It's very lively under the fighting platform. On the contrary, on the fighting platform, Xia Jue and the old strong players of yuquanmen are very calm.

Just when Xia Jue thought he could start, suddenly someone from the platform came to ask them to sign a life and death certificate.

The big man looked at Xia Jue and said, "boy, if you are afraid of death and kneel down on the ground and call me grandfather three times, I can let you go and spare your life. Otherwise, when you sign the life and death certificate later, you will die in Laozi's hands!"

After that, there was a burst of laughter

more than that, some of the disciples of Yuquan gate started to roar and start to roar under the fighting platform, and even some gamblers who bought the platters around started to roar and start to roar.

In the face of all this, Xia Jue was not moved. His eyes were still calm and calm. He just said faintly: "noisy, there's so much nonsense. If you want to sign, you can sign. After you finish, I still have something to do."

Come on, Xia Jie signed the life and death certificate himself.

After they both signed the life and death certificate, they began to step on the stage and mounted the fighting platform.

Even though Xia felt that he could not easily destroy the street, he could not help sighing.

At this time, the man on the other side came up with a grim smile and launched an attack directly, and the strength of the man was not weak.

The two sides fought back and forth for a while, and after a fight, Xia Jue had a base in his mind about the strength of the other side.

That is, when you can't use the dragon sword, although you can clean up the opponent, it still takes a little effort,.

As for why we don't use the Tai Long Sword, of course, it's because the Tai Long Sword is too conspicuous at this time. If it's useful, it's very likely to expose our own identity,

in that case, it will cause a lot of unnecessary trouble

in that case, even if we want to solve each other with bare hands, we need to spend some money, but we still need to pay attention It's not difficult for Xia Jue.

Finally, after dozens of rounds of war, Xia Jue suddenly found a flaw in the big man. His fist was like a poisonous dragon and he hit him directly.

in an instant, the big man's chest was directly opened and he died on the stage.

"What, how could it be? It's impossible. The strong man of Yuquan gate is dead! "

"Who is this boy? It's so powerful

"When did the Earth Spirit gate attract such a strong man?"

At the scene, everyone was shocked.

it was incredible that Xia Jue had such strength, while the people in Yuquan gate looked as if they were dead and pale.

they were also shocked. You know, the man on the stage was a strong elder in Yuquan gate, but today, he was damaged in one place for no reason In the hands of an unknown young man

"Who is this man? Why we've never met. "

"It's reasonable that he shouldn't be. Since he has such powerful strength, he should have been famous for a long time."

Even some people began to scold, that is, those who lost the gambling, directly yelled here: "bastard, I lost three hundred yuan stone."

"Who is this boy? Where did he come from? Is it coming out of a crack in the stone

It can be said that at this moment, everyone was speculating about Jue's identity and origin

after all, it was obvious that the dilingzong had already been ruined.

As a broken settlement, how can Xia Jue be recruited out of thin air?

And Xia Jue's age is not big. He has such strength and is not old. He is the target of any big force. How can he easily commit himself to a small family like dilingzong?

In this case, Xia Jue's identity can't be guessed by many people

even some people began to maliciously guess that Xia Jue might be the illegitimate son of the Earth Spirit patriarch, or the blood offspring hidden by an elder.

Finally at this moment to order, in the spirit of the dangerous time to emerge.

Of course, Xia Jue didn't care about all this nonsense.

On the contrary, Xia Jue is in a slightly better mood at the moment, not only because he defeated the big man and killed him on the fighting platform, but also because Xia Ju just saw the opening of the game.

He secretly instructed a disciple of the Earth Spirit sect to help him win!

This can be regarded as a little bit of welfare for himself. After all, I can't go on stage to fight for nothing. Can't I really be a monkey?

Therefore, after the war, Xia Jue also went to the bank opened by the dealer, took out the receipt and earned a lot of yuan from the other side.The quantity of this batch of Yuanshi is absolutely large, which can be seen from the pale look on the banker's face.

of course, as the person who blocked the opening, he would not say that he would lose money,

because this time, many people have beaten the strong man of Yuquan gate, and the one who can win is absolutely few.

After all, the odds of both sides are not equal, so a large part of the people who press Xia Jue are adventurers.

It's risky to bet.

It can't be said that there are no such people, but the number of them is absolutely not much, far from being able to compare with the number of yuquanmen's strong people,

so even if Xia Jue won a large number of Yuan Shi, then the dealer will still make a steady profit, only that the profit is less than expected.

Xia Jue looks at a large number of Yuanshi in his hand, and a faint smile appears on his face.

many people look at Xia Jue with envy,

but others can only envy him, but there is no way to produce envy in their hearts.

After all, Xia Jue won by virtue of his real ability. Moreover, Xia Jue also killed an old strong man in Yuquan gate for the sake of dilingzong.

This can be said to be a great favor for dilingzong, so although Xiajue made a lot of Yuanshi, the people around him were also very happy and proud.

After all this, Xia Jue didn't wander around. On the contrary, he was very quiet. He didn't pay attention to those who inquired about his identity, so he went back to his stall and continued to sell the goods he had brought.

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