After getting zhujidan from Master Sun, Xia Jue went back to dilingzong.


here, Master Sun also came to a room of the auction and found Qiu Feijie.

"How's it going?"

Watching master sun come in and meditate in the room, Qiu Feijie opens his eyes.

"Vice President Hui, he is very interested in Zhuji Dan, but he didn't reveal much in his words."

Sun said truthfully.

"Oh?" Qiu Feijie's face moved, "then he didn't disclose the things about his ancient martial arts?"

"He explained that. He said that he found a cave left by the ancient monks in the place of fog and miasma, from which all his martial arts were found."

Sun said.

"Ancient cave, how could it be?"

It's true that there are many caves left by ancient monks in the place of fog and miasma. But after thousands of years, they have been explored. How can they leave such a big treasure and be picked up by that boy.

"Yes, that's what he said. I also think it's true. Otherwise, where did he get so many ancient martial arts skills?"

Master Sun also thinks that Xia Jue's luck is really against heaven. He can find such a big bargain.

"so and so..."

Qiu Feijie began to think quickly in his mind.

The other party was so lucky to find such a cave. There must be many treasures in it.

Maybe these ancient martial arts skills are just the lowest valuable treasures thrown out by this boy first. The real treasures are still hidden by him.

The more you think about it, the more excited Qiu Feijie is.

He has half stepped into the realm of building foundation.

But it's only half a foot. There's still a long way to go to really break through the foundation.

Zhuji Dan is a large door entrusted to help sell at their auction. Although he is the Deputy owner of the auction, he does not have the strength to bid for this Zhuji Dan.

Moreover, the old president will step down in half a year, and the new president will be selected from their six vice presidents.

Except that he thought that there were some forces behind the other five sect leaders to help, so it was estimated that there was no small chance to break through the foundation. There was no force behind him, so it was very difficult to break through by himself.

But now there's a great opportunity for him.

That's Xia Jue.

There must be a lot of monks left from the cave.

As long as he gets the baby from this boy, he will have the strength to bid for the Zhuji Dan.

Making up his mind, Qiu Feijie immediately said to his grandmaster, "when did the boy leave the auction house, and in which direction did he go?"

After hearing Qiu Feijie's words and his urgent look, how could master sun not know what idea he wanted to make? Then he said in embarrassment:

"vice president, it's not right. If this kind of thing is found in our auction, our reputation will be ruined."

Sun said immediately.

"Well, it has nothing to do with the auction. Just tell me."

If he can't break through to the state of building foundation in half a year, his position in the auction will be in danger.

Because he and one of the vice presidents are very difficult to deal with, once the other party is put on the stage, there will definitely be no way for him to survive, so if you want to save yourself, you have to break through the foundation to protect yourself.

"This... OK"

Master Sun has no way. He is just a small master in the auction. Once he gets upset by Qiu Feijie, he doesn't have to mess around in the auction at all. Then he tells Qiu Feijie everything.

Qiu Feijie, who got the news, didn't neglect him at all. He intuitively got up and walked out of the auction.

Out of the auction, just as he wanted to chase Xiajue away, he suddenly thought of something.

That boy's strength is not weak, what he thought is that even though he may not be able to win the other side in the past.

For a long time, he thought that it would take about four or five hours to return to dilingzong. As long as he tried his best to catch up, he decided to find some help first.


the market is in a arena.

This arena is different from the law arena.

The fighting field is a place where both the high and the low are determined, and it is a place where the exchange strength reaches the end. Of course, the exchange strength also needs to be enhanced, such as Yuanshi.

In the middle of the arena stood three tall, fierce looking men.

"I'm here today. As long as there are no more than seven people, you can come up and win our three brothers' move. You can take the 100 Yuan Stone left below."

The man in the middle looked at the crowd around him with an arrogant manner."The Lingnan three ruthlesss are really too ruthless. We can't beat them."

"That's right. The three brothers cooperate perfectly in attack and defense. It's very difficult for ordinary monks to break through their positions. That's very difficult."

There was a lot of discussion among the onlookers, but no one dared to play at will.

"Hum, no one dares to challenge our three brothers?"

Three brothers on the field to see no one below dare to come up again, it seems a little uncomfortable.

"Well, they're all useless counsellors."

Seeing that there was no one left, the three people walked out of the stage and left.

Just after the three brothers left, Qiu Feijie, who had been observing in the crowd, also followed.

"Brother, these guys in the trading market are too timid. We have won more than 500 yuan, and no one dares to challenge us."

Gu Lang, one of the three ruthless people in the south of the five ridges, still thinks that he earns too little yuan.

"It's normal. Many people know the names of our three brothers. It's normal that they dare not come up."

"Lingnan three ruthless, right?"

Just as they were walking and chatting, a figure stood in front of them. It was Qiu Feijie.

"What can I do for you, sir?"

Lingnan sanhen looks at Qiu Feijie on guard.

"This is not a place to talk. Can you take a step to talk?"

Qiu Feijie said.

"What are you...

" well, please move. "

Just when Gu Lang wanted to scold him, Gu Hu quickly interrupted his words, because he saw that this person seemed not an ordinary person. He wanted to hear what the other party would say to their three brothers.

Qiu Feijie took three people to a deserted alley.

"I have a message. I believe you three brothers will be very interested."

Qiu Feijie turns and looks at the three.

"Please say it clearly."

Three people are very curious.

"I don't know if you are interested in the caves of ancient monks?"

Qiu Feijie smiles.

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