But after consulting Hou Xiaotian, they could only ask Xia Jue to escort a batch of drugs to the market.

Along the way, Xia Jue was also very curious, but he didn't meet any bad people on the way to trade, only saw many people in a hurry.

Xia Jue looked at those people with different clothes and luggage, and guessed that they must have gone to the trading market like himself.

Several times someone passed by Xia Jue and wanted to talk to him, but before he spoke, those people had already walked away or walked away. It seemed that they were very taboo to communicate with others.

Seeing this, Xia Jue sighed in his heart and had to stop thinking.

There are a lot of tents not far ahead. People come and go to and fro in the road. They can even hear the seller's cry. It's very lively. Xia Jue was so happy that he could not help but quicken his pace.

There is no threshold to enter the trading market. Xia Jue has been looking around for a long time, but the person who didn't get the money finally realized this fact. He bumped the money in his hand and put it back in his pocket.

”It's really strange that there is no charge here. Are all the patrolling bodyguards working for nothing?

Xia Jue muttered suspiciously and went in with the medicine of dilingzong in his storage bag.

”Ah, have a look. I bought a good sword at a low price. Xia Jue picks his eyebrows and comes to the old man who yells.

”It's natural. If you don't believe me, I can try it myself The old man touched the goatee with a positive face.

Xia Jue's eyes brightened as he looked at the sword with cold silver light in his hand.

He has seen a weapon that can cut iron, but it cuts iron like mud

It's exaggerating

”I'll trouble you. "

Xia Jue put his money into his pocket and comforted himself: if it's true, it's good to think it's a long experience.

The old man gave him a mysterious smile, took out a piece of iron from the burden beside his feet, put it on the ground, and then cut the iron with the sword.

With a "creak" sound, the sword easily peeled away the thick looking iron.

Xia Jue pretended to be surprised, opened his mouth, and then his eyes fell on the sword, and he couldn't move it any more: "no, there are such gods in the world!". If you want to buy it, I'll sell it to you at a lower price, even if I make a friend. "

”How much are you going to sell me? "Xia Jue asked, staring at the sword's eyes shining, hoping that the sword would be his.

When the sword was moved, Xia Jue suddenly looked back at the old man.

The old man held out three fingers.

”Thirty liang? "

the old man frowned with disapproval:" this is not an ordinary thing. How can we use money to measure the value? All the treasures here have to be bought with Yuan Stone. If Yuan Stone is not enough, we can also trade things for things. " He finish saying, meaning to have to point to ground to see an eye Xia Jue body to carry of pack.

Xia Jue covered up his burden and made a long distance with him.

”Even if we trade things for things, these things belong to others, and I have no right to control them. If you're willing to trade for three yuan, you can do it. "

Three yuan stones, he pretended to have a pain.

However, the old man's face became more ugly than before after hearing his words. Goatee trembled slightly because of his anger: "I said thirty yuan! Three yuan stones for a baby that is as hard as mud. I think you humiliated me with integrity!"

and at this time, many people around him saw that Xia Jue shook his head and opened his mouth faintly. It turned out that they were all mortals,.

”The first time I came here, I didn't know the market in advance. In that case, I don't want to buy it. "

The old man waved his hand and rearranged his sword.

After solving this problem, Xia Jue is going to find a place to sell the treasure.

Did not want to go halfway, the front two men suddenly fight.

They have a fierce hand. Xia Jue steps back in a hurry to avoid harming the fish in the pond. He feels the breath and learns that the two fighting are in the middle of the heaven stage.

There are a lot of people watching, but there is no one to stop them. They fight equally. You don't let me and I don't let you.

At the beginning, I still had some scruples. After the meeting, I was obviously red eyed and could not take care of it.

Injured bystanders by mistake, damaged other people's stalls, the scene came one after another cry of surprise.

”Xia Jue stopped and looked forward. He saw a group of people dressed in black coming with swords. Their faces were full of evil spirit. People would give them a way when they passed by. When he came to Xiajue, he was just about to explain the process. He opened his mouth and looked into the leader's eyes. I don't know why he couldn't speak for a moment.

”I'll say it again. If you two don't stop, there will be no mercy! "The leader rudely set aside Xia Jue with a gloomy face.

There was no response.

Two men in the black team raised their swords and aimed at them. There are also two other people in black who will kill them in the moment when they dodge, and the blood will flow. During the process, they turned the living into the dead.

”This... " Xia Jue looked at the blood flowing to his feet and was so shocked that he couldn't speak.

He always thought that the sentence "no mercy for killing" was just a threat, but he didn't expect it to be true!

"if there are more offenders, deal with them together!"

the leader said in a loud voice, and then ordered someone to drag the body away.

Xia Jue was shocked. No wonder all kinds of people in the trading market stayed together, but nothing happened. It turned out that there were these executioners sitting in the town.

Everyone has his own destiny

He didn't stay much. He kept looking for places.

The place with the most traffic has been occupied by the powerful clan. Xia Jue searched for a long time, and finally found a remote open space.

He carefully took out the herbs and set them up. He was worried about how to sell them. Suddenly a pair of shoes appeared in front of him.

Xia Jue was overjoyed and thought that he had the first customer today: "what do you like? I..."

When he looked up to see the visitors clearly, his smile solidified on his face: "how are you?"

the people in yuquanmen asked unkindly: "why, does the stall owner still treat them differently?"

Xia Jue couldn't smile. He didn't think it would be good for these people to come to the door on their own initiative. Moreover, their packages have not been put down, and they are obviously looking for a booth.

”Oh, why don't you talk? We haven't found a good place to rest for a long time. I didn't expect that it would take no effort. You are alone now. If you know your face, make room for us. Don't force us to do it. !”

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