This is the man who went to report to Qiu Feijie before.

"What can I do for you, sir?" Xia Jue looked at the man.

"You are the worship of the Earth Spirit sect, aren't you?"

"That's right."

"Me? Vice president Qiu wants you to come over." The man explained his intention.

"Who are you vice president Qiu?" Xia Jue was puzzled.

"Our vice president Qiu is the vice president of the auction."

"Oh?" As soon as he stepped out of the competition, the vice president of the auction came to him. The people of the auction got the news quickly.

Xia Jue talked about these things, but he didn't want to talk about them.

Before long, Xia Jue was taken to a living room of the auction by the man with a pointed mouth.

"Are you the worshiper of the Earth Spirit sect?" After seeing Xia Jue's arrival, Qiu Feijie's eyes immediately sent out bursts of essence.

Xia Jue thought that the other party came to him because of those two martial arts, but now it seems that the tone and manner of the other party are not because of this.

"Yes, what can vice president Qiu do for Xia?" Xia Jue decided to test it first.

"I have something to ask you. I hope you can give me an account."

This is the site of the auction, so Qiu Feijie plans to use momentum to suppress the other party, so that the next thing will be easy to do.

"Vice President Qiu, please make it clear."

This is the trading market. Even if he is in the auction now, the auction is always under the jurisdiction of the trading market. The other party can't dare to fight him here, so Xia Jue doesn't have any fear.

"I ask you, some days ago, did you find anything unusual after you came back from the market? Qiu Feijie asked.

Hearing this, Xia Jue suddenly realized.

He said that no wonder Qiu Feijie would come to him alone. It was because of this.

Originally, she thought it was not a glorious thing. Even if the auction knew it, it would definitely knock off her teeth and go back to her stomach. She didn't dare to make a public statement. But she didn't expect that Qiu Feijie didn't want to give up.

Thinking for a while, Xia Jue has some countermeasures.

I saw him frowning, as if thinking about something, and then slowly said: "abnormal... It is not too big abnormal."

"What does it mean that there is not too much abnormality? There is no exception." Qiu Feijie is not satisfied with Xia Jue's answer.

"At that time, when I went back, I met some robbers who wanted to kill me, but they were so weak that they were taken care of by me."

Knowing that the other party wants to trouble him because of that guy's affairs, how can Xia Jue let him succeed.

Now he has put those guys in the name of robbers who want to murder. Even if vice president Qiu wants to find his own trouble, he has no name.

After all, I went back to the earth lingzong well. These guys have to come here to kill people and grab treasure. They can't blame others at all.


Hearing this, Qiu Feijie seemed a little puzzled.

It's clear that he got the news that steward Liu followed the boy in front of him at that time. How could there be any robbers in the past at that time?


Qiu Feijie suddenly thought of something.

Is the robber that the boy said Liu steward?


Isn't steward Liu's intention to follow the past just to be a robber?

They're serious, right?

You should know that steward Liu is also the peak cultivation in the later stage of the heaven stage. How can he just take care of it?

"I ask you, what do the robbers look like and what is their strength?" Qiu Feijie continues to ask.

"They can't see their faces clearly when they are wearing a hat. Their strength is about the level of the middle and late days of the heaven stage. After all, they are just a few robbers, and I don't care too much."

Xia Jue deliberately made his words ambiguous, trying to confuse the public.


Qiu Feijie looks at Xia Jue with sharp eyes, as if he wants to see through his whole body.

I have to say that there are many loopholes in Xia Jue's words, which can't stand scrutiny at all.

According to the normal logic, some people come to see if they want to kill themselves. When they kill each other, they have to find out the origin of the people. However, the boy doesn't seem to care at all. It seems that he wants to hide something.

"Besides these robbers, have you ever met anyone behind you?"

"No, except after meeting these people, we went back to the clan without any interference."

All right.

At this time, Qiu Feijie can be sure that Liu's work is done by the boy in front of him.It seems that the boy wants to insist that the robbers he killed are the ones blocking the road.

As long as those who are killed by the other party are robbers, no one can say more, even if it is an auction.

People die when they die, but as long as it doesn't affect the reputation of the auction, other people won't care about Liu's business.

Others can ignore it, but he can't swallow it.

You know, steward Liu is not only his subordinate. As the president election meeting of the auction is about to start, in order to have some opportunities, he secretly asked steward Liu to operate many things for him.

Now that Liu's body is dead, some of the things he secretly planned are all broken because he lost his contact. How can he not hate Xia Jue.

"Boy, there is no one else here. I'll tell you the truth. The so-called robber you killed is my man."

Qiu Feijie's face suddenly became cold, and the air around him seemed to solidify.

"What Xia Jue pretended to be surprised, "Vice President Qiu, don't make fun of me. We all know the reputation of the auction. How could those robbers be the people of the auction?" Xia Jue deliberately bit the three words of the auction more seriously.

"You are very good..." Qiu Feijie felt as if there was a group of anger burning in his heart at this time.

He is not a fool, how can he not understand the meaning of the other party's words.

The other party's words are constantly involved in the auction, just to make him throw the mouse.

Let him not make it too big, otherwise the reputation of the auction will be greatly affected.

"Vice President Qiu, I don't know what else you have to do. If not, Xia will leave."

What Xia Jue wants now is to quickly sell those two martial arts skills, so as to find a way to buy the breakthrough pill, and then go back to taste the breakthrough. Where will he have time to entangle with each other here.

"If you want to let people know, don't do it yourself." Looking at the leaving Xia Jue, Qiu Feijie said a cruel word.

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