The lecture lasted for two days.

Two days later, a group of elders and worshippers had already known this martial arts pithy formula and practice method well. The next time is to wait for them to understand and practice by themselves.

"Elder five, do you have time to do me a favor?" Xia Jue said to the five elders sitting on the ground.

To tell you the truth, the five elders are very anxious to succeed in training this martial art, but they have been named by Xia Jue, and he can't refuse any more.

"Summer worship, please say."

"I also have a newly developed martial arts skill. I want to trouble the five elders to accompany me to practice and try their power." Said Xia Jue.

Hearing that there was a new martial arts skill, elder five's eyes suddenly brightened again, but they soon became dim again.

This Xia Gong didn't know where he hit the Universiade. He was lucky enough to get this big vacuum handprint. How could he have the same powerful martial arts skills.

"No problem, summer worship, please show it!" Five elder said.


Xia Jue stepped back a few steps, and then he recited a few pithy formulas, and then made a lot of complicated fingerprints.

This time he played the martial art of tiger arm.

It's said that after successful cultivation, one of the arms will gain the divine power of the ancient golden tiger, which is extremely powerful.


When Xia Jue's urging was completed, a roaring sound came out, and then bursts of golden things like scales appeared on his right arm.

"This is...

the Huahu arm was urged to complete, and the breathtaking momentum was sent out again, which attracted the eyes of a group of elders worshiping and others who were still practicing the vacuum fingerprint nearby.

"What kind of martial arts did Xia Gong perform this time?"

"Is this martial art powerful?"

Xia Jue's martial arts skill is instantaneous. All the elders are interested in it. They can't care to cultivate the big vacuum fingerprints. They all stand up and surround themselves in the front.

"Xia Gong, what's your martial art?"

Originally, the five elders were a little careless. They wanted to deal with Xia Jue's affairs early and quickly go back to practice the vacuum fingerprints, but now the situation makes him have to be serious.

"Elder five, my martial art is called Huahu arm. You have to be careful."

At this time, Xia Jue's martial arts skill had been completely urged to complete. He only felt that his right arm seemed to be full of strength.

"Come on, summer worship."

The five elders decided that they would not care about Xia Jue's martial arts. They would test his power first.

"Take it."

After a violent drink, Xia Jue waves his fist and smashes it at the side of the five elders.

The five elders are not slow.

I saw that he quickly urged the vitality in his body and built a very thick barrier wall in front of him.

With a bang, Xia Jue's right arm, like a sharp dagger, passed through the vitality wall built by the five elders without hindrance.

"How can this be...

the elders worshiping and others who are watching this scene in the distance are shocked to see that Xia Jue has easily penetrated the vitality wall built by the five elders.

You know, the five elders have the peak strength in the later stage of the heaven stage. How can his strength be just as illusory in front of Xia Jue's right arm?

"The martial art of Xiagong is absolutely extraordinary!"

At this time, everyone finally realized that Xia Jue's martial arts skill was no less than that of the vacuum fingerprint.

So the problem is.

Where on earth did he get so many powerful martial arts skills?

And the mysterious sword and its origin.

Is it really the son of a peerless family?

Hou Xiaotian has been out of business these two days.

I didn't come back to zongmen until now.

But when he came back to zongmen, something very strange happened to him.

That is to say, the elders of the sect, the worshippers and others have disappeared.

When he asked his daughter Hou ling'er, he realized what had happened in the past two days. Then he took Hou ling'er to the back mountain.

But I didn't expect to see Xia Jue and the five elders fight each other just after I came to the back mountain.

"Pa pa pa." Hou Xiaotian quite some appreciation, until the drum clapped, "good martial arts summer worship."

Xia Jue is quite satisfied with the chicken. At this time, he suddenly hears a sound of praise and turns to see that Hou Xiaotian is coming.

"Lord Hou, I'm flattered. It's just a small skill, not worth mentioning."

In front of Hou Xiaotian and other foundation building experts, how dare Xia Jue trust him.

"Xia Gong is too modest. The power of your martial arts is really extraordinary. I don't know if I can have a try?"In the face of such martial arts, even Hou Xiaotian is a little itchy.

"Since the patriarch is willing to condescend, I'm very happy with that boy."

To tell you the truth, the strength of the five elders is too weak to try to find out the real power of his Huahu boxing. If Hou Xiaotian, a master of building foundation, is to experiment, he will be able to have a clear judgment on this skill.

"OK, let's push the martial arts!"

Hou Xiaotian stood with his hands down. He was giving Xia Jue the time to urge the martial arts skill just now.

When people nearby see that Hou Xiaotian wants to compete with Xia Jue in person, they are all interested.

It's very common for opponents of the same level to compete with each other, but it's rare for them to compete with each other.

As for the simple reason why we seldom see such exchanges.

There is no need to compete between the two levels of strength.

However, Xia Jue's martial arts are so powerful that it's really hard for ordinary experts at the peak of the later stage of the heaven level to resist. Therefore, the competition between these two people with great disparity in strength is very attractive.

Soon, Xia Jue's Huahu arm was urged, and his right arm showed the golden and strong posture again.

"Xia Gong, I also build a vitality wall, but you don't have to worry, I only use one third of my strength, it depends on whether you can break it or not."

Hou Xiaotian smiles, and then a wave of his sleeve makes a wall of vitality appear in front of him.

Even if the master of building foundation uses one third of his strength, he thinks it is very important. Therefore, Xia Jue is not very confident that he can break the wall of vitality built by Hou Xiaotian.


No longer thinking too much, Xia Jue Meng smashed his fist heavily on the Yuanqi light curtain built by Hou Xiaotian

for about ten breaths, and there was a "zizizi" sound in the Yuanqi wall.

Although the sound was very small, it was heard by the crowd watching the scene.

After the Zizi sound, several tiny cracks appeared on the Yuanqi wall.

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