The trading market is very prosperous, people come and go on the streets, and there are many practitioners.

Xia Jue was alone in the stall, trading with the practitioners passing by.

It's just that they use Yuanshi to trade, and the goods they trade are of low grade. In a word, they are some popular goods.

After all, there are a lot of things that can't be taken out of the defeated clan, and some of them are not good.

But even so, because of Xia Jue, this time the harvest is not small..

Moreover, the trading market is very huge, and there are many treasures. There are all kinds of people who come here. Even if they only trade some ordinary things here, they can get certain profits after they sell these goods.

Xia Jue is also very generous. Occasionally, he gives some Yuanshi to the disciples of dilingzong who come to help.

If the disciples go there every time, they will get some benefits.

In this way, I spent most of the day in boredom, and in the process of most of the day.

In fact, many people who came to dilingzong booth were curious about Xia Jue.

After all, he is a character who has never been seen before, and it is the first time that he has appeared in this trading market.

But just now, his performance on the competition platform surprised and surprised many people.

In this way, people are more curious and eager about the identity behind Xia Jue.

At the same time, many people are also curious about the relationship in geography.

Of course, a larger part of people are more interested in Xia Jie.

Especially on Xia Jue, some things just exposed.

For example, the most important thing is Xia Jue's body method.

Just now, when Xia Jue was fighting with the strong masters of Yuquan gate, he had the absolute upper hand from the beginning to the end.

The reason why Xia Jue has such a great advantage, in the view of many people, is mainly because Xia Jue's body method advantage is too strong.

Because Xia Jue's body method is like the wind, floating.

The strong man of Yuquan gate didn't touch the shadow of Xia Jue from the beginning to the end. He didn't even touch a corner of Xia Jue.

It can be said that Xia Jue defeated the elder of Yuquan gate with absolute superiority.

In this case, many people can't see that Xia Jue's strength is very strong.

But there is one thing that everyone can see.

There must be a very profound body method in Xia Jue.

So, when a lot of people come here, on the one hand, they want to explore Xia Jue's identity, at the same time, many people are actually fighting Xia Jue, the idea of this body method.

After all, all of you come to this market to do business.

Xia Jue, as a representative of lingzong, has set up a stall in this trading market, and is still selling some materials and resources.

It is obvious that Xia Jue's skills are not necessarily tradable.

It seems that Xia Jue is the main person to talk to.


"brother, I just saw that your body method seems to be very clever, and I am also very generous. If you are willing to sell me your body method, I think I can give you a good price."

Listen to this, Xia Jue's eyebrows slightly pick, the light in the eyes, very bright.

Looking at the monk in front of him, his accomplishments were good, so he said lazily,

"how many yuan stone do you want to take? What price do you want? "

The man hesitated for a moment, then said, "what do you think of a hundred yuan stone?"


Suddenly, when the people around heard the quotation of this cultivator, they all couldn't help but take a cold breath. They were shocked in their eyes.

One hundred yuan stone, which is definitely a high price.

You know, the average practitioner's wealth is only a few dozen yuan stones.

A man who can have a few hundred yuan of stone wealth is actually a well-off man.

It's obvious that he is not a very wealthy man.

Even if you can take out a hundred yuan stone, you need to find Xia Jue, who is not famous in front of you, to buy a Dharma. The price is not high.

I can't help it. Many people just watched the fun before, and didn't see the real brilliance of Xia Jue.

At this time, when someone is willing to buy directly at the price of 100 yuan stone.

When Xia Jue used his body method on the platform just now,

suddenly, everyone knew that Xia Jue's body method was very powerful, and it must also have high value.After all, people who can pay a hundred yuan for a high price can't have a bad eye.

Since you dare to offer this price, it shows that Xia Jue's body method certainly has this value.

However, Xia Jue looked at the cultivation man in front of him and just shook his head slightly, then his eyes narrowed slightly.

Obviously, he has no intention to sell his body method.

Or at least, he is not satisfied with the price of 1000 yuan stone, and does not intend to sell his body method.

Only Xia Yufeng knows that he is powerful.

It's not easy to get this method at the beginning.

Moreover, he felt that its potential and value should be far more than 100 yuan stone.

Therefore, when the man in front of him only offered such a price and wanted to buy his body method, Xia Jue refused.

After seeing this scene, the people around them immediately shook their heads and thought that if Shi Xiajue refused to sell his body method for 1000 yuan, then other people naturally had no hope.

So many people shook their heads and walked away. Xia Jue was quiet.

Finally quiet for a moment, but soon, there is a market leader, that is, the auction house people came to the door to Xia Jue said.

"It seems to me that this elder brother is also interested in selling the Dharma, but he is not very satisfied with the price just now?"

Xia Jue raised his head and looked at the person in front of him. He glanced at him and said, "so what? What if not? "

So the man in brocade clothes began to introduce himself and said,

"I'm from the auction house. It's the official auction house of the whole trading market. If you really want to sell your body method, you might as well take it out."

"I can sell you a high price, which will definitely satisfy you."

See the man speak very respectful, and the attitude is also very kind, this let Xia Jue heart can't help but have some heart.

You know, there are a lot of good things in this market.

If he can get a lot of items and resources, he should be able to buy one yuan.

In this case, why not sell it?

Thinking of this, Xia Jue ordered the disciples of Di Ling sect to nod and get up.

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