After hearing this sound, all the onlookers turned their eyes back.

"It's him!"

"It's him again, the name of the Earth Spirit sect!"

Xia Jue was seen by a lot of people when he showed off his skills in the competition field last time, so many people at the scene recognized him instantly.

"Boy, are you serious?"

Hu San came from other places. He didn't know Xia Jue.

For each other's words, Xia Jue gave the answer of action, only he walked slowly to the stage.

Seeing that Xia Jue was so calm and fearless, Hu San kept thinking.

From his sense, he knew that the strength of this boy was not different from him.

But the momentum is not as strong as him.

But when you are so young, you can reach this level. Naturally, the talent is extremely top.

But these are useless, just as the so-called ginger is still old and spicy, he is very confident that he can beat the other side with his own strength.

"Well, if you win, you can take the 100 yuan stone down there." Hu San said.

"All right, let's do it!"

After saying that, Xia Jue directly displayed the Huahu arm.

"What kind of martial arts did the worship of the di Ling sect perform this time?"

"Yes, it looks powerful."

The people who are watching around see that Xia Jue has displayed his power, so his excellent martial arts skills are constantly discussed.

Hu San's expression on the stage was a little relaxed, but with the other side's exertion of the martial arts, his expression gradually became serious.

"Click, click."

Feeling that Xia Jue's martial arts skills seemed very difficult, Hu San didn't dare to neglect them. He immediately shook the iron rings on his arm.

Before long, the iron rings on his hands began to shrink slowly, until his arms were tightly locked.

"Take it!"

Xia Jue didn't have too much ink after he showed his Huahu arm. He attacked Hu San directly in front of him.

"I don't believe it!"

Hu San didn't believe this evil, he also waved his arm to meet Xia Jue.


The two arms collided, and a huge wave sent out, which made the audience retreat.

Five or six breaths later, a sound of metal breaking.

It turned out that the iron rings on Hu San's right arm broke apart one by one.

"It's... it's not possible!"

Hu San was shocked.

You know, his iron ring weapon is made of a very strong metal material.

But now he was smashed by someone else's fist, which made him unbelievable.


Before he could recover from the shock, a sharp pain touched his mind. He knew that his arm was hurt after losing the protection of the magic ring.

"Not good."

Even the iron magic ring he was proud of was smashed by the opponent's fist, so now where can the arm without any protection withstand the next damage.

But just when he thought that his next arm would be useless, Xia Jue took the initiative to withdraw his arm.

"Thank you for your kindness."

Hu San apologized in a sweat. As long as the other side didn't stop just now, his arm would be useless.

"This is the arena of competition. It's important to stop at every point." Xia Jue doesn't care.

Hu nodded, "I lost three yuan."

Hearing this, the people watching backstage just woke up.

It had to happen too soon.

At first, they thought that they were going to fight 300 rounds, but it was very common that they could not tell the outcome of a stalemate for an hour and a half.

But who can think of it? It's just a move, and the winner has been separated.

"Are you curious about my martial arts?" Seeing Xia Jue's success, they began to smile.

"That's right, Daoyou. I want to know what kind of martial arts you are, how can you be so powerful?" A master under the stage spoke out immediately.

"My martial art is called Huahu arm. Once it is used, it will gain the divine power of ancient golden tiger." Said Xia Jue.

"The divine power blessing of the ancient golden tiger?"

The audience was a little surprised to hear that.

You know, in ancient times, the golden tiger was a legendary fierce beast.

If you can get its power blessing, not to mention all, even if it is one tenth, it will be very wonderful.

"I'm going to sell this martial art at an auction today. I hope everyone who wants to get this martial art will be ready for Yuanshi."Just when they were completely aroused by Xia Jue, Xia Jue threw out a heavy bomb.

"What, are you serious?"

"Daoyou, are you kidding?"

Hearing Xia Jue's words, people didn't dare to believe it.

You should know that most people will hide and keep these treasures after they have them. Where can they take them out for auction like Xia Jue.

"Not only that, I also have another auxiliary martial arts skill that I want to auction. This auxiliary non martial arts skill is called" attentive resolution ". It is a kind of martial arts skill that can help monks absorb the vitality of heaven and earth more quickly when they practice. Let's see me show it."

After that, Xia Jue immediately sat up.

"And martial arts?"

This wave after wave, people are really some unexpected.

No matter what the people under the stage thought, Xia Jue who sat down had already begun to concentrate.

"Hoo Hoo Hoo."

With Xia Jue's prompting, a whirlpool quickly formed on his head.

The whirlpool is like a propeller, absorbing the energy of the earth and the sky around it. In a few minutes, the energy of the earth and the sky around it was attracted by the whirlpool.

At this time, if someone wants to absorb the vitality of heaven and earth for cultivation, they will find a strange scene, that is, no matter how they absorb, they can not absorb any vitality.

After the vitality was absorbed into the vortex above Xia Jue's head, it poured down into his spiritual cover like a torrential rain. At this time, his cultivation speed was almost two to three times that of the same level monks.

"What kind of martial art is it? How can it steal the vitality of heaven and earth like this?"

"If I have such martial arts skills, it will be just around the corner to break through the later stage of the heaven level."

There is no doubt that after seeing the effect of this skill, people were shocked.

"Well, I will be ready to sell these two martial arts at the auction. If you have any interested friends, you can go to the auction later."

After the hype, Xia Jue is ready to go to the auction.

But before Xiajue had gone far, a man suddenly appeared and stopped him.

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