There was another corpse on the ground, and he died in the same way.

”You two hard-working mandarin ducks have got what they want. Although they were not born on the same day, they died on the same day. "

The bloody dragon sword was tightly held in his hand, and Xia Jue's murderous look made him look like a devil from hell, specialized in harvesting human life.

The rest of the students looked at each other face to face, you look at me, I look at you, hesitating for a long time is no one dares to go.

Joke? The most powerful people in the team were killed in an instant. They were killed for nothing!

"didn't you all say you want to kill me just now? Come on, let's see if you can move me!"

"it's not a lesson!"

seeing some people angered as expected, Xia Jue raised his dragon sword with scarlet eyes.

Come on, come on, all of you. Today, Xia Jue will do justice for heaven!

they haven't been pestering for a long time, and the screams begin to ring.

Xia Jue's face was covered with warm blood, and he came out of the corpse with his sword and expressionless face.

A man and a woman, who had been neglected for a long time, came forward and sincerely said, "little brother, thank you for your help. If you need help in the future, please send me."

Xia Jue's eyes were full of blood. He wiped his face and finally saw them clearly.

”Even without you, I would have killed them. There is no reason. It's different from bandits. What kind of clan is it? I think it's a bandit's nest. "

”It's not the first time that we've met this kind of situation The man sighed and shook his head helplessly.

The woman patted him on the shoulder as a consolation.

Xia Jue felt sympathy in his heart.

He could see that they wanted to make friends, otherwise they would have run away in the chaos just now. Now that he has just arrived here, he is not familiar with the land. It would be great if he could take this opportunity to make a good inquiry.

”To tell you the truth, I have just come here and don't know anything. Please give me some advice and tell me the general situation of this field. "

They were very surprised and admired Xia Jue more and more.

When you first come here, you can kill all the teams that have the strong ones at the top. It's really a god man.

”No, no, we can't be such a master. "

The man waved his hand and said, "we are controlled by six sects and nine sects. Zixianzong already has a name, and the rest can be named by themselves, as long as they don't violate zixianzong."

”Is there only six sects and nine sects in this world? "Xia Jue couldn't help asking. If it is true, there are too few sects in this world.

The woman smiles, with many wrinkles around her eyes. She looks very kind: "of course not. In addition to the six schools and nine schools, there are many small schools."

"The ability forces are different, and they are hierarchical. A total of one to five levels, the higher the level, the stronger the school strength. One of the strongest schools is the level five school, which most people dare not provoke. "

Xia Jue suddenly realized.

”I see. According to what you said, the sect that attacked the three of us just now must be very powerful. Is it a five level sect? "

" of course not. " Men show disdain, but also think of their own school level, disdain is not, guilty embarrassment is not, for a time the expression on the face becomes very complex.

”Xia Jue asked curiously.

No matter whether the people he killed were disciples of the fifth level sect or not, the two people in front of him were definitely not right.

”We are from the Earth Spirit sect Elder The man hesitated and said with some difficulty, "the first level clan."

Xia Jue was caught off guard and nearly fell into a slip.

”No wonder, as an elder, they can't beat the disciples of other people's clan. They were originally from the first clan.

That makes sense.

In fact, Xia Jue had already seen that they were not disciples of the sect, but they didn't guess their elder identity.

After all, he didn't expect a patriarchal Presbyterian Council to come to this stage.

”Don't underestimate our dilingzong. Every sect grows up from the first level. Our sect has not been established for long, and there are many children who upgrade quickly, so it still has great potential. "

"I always firmly believe that our Di Ling sect will become a five level sect one day!"

the female elder is unconvinced and firmly defends the dignity of the sect.

Xia Jue frowned slightly and explained quickly.

”Don't get me wrong. I didn't look down on it, but I was surprised. "

Listen to this, the man seems a little lonely.

”You don't have to explain any more. If our clan is really powerful, it won't be so humiliated. "

Xia Jue doesn't know how to comfort them. After all, their strength is here.The three didn't speak. They were a little embarrassed.

”By the way, young man, I forgot to ask you what your name is, why are you here, and who are you looking for? "

" if you want to find someone, I can't tell you. Although I'm not so good at martial arts, I can still communicate well. "

Men take the initiative to open up the topic, but the words of boasting and selling attract the dislike of peers.

”I'm bragging again. When can you change this bad habit? "

The woman gave him a white look.

Xia Jue couldn't help laughing. He felt relaxed and put down his guard.

”My name is Xia Jue. I didn't come here to look for people. I just came into the world by chance. "

The man nodded clearly, and his eyes fell uncontrollably on Xia Jue's Tai Long Sword: "that sword?"

his old face was full of curiosity, and Xia Jue felt very happy when he saw it.

”I carry it with me, of course

”I thought it was a gift from an expert, and I thought I would ask for one for myself. You should be careful to keep it. People with a clear eye can see that it's a treasure. Don't be targeted and robbed by bad people. "

The man kindly reminds.

The woman nodded solemnly.

A warm current suddenly surged in Xia Jue's heart. These two people have a good mind. " Thank you for reminding me. I will be more careful in the future. "

He answered very seriously.

They nodded as if they were real elders.

Strange to say, when they saw the child, they knew at first sight that he was not in the pool, and then their performance confirmed that.

If they had seen potential children before, they would have been eager to think about income, but Xia Jue was excellent. Dilingzong is not worthy of others.

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