"Elders, don't fight any more. If you fight any more, you will lose both sides."

With a plop, Chen Shang knelt down directly to the old devil.

Now he doesn't care whether he'll annoy the old devil or not.

Once gutuo palace collapses, the whole barren land will disappear.

At that time, they will not be able to get out of the palace.

"Go away! You dare to stop me. "

Cold hum, the big devil doesn't care so much.

Since he couldn't get into the gutuo palace and let these people in, he not only didn't get anything, but also lost his inner elixir.

It's useless to be a bunch of cowards.

"No, sir, we are in a disadvantageous position today. We'd better wait until we meet next time and catch them all."

"If we continue to fight today, we will lose both sides. At that time, we may not be able to escape the barren land with the strength of our predecessors."

"Yes, sir, once the imperial palace of gutuo collapses and disappears, the barren land will become a dead land, which is not worth the loss."

Listen to this, others have advised up.

Finally, they escape from Xia Jue's clutches in gutuo palace. They don't want to lose their lives because of the old devil and Gu Qingying.

Now, although they don't have Nathan, one life is enough. The gold and silver they keep can still live in the next life.

As long as you don't provoke Xia Jue, you can say anything.

With a glance at Xia Jue, Gu Qingying hesitates. If what they say is true, they can't fight any more.

They don't know what happened to Xia Jue and them in gutuo palace, but they are all waste people who muddle along. It's very important. They don't dare to tell lies.

Aiming at Xia Jue's slight nod, Gu Qingying drinks fiercely, and directly forces the big devil back a few steps with a water sleeve.

Gu Qingying retreated a little.

"Back up!"

"Today we are here. We all know how important the palace is."

Coldly said, Gu Qingying clear, this fight, even if the gutuo palace collapsed, they may not be able to tell the outcome.

Gutuo palace is one of the few places on the earth where there is plenty of residual force. If gutuo palace is gone, they will be trapped here. They can't do anything but say it. They are afraid that all the people on the earth will be affected.

Swept in front of all one eye, the old devil also didn't start, just stare at Gu Qingying viciously.

There's no way to kill Gu Qingying today. It's really disappointing.

But if there is no gutuo palace, I'm afraid it's hard to find the weak point of space.

"Oh, in that case, what do you want?"

Asked a, the old devil in the heart is to have a plan.

When they stopped, the gutuo palace and the whole barren land had stabilized.

Then, next, none of them will easily open the barren land. What does it mean to look after Qingying.

If she didn't want to give him the rest of the things in the palace, she would give him one.

"There are four gutuo palaces left, two for each of you and me."

Slightly chest, Gu Qingying know what the old devil in abacus.

However, for today's sake, it is only when you enter the palace of gutuo that you can find clues about the weak points of space.

But the old devil can't enter the gutuo palace, she can let those waste into the gutuo palace, it is to give the old devil face.

In this world, strength is respected.

Now, in terms of overall strength, the old devil may not be his opponent, so it's kind enough to give them two Gu Qingying.

But the old devil didn't speak. First of all, he was not very satisfied with it.

Joke, when did he share such a big benefit with others.

"Who will be dissatisfied with the first World War as soon as possible? You'd better think it over. "

Seeing that the old devil hesitated, Xia Jue came forward clearly and showed his power at the peak of the later stage of the heaven order incisively and vividly.

There is no inner Dan of all people are shivering, pale as after a chapter.

The devil! Xia Jue is a devil.

They had more time to save than Xia Jue, but they were not as powerful as xijue. They were also equipped with their own inner elixir by xijue.

The remaining two gutuo palaces are not so much the result of equal strength as the result of the Western decision.

"At the end of the peak of Tianjie, hahaha, I didn't expect that someone could reach this point at this time."

"Well, two seats for one, Gu Qingying. Don't regret it."

It is clear to the devil that Xia Jue has just stepped into the peak of the later stage of the heaven stage after entering the palace of gutuo.

Although the younger generation is formidable, it is still a good thing for the palace of gutuo.

If you don't find a way to get in, I'm afraid you really don't have any chance.Now it's meaningless to waste time with Gu Qingying.

It's better to step back.

It's obvious that we can't count on these wastes any more.

"Regret? You should first consider how to get over the palace of King gutuo. "

With a smile, Gu Qingying turns around.

Time doesn't wait for her. She can't get into gutuo palace, but with Xia Jue, she doesn't have to worry about so much.

