The sound surprised Gu Qingying, who was sealing the stone man.

Monsters have not appeared on the earth for tens of thousands of years, but this is just a branch of gutuo palace!

And listen to the sound, there are a lot of them.

But surprise comes from surprise. Gu Qingying doesn't care.

A huge gray wolf beast pounced on them and was stopped by Gu Qingying.

If Xia Jue had an arrow, Gu Qingying would only wave her hand slightly, and she would not be able to slander the monster and send out a series of miserable howls.

Seeing this, Xia Jue was not surprised.

For other people, such a large number of monsters can not support long ago, but it is just like playing in front of them.

Without hesitation, Xia Jue went forward and put away the demon Dan of the fallen monster.

Before entering the Yuan Dynasty, he must try his best to save resources. Gu Qingying doesn't care now, he is not.

These things may be able to break through the weak point of space.

Soon, under the guidance of Gu Qingying, Xia Jue walked directly through the stone wall passage, and then walked around the rest of the road, but he never met such a rare thing as the world tree.

About to leave this sub hall, Gu Qingying stops abruptly.

"Wait, I see."

Then she sat down on the floor and began to pinch her fingers.

Staring at Gu Qingying's action, Xia Jue guessed that Gu Qingying should feel the relevant news of the weak point of the space, otherwise, Gu Qingying would not suddenly be like this at this time.

Only the specific location of the weak point in the space can make Gu Qingying have this reaction.

Eyes micro MI, he did not disturb Gu Qingying, but is holding before found Huaxia Jiuding began to study.

He didn't feel the extraordinary of the nine cauldrons. It didn't look very different from other bronzes.

Just as Xia Jue wanted to put away the nine tripods of Huaxia and study them carefully when he had time, Gu Qing's image was possessed. He suddenly opened his eyes and stared at Xia Jue.

Exactly speaking, it is a wall behind Xia Jue.

Directly turned to see, Xia Jue has forgotten his hands of Huaxia Jiuding.

Unintentionally, he was drawn a hole by Huaxia Jiuding.

The next moment, the light of Huaxia Jiuding is great, and the whole gutuo palace emits bronze light, which is very powerful,.

Faintly, the breath from Huaxia Jiuding is a kind of king, which makes people surrender and shiver.

Even Gu Qingying lost herself in an instant, and was about to kowtow and kneel down.

Fortunately, she regained her consciousness when her actions were in the territory.

Xia Jue is different, and he is the supreme, he did not feel a threat.

On the contrary, the whole body is warm.

In an instant, the square array of heaven and earth appeared in his mind.

The whole region of China is very clear in my mind.

And several areas combined into one, it turned out to be a tripod like shape.

In the south of the desert, I have a good idea of the shape of the Chinese tripod.

For a moment, Xia Jue couldn't help immersing himself in this world.

I know I was awakened by Gu Qingying.

"Xia Jue, what's the matter with you?"

Wake up, he is a trance first, for a long time, just slowly open mouth.

"The nine cauldrons in China, the heaven and earth are the array. It's true, but this array is too profound..."

Just now, he was convinced that he should have inadvertently sent out the inheritance of the nine cauldrons of China, which was the true meaning of the array of the nine cauldrons of China.

But it's too profound.

If he hadn't stepped into the peak of the later stage of the heaven stage, and Gu Qingying was here, I'm afraid he would have been in which world Chen Qin was in and had been sinking down, and he didn't know when to wake up.

It seems that we have to find other Chinese Jiuding to crack the real usage.

But the power of that array was already in his mind.

If you really put away Huaxia Jiuding, I'm afraid that no one will be his opponent.

"You got the inheritance of Huaxia Jiuding?"

Gu Qingying is kind. Even he can't see the head of Huaxia Jiuding. She thinks that Xiajue has this ability.

She also believed in Xiajue's character enough, so she gave the Huaxia Jiuding to Xiajue.

I didn't expect that Xia Jue had such a good fortune before he got the nine cauldrons.

Although no other bronze tripod has been found, the profound array will benefit a lot even if you can have a look at it.

But even so, Xia Jue can get these, Gu Qingying did not say anything.

Fortunately, he and Xia Jue did not have a bad relationship.

Otherwise, I don't know what will happen if I do evil with such a genius.What's more, he also has opportunities that no one else can reach. This kind of luck is the envy and hard work of others.

See Xia Jue nodded, Gu Qingying slowly opened his mouth, did not mention this matter.

"That's good. God will help you and me. Just now, I suddenly noticed that there is a place with abundant Yuanli, but in the area where Yuanli is very weak, including space!"

"You found the weak point of space!"

Xia Jue was also very surprised. Before, Gu Qingying was powerful, but he didn't have this ability.

It seems that the pill really helped Gu Qingying and himself.

"Well, go back and get ready. Next we should have a try. It's in the northwest of the sub Hall of the gutuo palace."

Just now, Gu Qingying looked at the position behind Xia Jue.

After that, Gu Qingying directly shrinks into an inch and takes him back to the city.

When they came back from the barren land, it was already dark.

Leaving Gu Qingying at home, Xia Jue goes directly to Su's villa.

Su villa, at this time, Su Yihan has fallen asleep early.

A pretty face is still with tears and sorrow. Xia Jue knows that Su Yihan hasn't slept well for a long time.

For Su Yihan, he has been compensating, but obviously, it is not enough.

Only when he becomes more powerful can he really protect Su Yihan's life and life.

As he approached the bed and sat down, Xia Jue brushed the hair of the man in front of him carefully.

He didn't want to wake her up.

I don't know whether it's life or death to go to the weak point of space this time.

If he comes back to find Su Yihan, he will be able to give Su Yihan more.

If he died, he would leave quietly without adding any trouble to Su Yihan.

Looking at Su Yihan quietly, I don't know how long it took for Xia Jue to make up his mind. As soon as he turned around, he was held tightly by a pair of warm hands.

"Be careful, I'll wait for you to come back."

Familiar with the pleasant voice, he wants to nod in Xia Jue's ear. He suddenly pulls Su Yihan into his arms.

People in my arms don't know when they will be full of tears.

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