As the host announced that the last item was sold, the auction officially ended.

The sale of three martial arts earned nearly 2000 yuan, which is quite fruitful.

After coming to the rear of the auction, the sun master of the auction quickly welcomed Xia Jue.

"Xia Xiaoyou, this is the reward you get from the auction of three martial arts skills. Check it out."

After saying this, the other side handed a storage bag to Xia Jue.

After taking over the storage bag, Xia Jue swept it a little bit with his senses and said, "logarithmic!"

"Xia Xiaoyou, it seems that all your martial arts skills are not owned by the major sects and the market now. They seem to have been handed down from ancient times. I venture to ask, where did you get them from?"

Master Sun knows that this kind of thing is not suitable for him to ask Xia Jue like this, but because the other party has sold these ancient martial arts skills to them at auction twice in a row, he is really curious to ask the truth.

"To tell you the truth, some of my friends and I found an ancient monk's cave last month when we went to the place of miasma. These martial arts skills were acquired in that cave."

Xia Jue naturally can't tell each other that these things are brought from the earth, so he can only find an excuse casually.

"It turns out that you are really lucky to find the cave left by the ancient friars from that place."

There are many things left over from ancient caves in the place of fog and miasma. People in Lingnan know about them, but there is a kind of poisonous gas in that place all the time. Ordinary monks usually stay in it for a short time, so it's very difficult to find the caves left over from ancient monks.

"Yes, Xia, I'm really lucky. By the way, Mr. Sun, I want to buy some more broken border pills in your venue. I don't know if you can still sell them in your venue?"

Xia Jue's words changed.

"Of course, there are some breakout pills, but as far as I know, Xiaoyou bought them once last time, right?"

Sun said.

"That's right."

Xia Jue did not deny it.

"Xiaoyou, once you take a pill like pojing pill and fail to make a breakthrough, the second time you take it, the effect will be greatly reduced, unless you have a very good chance to make a breakthrough."

The potential meaning of sun Zhushi is to persuade Xia Jue not to try to break through and build the foundation with the breakthrough pill, which is too wasteful.

"Oh? What does Master Sun think of it? "

Xia Jue was also a little surprised that this matter could remind him. You know, this matter is from the auction. There's no reason why he doesn't make money, right?

"Well, there will be a big auction here next month. At this auction, there will be not only all kinds of high-level skills, but also the final treasure. The final treasure is a building elixir. You must have heard of building elixir, too?"

Sun said.

"What's the matter with Gideon?"

After hearing this, Xia Jue was surprised.

Having been in Yuanjie for such a long time, he certainly knew what zhujidan was.

This is a kind of elixir that has a 60% chance to make the top friars in the later stage of the heaven stage break through to the realm of building foundation.

However, this kind of pill is extremely precious. It can't be refined by ordinary schools. Only the major schools in Lingnan have the ability to refine it.

If he can get this foundation building pill, it can be said that he can break through the realm of foundation building, even if it is just around the corner, which makes Xia Jue's mind become active in an instant.

"What's up, little friend? Are you interested in coming to our auction next month?"

In fact, the reason why Sun Zhushi told Xia Jue about the news and the disadvantages of the frontier breaking pill was that he had a small abacus in his heart.

From the other side, he learned that Xia Jue had found an ancient monk's cave.

The cave of ancient friars is extraordinary. Even if there are some amazing treasures, it is a very normal thing.

If Xia Jue wants to get Zhuji Dan, he can't do without Yuanshi. If he wants to get the Yuanshi who bought Zhuji Dan, he has to sell the treasures he got from the ancient monk's cave.

After a while, Xia Jue made up his mind.

The hope of building foundation is in front of us. In any case, he will not give up. He will take down the building foundation at all costs.

"Can you ask Mr. Sun, what's the starting price of this building base pill?"

Xia Jue decided to find out how much Yuan Shi needed in the first shooting, so as to make preparations.

"This number."

Master Sun extended a slap.

"Five thousand?"

Xia Jue originally wanted to say 500 yuan, but it was impossible to estimate 500 yuan stone as a treasure like Zhuji Dan, so he said the price of 5000 yuan.

"Yes, it's just the starting price. According to the old estimation, the transaction price should be several times higher than this price."

Sun said with a smile.The other side's words can be described as a basin of cold water, which instantly extinguished Xia Jue's joy.

When he sold these three skills, he got about 2000 yuan stone, and the starting price of Zhuji Dan alone reached 5000 yuan stone, and the transaction price would be several times more, that is to say, tens of thousands of Yuan Stone would be able to win.

Tens of thousands of yuan of stone, not to mention for him now, even the whole Earth Spirit sect is estimated to be unable to come out for a while and a half.

This is difficult to deal with, Xia Jue's heart suddenly made worry.

How to get Yuanshi?

If you honestly go to earth lingzong's tasks or other ways to earn Yuanshi, you can't get it together before next month.

I'm afraid the quickest way to earn Yuan Stone is to kill people and sell goods.

If you really want to do this, it is also feasible to rely on his peak strength in the later stage of the heaven level, plus the assistance of luanshen stab and Tailong sword.

But this can only be aimed at those who did not build the foundation of the master clan.

If there is a master of building foundation, he is absolutely not sure.

I thought about it for a long time.

Xia Jue still thinks this method is too risky.

Once he does, other forces in Lingnan are not vegetarians. Such a big thing will be traced to the end.

At that time, we may trace him to the head, and it will also affect dilingzong. The gain is not worth the loss.

"Little friend?"

Here, when sun Zhushi saw that Xia Jue's face was uncertain, he couldn't help but remind him.

"Well, Mr. Sun, you can sell me another broken border pill. If you can't make a breakthrough this time, let's talk about it."

Considering that Xia Jue Dan's last attempt to break the foundation is still impossible.

"Good little friend, I'll take the broken border pill for you right now."

Speaking of this, it's needless to say too much about Master Sun. He knows that Xia Jue should have a good idea.

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