At this time, the advantage of the number of people was revealed, and soon the man and woman could not withstand the siege of the public, and gradually became weak, with more and more wounds on their bodies.

Although Xia Jue can't stand the shameless behavior of bullying others, he is only one person. Even if he helps, he is not sure that he can change the weak situation of a man and a woman. He can't say that he will be implicated in it and be hated by their hostile clan.

After thinking about it, Xia Jue decided to keep hiding, and then find a chance to escape, so as not to get into trouble.

Seeing that the group of people were fighting fiercely, and the war zone was approaching him, Xia Jue held his breath and carefully moved his position, but accidentally stepped on a dead branch.

With a click, he stopped.

It's going to be discovered.

”Where is the person? Come out quickly, or don't blame us for being impolite! "

someone heard the voice and yelled at Xia Jue in the direction.

The people who were fighting also stopped one after another.

A man and a woman were finally able to catch their breath and look at each other, secretly congratulating themselves.

Xia Jue knew he couldn't hide. He stood up from the grass and said, "I'm just a passer-by, not a villain."

”It's not a villain. What are you doing sneakily in the grass? "The first one questioned, obviously not believing.

His peers all stare at Xia Jue coldly, with bad eyes.

Xia Jue didn't want to fight. He came closer and was about to explain again, but he didn't expect that the gang suddenly got into trouble and attacked him in a swarm. And the action is very fast, and the direction of attack is different, but everyone wants to attack is the key.

Xia Jue's pupils shrank sharply and kept avoiding, but every time he wiped their weapons, they were all under his control.

”I said, "you..."

He wanted to open his mouth, but before they finished their words, a new round of attack began. They were cruel and determined to kill Xia Jue.

After all, they don't seem to have a lot of strength, though they have a few tactics.

And many people also hindered Xia Jue's action, which made him slow and show many flaws.

It's a vicious circle.

Xia Jue was angry.

He was so targeted because he didn't do anything. He was really looking for death!

”In this way, I'm not polite! " Xia Jue dodged and threatened with a cold voice.

He doesn't want to make trouble, but if these people hold on, they can't blame him.

”I think you're blind! You can't even tell if your aunt is a man or a woman! "A gentle looking woman pointed out, saying extremely vicious words.

Xia Jue's eyes narrowed. He remembered that this woman was the most ruthless.

”Oh, say I'm a dog, then what's your aunt? I think you're pretty good-looking. I didn't expect you to be a fool who can't even understand. What a pity. " Xia Jue shook his head regretfully and made the woman blush with anger.

She was about to break away from the line and rush over alone when she was held by a handsome thin man beside her.

”Elder martial brother, what are you doing? Let me teach him a lesson, or I can't swallow it. " The woman frowned, but the tone was soft.

The summer Jue sees her tiny Du mouth, in the heart a burst of evil cold.

She is a tyrannical tiger, but she has to pretend to be a weak white lotus.

It's a pity. It's a waste of that face.

The thin and weak man gave Xia Jue a gloomy look and said in a low voice, "younger martial sister, you have been injured a few days ago, but you are still not cured. If you lose one-on-one rashly, it's absolutely you."

”What should I do? I can't just be scolded by him. "

The thin and weak man choked. In fact, he wanted to say that he would continue to bear it. It was not too late for them to torture the man until they took him down. But now it's obviously not suitable to say that again. He doesn't want to be looked down upon by his younger martial sister.

The man didn't do anything during their siege, but he miraculously avoided all the fatal moves. I think his martial arts are not bad.


The thin and weak man didn't know what he thought of. He suddenly laughed at Xia Jue with pride and arrogance, which made Xia Jue's face cold.

Xia Jue's intuition is not good, so he enters the fighting state ahead of time.

”In that case, compare with me. " The man stepped forward, deliberately hiding the strong breath.

If ordinary people would let him be cheated, thinking that he was just the peak in the medium term, they relaxed their vigilance and finally died in the battle due to misjudgment.

But it happened that he was Xia Jue.

”It's just a mid-term peak. You still want me to fight! "Xia Jue said in a loud voice deliberately," I'll let you do two moves, so I'll beat you down when I get it. Your fellow disciples say I bully you. "

A man and a woman, who had been watching for a long time, were worried, but there were two people around them who were watching them fiercely. They had to give Xia Jue a look.

Xia Jue's remaining light glances at him as if he didn't see it. There was a little comfort in his heart, and he felt that they had some conscience.”Don't talk nonsense, look at my move! "

the thin man shouts and rushes to Xia Jue, deliberately showing a big flaw. He is ready to give him a killing move at the moment when Xia Jue counterattacks.

Xia Jue is still proud of his smile. If he is careful, he can find that his smile has not reached the bottom of his eyes, and what is hidden in the bottom of his eyes is the intention of killing!

it is only when the man approaches that the intention of killing is fully revealed and overwhelming.

Xia Jue takes out the dragon sword and stabs the man in the heart.

The sound of tearing skin and flesh rang out, and the man couldn't believe staring at the dragon sword that pierced into the heart: "how How could it be... "

He was ready to hide just now, but the closer the sword was to him, the slower his movement became. He couldn't force the sword out of his body as before. What's more, the stabbed heart seemed to be burning with a burning fire, which made him feel extremely painful. Life was not like death.

”Ah... " The thin man's face was whiter, he cried hoarsely.

Impossible, no sword in the world can have such ability!

"elder martial brother!"

while the woman screams, the man's thin body falls to the ground.

Xia Jue looked at him coldly, staring at his eyes, which he refused to close. He felt very happy.

A man and a woman in the corner did not dare to see the atmosphere.

This is the absolute strong man at the peak of the later period. He solved it with such a sword.

”I'll kill you! "The woman rushed to Xia Jue like crazy.

Without her cooperation, her movements were all flawed. When she was close to Xia Jue for one meter, Xia Jue solved them in the same way.

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