"Don't worry, I'll be back soon."

Gently said, Xia Jue is also very reluctant, but he has no other way.

Suddenly raised his head, Su Yihan had only Xia Jue in his eyes.

Four eyes opposite, fire burning.

The blazing temperature seemed to devour them.

Without words, only the fierce and blazing kiss met Xia Jue.

A night of spring.

I don't know when, listening to the sound of breathing in my arms, Xia Jue left quietly.

Wait for me to come back!


In the middle of the night, Gu Qingying returns to his residence and is ready.

Seeing Xia Jue, she seldom showed a smile of unknown meaning.

Grinding his nose, I don't know why, Xia Jue at this time turned to have a kind of feeling of doing a bad thing.

"Cough, it's time to go. If it's a little later, I don't know if the weak point of space will change."

"It's all right, no hurry, the weak point of space is not worried about the spring night."

Face across the cunning smile, Gu Qingying a pair of I understand the appearance.

Without speaking, Xia Jue turned his mouth and didn't pick a fault.

Seeing this, Gu Qingying didn't continue to talk about it, so she got up and left.

Led by Gu Qingying, they soon came to the suspected weak point of space.

This place is rugged and full of rocks.

On the canyon, all of a sudden, a strong choking breath came to his face, which made Gu Qingying frown.

"I'm afraid this place is not simple. Although the Yuanli and spatial Bi are very weak, there is an inexplicable magnetic force."

Cold mouth, this time Gu Qingying also dare not take it lightly.

Glancing around, Xia Jue didn't reply, but nodded silently. He agreed with Gu Qingying.

Just as he was about to feel the difference between the two places, there was a turbulence in the air.

"Be careful."

Subconsciously, Gu Qingying retreats. He directly raises his sword and blocks the white arrow coming from mid air.

The arrows were nailed in the valley, and the terrible cracks were everywhere.

Take a cold breath, Gu Qingying also unconsciously secretly frightened.

The speed of the arrow is extremely fast, and the impact force is extremely strong.

If there is no Xia Jue, she really doesn't know whether she can take the next move.

"Come out, there's no need to hide."

Behind the dragon sword, Xia Jue's eyes narrowed slightly. He thought that he was an old opponent.

Voice just fell, see old devil and old uncle etc. figure appeared out of thin air in mid air.

Xia Jue and they are not surprised.

The people who can find this place at the same time with Gu Qingying are afraid that there is no one else except the old devil and the old man.

After all, Lao Bo is a man of Yuan Dynasty.

Other people also estimated that they were the heaven level masters newly recruited by the old devil.

"Jie, it's a coincidence that we meet again."

The old devil stepped forward, dressed in a tight robe, which made people unable to see his face clearly, but the threat from his whole body was enough to explain everything.

"What? Don't you agree? I'll let you go in gutuo palace, and you'll follow me! "

Cold eyebrows look at each other, Gu Qingying asks himself, even with the old devil's ability, it is impossible to find this place.

"Give me a break? If it's not for the things in King gutuo's palace, do you think you still have life? "

With a cold hum, the old devil was not in a hurry.

Just now, I just wanted to test them.

And that temptation, let him down to kill heart.

That Xia Jue, unexpectedly broke through so quickly, and he also had some inexplicable power.

It was so powerful that even he couldn't see through it.

It seems that Xia Jue has gained a lot in the sub Hall of gutuo palace.

"I'm afraid you've come here to get to Yuanjie, but if you do it, I don't know if you can bear it here."

With a little smile, Xia Jue is confident. If he and Gu Qingying are united, it's not necessarily who died.

Besides, the old man has become a useless man.

"That's right. It's already very weak here, and this place has the best chance to reach the yuan kingdom. If you lose this opportunity for the sake of childhood dream, it's not worth the loss."

Feeling the breath of Xia Jue, the old man could not help shaking his body.

At this time, he is already a useless person.

Facing Xia Jue again, he only has fear.

Even more than facing the old devil.

How to say again, oneself still have some use value in old devil here, won't die, can be different in front of Xia Jue.

Read this, the old man bowed his body, carefully reminded the old devil.

"Well, I know naturally. If I want to do something, do you think they will still stand here?"Disdain to shake hands, the old devil also knows the words of the old man.

In this fragile place, even if he just didn't do his best, it's good to hide.

Xia Jue and the other two saw that the old devil was still very tough and didn't say anything.

At present, we still focus on removing the yuan boundary.

It's about who gets to Yuanjie first.

The resources of the earth are already like this, so whoever goes to Yuanjie first wins.

Only the yuan kingdom can support the cultivation of people of this level.

"I have a proposal. Although we have found this place, we don't have a good grasp of it. It's better to let go of those grudges and unite. Maybe there is still a chance to enter the yuan kingdom."

Seeing that the old devil had no impulse, the old man dared to speak again.

It doesn't matter where he can stay after a few things.

Therefore, he must try his best to send these three people to Yuanjie.

In this way, greater opportunities are good for everyone.

At that time, even if you stay on the earth, you can live well without fear.

As soon as the words came out, the three people's eyes focused on the old man.

The air seemed to solidify at this moment.

Who they are, naturally, can see what the old man is doing.

But then again, it's not unreasonable.

Here, if they want to fight, if they can't, they might as well unite their strength.

In Yuan Kingdom, it depends on who is powerful and who can be killed.

Making up his mind, Gu Qingying turns to ask Xia Jue what he means.

Without waiting for Gu Qingying to speak, Xia Jue spoke directly.

"Your people are very cunning, but it's good to make a covenant so that no one will profit."

With that, Xia Jue's sharp eyes swept at the old man, which made him tremble.

Nodding slowly, the old devil didn't refuse.

It's not so much a union as a use of each other.

"Let's go. If you hold me back, you'll have to live rather than die."

Seems to be afraid of Xia Jue two people will not exert all one's strength, the old devil is a threat, back to the distance.

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