In an instant, the other party's five people were hit by Xia Jue. After one, there were four people left. The combat effectiveness was obviously weakened, and their remaining four people were in a mess in an instant.

Xia Jue found a good gap and beat all four people out in an instant. In an instant, he had already decided the outcome. The audience and the people of Di Ling sect were stunned.

I didn't expect to be so quick. When I was still playing hard just now, I decided to win or lose at the next moment. Who is Xia Jue?

But a big stone in the heart of the disciples of dilingzong finally fell to the ground. At this time, dilingzong had completely gained the upper hand.

This time, the other side dare not act rashly.

They also know the gap with Xia Jue. If they continue to consume it, they will only be black and blue and have no face.

"Don't leave until we come back."

With a cold hum, the master of foundation construction left quickly.

Seeing that the enemy has left, Hou Xiaotian is very grateful to Xia Jue. If there is no rescue place for Xia Jue

Dilingzong doesn't know what it looks like now. I'm afraid it's already dead everywhere. So it's not too much for the people of dilingzong to put Xia Jue and the Savior in a position.

The people of dilingzong surrounded Xiajue, and their faces were filled with joy. They expressed their thanks to Xiajue one after another.

Including the two elders who came back.

"Thanks to my benefactor, we really don't know what to do without you. Let us know if we need anything."

"You are the benefactor and Savior of our Earth Spirit sect. Please be worshipped by your disciples."

Then all the disciples would kneel down to worship Xia Jue.

Hou Xiaotian also bowed slightly.

See this, Xia Jue quickly stopped, a wave let people kneel down.

"Don't kneel down. My name is Xia Jue. Don't call me that. It's just a little help."

In a word, everyone was shocked.

Hou Xiaotian's mouth is full of smoke. Is that a little help?

Even if it's a little help, Xia Jue saved dilingzong and all the people of dilingzong. That's their benefactor.

How dare the benefactor's great kindness and virtue be forgotten?

So they didn't change their words. At the same time, they also saw the potential of Xia Jue, who gave him the status of guest minister, so that Xia Jue could walk freely in dilingzong.

It's better to have Keqing's identity than no identity. At least it's convenient to walk in and out of dilingzong.

There is a special person to arrange Xia Jue.

Xia Jue took a rest and began to wander around the di Ling sect.

Xia Jue strolled all the way to the diange of dilingzong. The atmosphere was simple, and many things were yellow, giving people a mysterious and ancient feeling.

It's very big and has several floors. Xia Jue didn't go upstairs. He just walked around on the first floor.

By reading a few books at will, Xia Jue had a clearer understanding of the whole yuan Kingdom, which recorded the history of Yuan Kingdom and the development of various places.

At the same time, on the other side, those experts in the later days.

Having returned to Wumo mountain, the people of dilingzong never thought that they would be the people of Wumo mountain.

And now they hate Xia Jue to the bone. How did they not expect the duck to fly like this?!

And the culprit of all this is Xia Jue!

The more they thought about it, the more angry they became. They directly overturned the table and accused each other.

Bang, the master of building foundation smashed the table and began to drink angrily.

"Well, don't quarrel. Who can blame today? It's not about you

"If it wasn't for your own lack of determination and being exploited by that person, how could it be like this?"

Several people were speechless.

"We don't know who he is, but he just comes out suddenly. This man is definitely not simple. We need to make plans again. We must be more cautious when we deal with him in the future. He can't take advantage of it."

He nodded on his face, but inside, they were also unconvinced.

"Let's let the matter of the Earth Spirit sect go first. The main thing is to investigate this man first. Maybe he can make some plans for his secret skills."

At the end of the speech, everyone was very happy and began to discuss the countermeasures.

At the same time, Xia Jue was still reading books in the pavilion.

Suddenly, with a creak, the door of the pavilion was pushed open.

Looking back, Xia Jue frowned, as if he was looking at the person in front of him, and looked at her from top to bottom. His eyes were full of vigilance.

Xia Jue closed the book in his hand, then walked forward a few steps, looked at her again, did not speak.

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