"You know, our patriarch went to Lingbei last month. It's said that No.1 extremely powerful person appeared there, which made the six demons restless."

"Make the six demons restless? It's impossible. How could anyone have such ability? "

"Don't believe it. Our patriarch saw this scene at that time. It is said that the man was still a woman who fought against the patriarchs of the six demons on her own.

In the end, the six great masters of the demon sect were defeated and fled back to the sect. They opened the great battle to protect the sect, and then they got away with it. Now the people of the demon sect in the north of the five ridges turn pale when they talk about this woman and give her a nickname called "nun Gu."

On one side, Xia Jue was more and more surprised.

At that time, when the weak spot of tongna space came to Yuanjie, he lost touch with Gu Qingying. Up to now, he didn't have any news from the other side, but he didn't expect to hear some news from the other side here.

"What's the matter with Lingbei's six demons now?"

"What else can I do? I can't beat nun Gu, so I have to hide in the clan array every day."

"The six sects of demons have become turtles. Can they stand it?"

"Naturally, they can't bear it. Our Lord says that the sixth sect of the evil way has sent people to ask for help from the main gate in Lingnan, but there is no news yet."

"Ha ha, the sixth sect of the devil's way has always regarded themselves as noble and despised our company. I didn't expect that they would come to Lingnan for help one day. We really have to thank that nun Gu."

From the words of these people, Xia Jue also got a general idea.

It seems that Gu Qingying doesn't know how to fight with several demons in Lingbei, and he also beats each other to pieces.

However, it seems to be in line with her character of hatred of evil.

The land of Lingbei.

As far as he knows, if you want to cross-border practice, you have to reach the level of building foundation, otherwise the risk is great.

It seems that we have to build the foundation before we can go to Lingbei to see what Gu Qingying is like over there.

In his mind, several figures came to the auction table, one of whom was Wu Kong, the vice president of the auction.

"Thank you for coming to this auction house. I think you all came here for those two ancient martial arts skills?" Wu Shan said to the people below.

"Dare to ask vice president Wu, are those two martial arts skills really from the ancient times?"

"Vice president Wu, if these two martial arts are really handed down from ancient times as you say, then we want to know where the source of these two martial arts is."

Although the reputation of the auction is guaranteed, this kind of thing is too rare. People have to be careful, or they will lose a lot if they buy back a chicken rib at a high price.

"Don't worry about this. This is deacon Gao of our trading market. The person who entrusted us to auction these two martial arts skills at that time has already shown them on the spot. Now let's invite deacon Gao to comment on the power of these two martial arts skills."

Before the auction started, Wu Kong had considered all the things carefully. The reason why he asked deacon Gao to come here was to make everyone in the auction completely calm down.

"Cough." Deacon Gao moistened his throat. "Vice president Wu is right. These two martial arts are rare in my life. I'm not sure if they are ancient martial arts. However, if they are so powerful, I don't think they are ordinary things. I'll take part in the auction later. Please forgive me."

He has seen the power of these two martial arts with his own eyes. It can be said that no one knows better than him, so deacon Gao is eager to bid this time.

listening to deacon Gao's words, people at the scene finally let go.

As the deacon of the trading market for many years, Gao is very prestigious in front of the public. Such a person would never come to the auction. Now he is so interested in these two martial arts skills that they are absolutely worth fighting for.

"Vice president Wu, Mr. Chen, I have another question to ask." Just at this time, a master sitting on the floor said.

"Go ahead, please."

"Are the methods of practicing these two martial arts common, or do they need special conditions or methods to succeed?"

The question asked by master Chen is very important.

At present, this martial art is sure that there is no big problem.

But if there are many restrictions on what realm or constitution one must reach in order to practice, then even if they win the auction, it's useless.

The question asked by friar Chen was also what the following people wanted to ask. At this time, they all looked at Wu Kong and wanted to hear how he would answer.

"I can assure you that no one can practice these two martial arts without any restrictions." Wu Kong assured.

Hearing Wu Kong's assurance, all the people in the field were finally relieved."Well, I believe you have a steelyard in your mind now. If you want to fight for it, you are welcome to the auction. If you don't want to fight for it, just have a look at the excitement. It doesn't matter."

When the time came, Wu Kong stopped writing.

"The first martial art is called" concentration determination ". The function of concentration determination is to help monks absorb the vitality of heaven and earth more quickly. According to the analysis of Deacon Gao and I, if we use this concentration determination for a long time, it will be two or three times as much as other people's, so the martial art starts at 500 yuan!"

"Five hundred.."

"five hundred and fifty..."

fierce competition started at the scene, and the price went up thousands of yuan.

Reaching thousands of Yuan Stone is not a small number, the voice of the scene began to slowly weaken.

"Well, this door will be sold for 1200 yuan. Congratulations to deacon Gao."

As the manager of the trading market, Deacon Gao is naturally rich and powerful, so this first martial arts skill was defeated by him and won directly by many opponents.

"Well, the second martial art is dragon arm. It's a very powerful attack form martial art. It's also starting from 500 yuan. Now let's start shooting."

Huahu arm is an aggressive martial art, which is also the most needed martial art for many people. Naturally, more people are fighting for it than before.

Not long after the price of one thousand stone came to five hundred yuan.

In this price field, there are only a few competitors left, and one of them is the high deacon.

After a long time, the final price came to 1800 Kuaiyuan stone. At this time, Deacon Gao also withdrew from the competition. Finally, the tiger arm was auctioned down by the Deputy owner of a sect.

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