But the old devil is not the same. Those people have become waste. Even if they enter the gutuo palace, without Xia Jue, they will also die under the organs of the gutuo palace.

After all, if you really want to get something, you have to go in by yourself.

Looking at Gu Qingying and Xia Jue's back as they leave, the old devil is itching with hatred.

he has nothing to do with the number of class hours.

He kicked the man beside him, and he fell to the ground with a plop, never waking up again.

The others were on their knees, shivering.

I dare not speak.

I can only wait for the orders of the old devil.

Without strength, if they make a mistake, they may die here.

"Well! Gu Qingying, in that case, no wonder I am. "

The old devil's horizontal sound, the air around him rippled, the whole person will be nothingness.

And a cloud of black smoke came out from the dead man.

The next moment, there is slowly stood up.

This move, see of public stare big eyes.

originally, the old iron was supposed to borrow old fellow's flesh to enter the ancient palace.

However, such a method will make the old devil stay in the sphere of influence of physical aid.

But this is the only way to let the old devil enter the palace.

Now it's impossible for them to enter the gutuo palace, even if they can't get anything, it's better for the old devil to enter the gutuo palace for a while.

"The master is very tactful. Anyway, Gu Qingying doesn't dare to come back."

Seeing this, Chen Shang immediately fell to his knees and praised.

The others echoed.

But the old devil didn't look at human nature at all, so he turned to the other king's palace.

He has nothing. They are the greatest kindness except for their usefulness.


On the other hand, Xia Jue and Gu Qingying have come to another place.

"There is no place in the imperial palace of gutuo. In this barren place, the imperial palace of gutuo just now is cooking. You should have taken a lot of things in it."

Said, Gu Qingying looked up and down Xia Jue.

Although Xia Jue has just been put into the peak of the later stage of the heaven level, his breath is unstable, but his strength has already far exceeded that of the same level.

One person has dealt with so many heaven level masters, and he has taken out all their inner elixirs. He is already a genius of Tianzong.

Even if Gu Qingying is such a proud person, he can't help but praise it from the bottom of his heart.

The future achievements of Xia Jue are immeasurable.

On this small and narrow earth, it's really the hands and feet of Xia Jue.

"All right, but is there any way you can get in here?"

Nodding, Xia Jue didn't hide anything from Gu Qingying.

For Gu Qingying, he already has enough understanding.

He believes in Gu Qingying's character

What's more, he left something for Gu Qingying,

"if I guess correctly, you should see the world tree in the classics."

Slowly forward, Gu Qingying does not seem to be distressed by the prohibition of gutuo palace.

"The world tree? It should be that tree. The rest of the fruit is here. "

In response, Xia Jue only regarded the world tree as something to ban the imperial palace of gutuo, and directly took out the remaining fruits of his collection.

Deep in the jade hand, Gu Qingying controls the fruit of the world tree, showing off its wealth in mid air, facing the gate of the gutuo palace.

All of a sudden, the fruit and gutuo palace radiated a huge green light, with a virtual shadow in the middle.

The virtual shadow vaguely presents the figure of an old man with white hair and beard.

After a while, just listening to the roar, you were opened in the palace of King gutuo, and there was no punishment.

"It's really the world tree."

With a smile, Gu Qingying is very satisfied.

Compared with other functions of the fruit of the world tree, Xia Jue has gone in to get the fruit of the world tree, which shows that sister Xia and the people around her are free to go in and out of the gutuo palace.

What's the point of this prohibition.

He said, and walked directly to the palace of King gutuo.

As for the fruit of the world tree, it is like a spirit, guiding them forward.

Satisfied with hesitation, Xia Jue directly followed.The virtual shadow that just appeared is the owner of gutuo palace.

However, Xia Jue had some doubts about Gu Qingying's understanding of his native kingdom.

Can we say that the function of the pill can be connected with astronomy and geography?

Otherwise, how could Gu Qingying be so familiar with gutuo palace.

"Since you have inherited the fortune of the world tree, you must have vitality in your body. If you grasp this thing well, it will be of great use to you in the future."

It seems to know what Xia Jue looks like again. Gu Qingying doesn't explain much, but says something lightly.

He is not a fool. He knows that he can't ask more about some things, so he doesn't say more about them. Instead, he looks around. The whole area of this gutuo palace is only a little smaller, but the rest of it hasn't changed much.

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