These cracks are very small. If you don't look at them carefully, it's hard to see them. However, people at the scene heard the sound. They knew that there must be some problems with the Yuanqi wall.

"Good boy!"

As the party Hou Xiaotian had to make a surprised voice.

He knew that Xia Jue's martial arts skills must be very extraordinary, but he didn't expect that he thought it was a little simple. The opponent's martial arts skills were more powerful than he thought.

Among people's different thoughts, there are more and more cracks on the Yuanqi wall built in front of Hou Xiaotian's body, gradually forming some cobweb like shapes.

"It's amazing how powerful this martial art is to break the wall of vitality displayed by the patriarch!"

Standing on one side of the elders worship and others have been completely stupid.

Although Hou Xiaotian only showed one third of his strength this time, it is definitely not something that ordinary people can compete with.

For example, let the elders worship them, let alone break the wall of vitality built by Hou Xiaotian. They may be shocked by the momentum before they reach the wall.

This shows how powerful Xia Jue's martial arts are.


With the next big bang, Hou Xiaotian's yuan Qi wall was completely broken.

"Xia gongfeng, I dare to ask you what kind of martial arts it is?" Hou Xiaotian, who is well-informed, is also shocked by Xia Jue's martial arts.

"Lord Hui, my martial art is called Huahu arm. Once it is used, it will gain the divine power of ancient golden tiger." Xia Jue didn't hide it.

"I don't know if I can practice this martial art?"

Facing such a powerful martial art, it is obvious that Hou Xiaotian doesn't want to miss it.

"Since the patriarch wants to learn, I have to give him everything I can!"

As the head of a clan, Hou Xiaotian asked himself. Of course, Xia Jue couldn't refuse.

"Good." After getting Xia Jue's promise, Hou Xiaotian was immediately overjoyed. "Don't worry about Xia Gong. I know that you handed down martial arts skills to all the elders. Each of you collected 100 yuan stone, and I won't take advantage of you. How about 500 yuan?"

"You're welcome, master. There are still many things for Xia to settle down in dilingzong. How can I collect the Yuan Stone from the master?"

Is Xia really not interested in the 500 yuan stone?

Naturally, it's impossible, but in front of it is Hou Xiaotian. He doesn't dare to be too presumptuous.

"Needless to say, it's decided that Xiagong, linger, take Yuanshi to Xiagong!" Hou Xiaotian said in an indisputable tone.

"Yes." Hou ling'er takes out 500 yuan stone from the storage bag and gives it to Xia Jue.

When Xia Jue saw that it was not easy to refuse, he could only "make do with" it.

the Marquis Xia has promised to wait for five days.

"You elders, if you want to learn, I can teach you this martial art like the vacuum seal."

The reason why Xia Jue said, "you can teach them this martial art like a vacuum seal" is also true. He believes that these elders can understand the meaning.

Sure enough.

As soon as his voice fell, he took out Yuan Shi from the storage bag and gave it to Xia Jue.

"Xia Gong, these martial arts are extraordinary. Since you are so generous and selfless, we can't say nothing."

"That's right. If you still want to buy this Yuan Stone, you must accept it."

In the face of such enthusiasm of these elders, Xia Jue had no choice but to be respectful.

It's been several days in a row.

Hou Xiaotian and many venerable elders all learned the two martial arts of Xia Jue.

"Vacuum fingerprints!"


The sound of the earth shaking makes the whole earth shaking like an earthquake.

"What a powerful force

Hou Xiaotian's power of this big vacuum handprint with the strength of building foundation really covers the sky, which makes Xia Jue's heart not calm for a long time.

It seems that we have to break through the foundation building as soon as possible. Only with the foundation building realm can we have a foothold in the yuan kingdom.


Xia Jue left dilingzong and headed for the market.

He failed to make a breakthrough with the intermediate breakthrough pills he bought from the auction. This time, he is going to buy some advanced breakthrough pills and come back to have a try.

After nearly half an hour, Xia Jue came to the market.

Not long after he entered the market, a man with a sharp mouth and a monkey's cheek looked at his back and turned away.

The man came to the auction and found Qiu Feijie.

"Vice President Qiu, the worship of the di Ling sect has come to our trading market again.""Oh?" Qiu Feijie's eyes narrowed. "Where is he now?"

"It looks like he's ready to go to the arena." The man replied.

"Go and talk to him, just say that I, Qiu Feijie, asked him to come and have a talk."

"Yes The man turned and left.

Xia Jue didn't go to the auction immediately after entering the market.

He wants to auction his martial arts skills to earn some yuan.

But if you take it like this, it won't be sold at a high price.

Because of what?

Lack of publicity.

Any commodity needs to be packaged and publicized.

For example, the last time he won the imperial examination.

It was because he showed the extraordinary martial arts skills in that arena that this martial arts skill was sought after by so many people in the auction.

If he wants to get a good price for his martial arts today, he must show them in front of the public as he did last time and attract the public's attention

that's why he came to this competition arena today.

The competition arena in front of us is different from the competition arena.

It is a place where there are great contradictions between the two sides to solve problems.

As long as you are hurt, you must die.

The competition arena is a platform for monks to exchange views with each other. This platform emphasizes the point to the end. Of course, it will also add some extra points. Otherwise, the common exchange will not be very attractive.

"Who else? Who else dares to challenge me? As long as you surpass my half move, you can take the stone below. "

Far away, Xia Jue heard a arrogant voice before he approached the arena.

Waiting for a closer look, Xia Jue saw a big man with a ring on his right arm and a face full of flesh. He put his hands around him and looked at the people under the stage.

"No, is there really no master in your market to challenge me?"

Waiting for a long time to see no one dare to challenge him again, which makes the man very uncomfortable.

"Why don't you let me have a try?"

Just then, an understatement came out.

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