At this time, Xia Jue also operated his own Yu Feng Jue. With his fast body method and Tai Long Sword in his hand, Xia Jue was able to resist the attack of a group of sky level experts.

They all looked at each other, and their faces were filled with surprise.

I thought that it was difficult for Xia Jue to reach the peak of the later stage of the heaven order, so I wanted to make peace with him for the sake of safety.

Now it's hard to talk about it, and they're not really sure.

To have this strength, everyone's means of life-saving are unimaginable.

Besides, my uncle was much earlier than Xia Jue when he stepped into the peak of the later stage of heaven.

But unexpectedly, so many people joined hands to use their own means to protect their lives, and they didn't hurt Xia Jue.

For a moment, I was surprised and angry.

There are so many of them, they can't compare with a younger generation!

"Dragon gun, dragon out to sea, broken!"

There was a fierce flash in his eyes. A middle-aged man with a moustache quickly pulled out his gun and used the only remaining force in his body. It seemed that the strength in his hand alone was powerful.

Silver spear carved with a dragon head, lifelike, it seems that the next moment, will fly out of the clouds.

In the air, there was a faint sound of the dragon's chant. A spear came, just like a thousand troops galloping by.

The yellow sand is ten thousand li, all for use.

Long gun move white dragon sing!

For a moment, the sky and the earth seemed to lose color.

"Oh, dragon gun, we have to see who is the dragon."

The whole body exudes a cold light. As soon as Xia Jue's dragon sword comes out, the dense dark clouds disappear immediately.

The sword's power is thirty thousand li!

A strangulation, fast people can't see the shadow of the dragon sword.

Under the pressure of the panic in the heart, Xiaohu had to resist.

But his dragon gun had no effect on the dragon sword.

Even his own white dragon shadow showed signs of withdrawing his spear at the moment when the Dragon Sword came.

In a flash, the two are on the same page.

The man felt that the dragon sword was like a mountain. He could not breathe. He bit the tip of his tongue and vomited a few mouthfuls of blood essence.

At this time, the white light of the Dragon gun was more prosperous.

But compared with the dragon sword, it is just like the bright candle and the bright moon.

But Xia Jue threw the Dragon gun away.

Even the bearded man's arm was taken to the ground.


With a cry of surprise, Hu Zi Nan vomited blood, mixed with the fragments of the viscera.

He never thought that his proud dragon gun would end like this.

When the time is right, others will attack one after another.

At the moment when the two sides were facing each other, gutuo Palace also shook violently.

Xia Jue was not inferior to many people.

The old man didn't care so much. He attached a little bit of vitality to his palm, trying to strike Xia Jue's Yuan Li with his tenacious vitality.

Give me a hard slap. I'm waiting for this time.

There are many people and many eyes. Xia Jue doesn't care about the old man. He just resists other people's attack and lets the old man clap his hand.

When a palm fell on Xia Jue, the world seemed to be still.

"Ha ha ha, Xia Jue, I'll see how you can escape this time. Vitality is not something that all the later peaks of heaven level have."

Seeing that he clapped his hand on Xia Jue, the old man couldn't help laughing wildly.

He thought how powerful Xia Jue was. He could deal with so many heaven level masters. He didn't want to. He was also a Jinyu, and he was one of them.

Now, it's not that I've been hurt by myself.

"Is it?"

Before the old man's laughter stopped, Xia Jue suddenly opened his mouth and changed the faces of the people who had put it down.

Xia Jue It's still moving!

You know, there are so many of them, even the experts who have already crossed the sky level may not be able to bear it.

But Xia Jue has just stepped into the peak of the later stage of heaven.

Even the breath is not completely stable at the peak of the later stage of the sky.

This It's impossible.

Before they could react from the shock, they were swept away by the dragon sword in Xia Jue's hand, and each of them left a terrible scar on his chest, which was longer than his arm.

Even Neidan came to Xiajue one after another, and there was no strength for many years.

Before he felt the pain, he saw Xia Jue's shadow in the air. He went directly behind the old man and stabbed his back with a sword.

On the palm of Xia Jue's back, a faint green breath can be seen, which is slowly absorbed by Xia Jue.

In an instant, everyone fell to the ground.

"You're not the only one with life."

He said with no expression. Xia Jue was holding a sword. The body of the sword was full of blood. It was the blood of so many heaven level masters!Huotuotuo is a murderer from hell.

The look of the crowd changed from surprise to fear.

If there was only a little fear before, now it is incomparable fear.

It's not something that a person who has just stepped into the peak of the later stage of heaven can do.

Obviously, Xia Jue hasn't done his best yet.

It's hard to imagine what it would be like for Xia Jue to exert all his strength.

"You You can't kill me... "

He fell to the ground and struggled to step back. The old man looked very scared.

Xia Jue didn't move at all, but he wanted to escape.

At this time, the sky and the earth fluctuated further away, and even started to drop a large number of stones from mid air.

"No, if you go on fighting, the palace of gutuo will collapse."

I don't know who it is, I suddenly yelled out.

Now, I'm dead.

Even if Xia Jue didn't do it, they would die in gutuo palace.

After a look at the crowd, Xia Jue directly turned away from them

now they are like dead dogs.

Without Nathan, they don't work.

No matter where people go, they are doomed.

To kill them is to dirty your hands.

As soon as he left the palace of gutuo, Xia Jue saw that Gu Qingying and the big devil were still fighting and could not part.

Standing on one side silently, Xia Jue didn't intend to intervene.

As a result, the imperial palace of gutuo could not bear to add one more person.

Second, Gu Qingying didn't fall into a bad situation. On the contrary, she had a tendency to surpass the big devil.

In this case, Xia Jue didn't have to go up at all.

Not many people, old Uncle Chen Shang and others also came out of the discussion from the gutuo palace, covering their wounds one by one.

While they came out, huge stones fell from the gate of the palace.

It even killed an old man who just pushed the door in the middle.

But they don't care much at this time.

Hurry to stop the big devil and Gu Qingying.

Gutuo palace has already experienced their struggle, plus two people fighting like this, maybe the whole gutuo palace will collapse.

The foundation of the Royal Palace is stabilized by the force of heaven and earth. After such a long time, it has been crumbling.

If they can come this time, they will make such a big noise. I'm afraid that the palace of King gutuo will not be protected.

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