is a sharp sword.

In an instant, the dragon sword from Zhizhi will pierce the throat of the old man and others.

Old man had no time to dodge, forced resistance, even the corner of his mouth also spilled a trace of blood.

But behind the old man's back, the grey robed old man's eyes suddenly brightened and flashed out step by step. The speed was even close to Xia Jue.

Then, there are countless Seven Star Darts in the air.

The silver dart blade is full of cold light, which is Soul-catching.

At this time, other people also used their own magic weapon to protect their lives. The valley swayed and the world was in turmoil.

They used to deal with the stone man to protect their strength, but now they have to fight against Xia Jue to survive.

For a moment, swords, silver guns and concealed weapons came one after another.

"Heaven level master."

Xia Jue's pupil suddenly shrank. He didn't expect that these people were hiding their strength all the time. They were all sky level experts.

But there is only one old man who can be compared with him.

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