After a talk, both sides are familiar with each other.

From each other's words, Xia Jue finally knew why these two people were destroyed

"by the way, your dilingzong is under siege now?"

Asked Xia Jue.

In front of us, a man and a woman nodded and replied:

"it's because we know about the crisis of the Earth Spirit sect that we want to rush back and rush back. However, we can't imagine that we were besieged on the way."

This makes Xia Jue feel funny.

For the two men in front of us are the elders of the Earth Spirit sect.

They themselves wanted to go back to the spirit of the earth and help their sect, but they never thought of it.

Just on the road, he was intercepted by others. He didn't go out to rescue him. Instead, he was besieged by the enemy forces.

Xia Jue did not speak any more, and the man and woman were also recuperating at this time.

Because after their big fight just now, although Jean didn't get any serious injuries, there were still a lot of minor injuries.

At the same time, they also feel that Xia Jue's strength is very strong.

If Xia Jue can be brought back to help his clan, it may be able to solve the disaster of the general clan.

So the man and the woman, with their eyes opposite, could see a ray of light from each other's eyes.

In their heart, although they are playing small nine nine, but don't know Xia Jue in the side is also see in the heart to understand.

At the same time, he felt the suspicion of the influence of the Earth Spirit.

After all, since the di Ling sect is under siege, the situation in the sect is absolutely not optimistic.

Of course, it's someone else's business.

Xia Jue himself as a stranger, but also Ping water intersection, is not suitable for deep to comment on other people's clan.

Time goes by in a hurry, and a few hours pass in a flash.

After that, all the injured men and women recovered, and after a period of adjustment, they also recovered.

And Xia Jue naturally has already conserved his energy.

At a glance, they were ready to go their separate ways.

But when Xia Jue was ready to leave, he was suddenly stopped by this man and woman.

Among them, the woman came up to Xia Jue and said,

"thank you for saving his life, but I don't know if he is going to experience in the Yuan Dynasty?"

Xia Jue was startled! They can see it.

And this woman slightly a smile, slowly explain, want to draw up Xia Jue.

"In this yuan Kingdom, in fact, everyone's cultivation information is very special."

"They were originally from the Yuan Dynasty. They were born to grow up, so their cultivation was tinged with vitality. Naturally, their kindness is different. I'm afraid that after going out, people will see it. It's not as good as..."

After all, when they saw Xia Jue, although Xia Jue's strength was very strong, Xia Jue didn't have the strong breath of vitality, which was absolutely different.

You know, in Yuan Kingdom, even a newborn baby's vitality is very strong.

Xia Jue, as such a strong man, has absorbed strength all the year round.

The yuan breath in the body should be stronger. It's impossible to be so indifferent.

Since Xia Jue has such weak vitality and strength.

When he first arrived in Yuanjie, he must be unfamiliar with his life and land, but he can't be recruited.

In this way, we can attract a strong talent for zongmen.

In addition, at this time, in the case of clan crisis, if Xia Jue is really willing to help.

On the contrary, it can establish the authority of the clan, which is a good thing to do with one stone.

I can't help it.

Of course, although the abacus in her heart is good, it also depends on whether Xia Jue is willing to go up or not.

Xia Jue's face showed a smile and looked at them. For the first time, he didn't answer or deny.

After all, it's impossible to make such a hasty decision even if you really want to join one party.

Although Xia Jue didn't speak at this time, his attitude was obvious.

She is waiting, waiting for a man and a woman to give their own conditions.

If the conditions are rich, then it's not too bad to join the so-called Di Ling sect.

As for the current crisis, perhaps in the eyes of a man and a woman, it is very big.

But in Xia Jue's view, it seems that if the other party's power is really the level of the group just now, it doesn't seem to be much.

Xia Jue, depending on his own strength, should be able to cope with it.

Sure enough, it wasn't long before this woman's voice came out again.

"If you are willing to join our Di Ling sect, then the di Ling sect will be very grateful.""Besides, I think you are still in the later stage of the sky stage."

"If you are willing to join me, then we can try our best to help you find a way to break through the later stage of the sky."

As soon as such conditions are established, we can say that we are extremely sincere.

Suddenly, Xia Jue smiles in front of his eyes. It seems that the two of them are planning to be the same.

At this moment, the woman's offer is to help her find a way to break through the peak of the later stage of the sky.

This is what Xia Jue needs most.

Therefore, Xia Jue could not help but calm down and made such a decision, but he still needed to think about it again.

The two elders of Di Ling sect, a man and a woman, were looking at Xia Jue with their eyes.

They really want Xia Jue to agree, because to tell the truth, their lingzong is really down.

And the strength is not too strong, want to attract Xia Jue is to try.

Even if they give the treasures of their own clan, Xia Jue may also despise them. It's better to make a promise.

That is, you let the power of the whole di lingzong to help Xia Jue get the way to break through the later stage of heaven.

In this way, it can be regarded as a great sincerity.

Finally, in the hope of two elders, a man and a woman, Xia Jue finally nodded, agreed and said;

"in that case, it's OK."

The two elders, a man and a woman, were overjoyed, and a thick look of joy appeared on their faces.

"In that case, please go to the di Ling sect with us. I don't know what you mean!"

Slightly nodded, Xia Jue did not refuse.

These two people seem to have a good character. Helping them is also helping themselves.

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