Hou ling'er is very uncomfortable when he is looked at by Xia Jue. His intention is very simple. He just wants to check Xia Jue's origin.

She has heard about Xia Jue's power, and she can show her magic power in front of the heaven level experts.

Although he was a benefactor, it would be a very dangerous thing for dilingzong if Xia Jue came here to plot against the law.

It's hard for Hou ling'er to guarantee that Xia Jue won't do anything out of the ordinary. Therefore, Hou ling'er must find out these things clearly. Hou ling'er wants to hide his purpose, but all of these can't escape Xia Jue's eyes.

Coming forward, Hou ling'er pretends that nothing is the same and goes to Xia Jue. Then he looks at the book in Xia Jue's hand and asks with concern.

"What are you looking at? There are many books in diange. Do you like any of them? "

Xia Jue didn't respond too much. He just nodded, and then raised the book in his hand to Hou ling'er. He didn't speak any more.

He can't tell Hou ling'er that there's nothing he wants to read here, and the reason why he read this book is that he just came to this world.

Besides, he didn't want to talk to Hou ling'er too much, and he didn't want Hou ling'er to know himself too much.

Hou ling'er feels Xia Jue's vigilance and hostility, and is disappointed.

So I'm afraid I can't find out anything.

But she was only afraid that Xia Jue was a member of some hostile force, which would be harmful to di lingzong, so she wanted to inquire about Xia Jue.

Hou ling'er has some helplessness and continues to try to talk to Xia Jue.

"It's said that you have defeated several Tianji later stage masters by yourself today. You are very powerful."

Xia Jue knows that Hou ling'er's sudden arrival is not to praise herself. At least she must have something to say, and even have other purposes, so Xia Jue didn't pick up Hou ling'er's words.

He didn't want to give Hou ling'er any chance, but he looked at the book and ignored Hou ling'er.

Hou ling'er smoked the corner of his mouth, and then continued to say, "where did you learn those body methods and skills?"

Xia Jue closed the book in his hand, then glanced at Hou ling'er. The fierce look in his eyes is irreplaceable.

Xia Jue cold light mouth: "you want to know my origin, forgive me no comment."

Hou ling'er didn't expect that her intention had been seen through by Xia Jue.

Taking a breath, she sighed in her heart that the Xia Jue was really not simple. He was not only powerful, but also thoughtful.

Sure enough, it's not so easy to test. It's all because she didn't make good preparations before she came. She thought about Xia Jue too simply, so she failed.

Hou ling'er has nothing to say, so he has to show his own apology. After all, it's true that Xia Jue saved dilingzong. It's true that he is now the guest Qing of dilingzong. Hou ling'er can't be disrespectful to him.

She had no alternative but to step back two steps, slowly opening: "I overstepped, I left first."

Xia Jue doesn't care, but Hou ling'er doesn't leave immediately. He seems to think of something and asks Xia Jue again: "I want to know the origin of Tai Long Sword. Can you tell me?"

Tell her what she wants to know. How is that possible?

Xia Jue sneered, completely did not put Hou ling'er in the eye, he went out of the pavilion to the room.

Behind Xia Jue, she clenched her fist silently. She only felt that Xia Jue was a proud person, or a person with a careful mind.

I really don't want to reveal anything. Maybe his identity is really mysterious and even powerful. They can't provoke him.

Hou ling'er didn't ask. After Xia Jue left, he also left. After returning to the room, Xia Jue found that the people of di lingzong had sent some pills and some stone to express their gratitude.

Xia Jue has just arrived in this world. So he is still curious about these things. He began to study the stone to see what effect it has.

At this time, the door was knocked. Xia Jue didn't answer. He heard a familiar voice outside the door. It was Hou ling'er who was in the pavilion just now. Xia Jue frowned.

I don't know why Hou ling'er has to follow her at this time. What does she follow? Xia Jue doesn't know, but she should have something to ask.

Of course, Xia Jue won't tell her, so he didn't want to open the door at all.

Just listen to the voice outside the door, there are some eager to say: "are you in there? Is it convenient to open the door if you are there? I want to talk to you. "

On the way, Hou ling'er had already organized the language to ensure that it would not be disclosed. She was not disrespectful, but she never thought that Xia Jue would not open the door for herself.

After knocking for a long time, although Hou ling'er knew that Xia Jue must be in the room, Xia Jue didn't answer and didn't open the door. He certainly didn't want her to go in, so Hou ling'er naturally didn't want to rush in, so he had to leave.Listen to the footsteps of leaving, sighed, and then began to study Yuan Shi carefully.

Xia first absorbed a stone, and then began to meditate. He found that the stone could make the monk's practice speed increase and recover quickly.

Because Xia Jue has just taken Yuanshi, his vitality has almost recovered now. Even if he has been entangled with the later experts of Tianjie for so long, he has almost recovered now.

He could not help but feel the original magic. At the same time, he also began to practice, and found that the speed of practice was really doubled, which made Xia Jue a little happy. He did not expect that there was such a good thing here, which he met.

Xia Jue, who had used Yuanshi, was itchy at this time. He called the people of dilingzong and asked, "where did you get Yuanshi? anything else? I'm willing to pay a high price. "

There were some people in dilingzong who were in a dilemma. They scratched their heads and then said, "no, because there are only 20 worshippers in the sect every month. There are so many people in dilingzong, so they can't be separated."


"If you want to get Yuanshi, you can only get it by contribution and task. Why are you interested in Yuanshi?"

Xia Jue didn't disclose too much. He just shook his head and dismissed the people of di lingzong. At the same time, he just knew that di lingzong was going to escort a batch of drugs to the market.

This may be a good opportunity to contribute and get the task. Xia Jue comes to the place where people from the di Ling sect discuss it, and shows his initiative.

"Do you need any more escorts? Let me do it. "

The people of dilingzong looked at each other, and the respect on Xia Jue's face had disappeared a little. What they put on was vigilance and a little uneasiness.

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