"I've already said who sent us here, so let's call it a day?"

Here Gu Hu finally told Qiu Feijie that he had come here.

"I'm just asking you to say what's behind the scenes. When did I promise to let you go?"

If it wasn't for his strength to suppress these guys, it would be him who died today, so Xia Jue naturally had no reason to let them go.

"You bastard."

Gu Bao is about to explode. Instead of talking about Xia Jue's blatant repentance, he says that he can't bear the tone of treating them as ants.

"To die."

Seeing that the other side dare to take the initiative, Xia Jue is also impolite. He also directly faces up. When he is about one meter away from the other side, he once again shows his luanshen stab.


Gu Bao, who was galloping with all his strength, yelled after Xia Jue, and then stood in the same place, with an empty look in his eyes.

"Gu Bao!"

Unexpectedly, the last thing Gu Hu wanted to see happened. He yelled and wanted to rush up to rescue Gu Bao, but it was too late.

Only see Gu leopard also like Gu wolf before, seven orifices bleeding, then the body soft fell to the ground.

What happened at this moment made Qiu Feijie, who was hiding in the tree in the distance, almost fell from the tree.

He didn't understand why Gu Bao, who was attacking the boy with all his strength, stayed in the same place as he was suddenly attacked by evil. He even ignored the boy's life.

It's too easy for those evil guys to understand how they used to be before they died.

Here, Gu Hu sees that things have become a foregone conclusion and can't be changed any more. Then he looks at Xia Jue with vicious eyes, then turns around and runs away.

"Well, I want to run late now."

Xia Jue sneers, and then turns to Yu Feng to chase Gu Hu who runs away.

In the distance, Qiu Feijie in the tree saw that Gu Hu rushed in his direction, which was also the result of ten thousand grass mud horses running in his heart.

At that time, if he suffers, he will not be able to run well.

Then he gathered his breath, the atmosphere did not dare to breathe, so he decided to live in the tree.

"Asshole, I'll fight with you!"

Gu Hu saw that he was overtaken by the other party so soon, and he no longer had the idea of running away, because he knew that compared with running away, he still had a little hope of hard shoulder.

Even if we can't beat each other, it's good to give each other some heavy damage.

But the next moment his brain tingled, and then his mind suddenly became a blank.


After using luanshen stab to hit the opponent, Xia Jue didn't drag any mud and water, but slapped him on the Tianling cover.

Poor Gu Hu died just like his two brothers.

"Pa la."

Suddenly, a sound came out, which made Xia Jue turn his head and take a fancy to the big tree in the distance.


Qiu Feijie was really frightened by the close-up scene just now, which made him feel a little unsteady and accidentally ran into a dead branch.

Seeing that he has been found by the other party, Qiu Fei can't afford to fight with him. He just takes the chance to go back to the market.

"You didn't expect to be here."

Xia Jue didn't expect that the behind the scenes emissary actually came here to quietly pay attention to their situation.

However, he came just in time. By the way, I'll clean him up to save some trouble.

Then Xia Jue once again showed his determination to chase Qiu Feijie.

Yufengjue has an advantage in the same realm, but the strength of the three brothers can not be seen before, which can catch up with the speed of his yufengjue, so Xiajue soon caught up with the distance of seven or eight meters.

Feeling the frightening smell coming from behind, Qiu Feijie is out of his wits.

If the boy killed the three brothers of Gu family by means of real means, it would be OK.

In this way, he would not even dare to fight, so he ran away.

But the boy's method is really too evil, which really scared him out of his wits.

"Vice President Qiu, since we've all come, what else can we do? Let's have a good chat."

When Qiu Feijie was extremely nervous, Xia Jue once again interfered with his mind.

"Damn it."

Looking at Xia Jue, who is getting closer and closer to him, Qiu Feijie is very regretful.

He regretted that he didn't listen to master sun's words and did such a thing.

Now not only the goods have not been snatched, but also their lives are almost lost. This is really stealing chicken and not eating rice.

"Hoo Hoo Hoo."

Feeling the sense of urgency behind him, Qiu Feijie gritted his teeth and took out an ink bottle from the storage bag.Looking at the bottle, there was a very hesitant look on his face.

The pill in the bottle is called magic pill.

This is a kind of pill that can greatly improve the strength in a short time.

However, this kind of pill has a huge defect, that is, once taken, it will be affected by the drug's power and cause damage to the foundation.

It is a very serious thing for him to damage the foundation for his peak cultivation in the later stage of the heaven stage.

This means that he may never break through the realm of building foundation.

But at this time of life and death crisis, he had no choice but to save his life first.


Qiu Feijie opened the bottle and swallowed a black pill in it.

Soon after swallowing the pill, Qiu Feijie's strength began to slowly improve.

Soon he was promoted to the realm of false foundation.

What is the realm of false foundation building?

The only way to build a foundation is to build a foundation.

Single round of this realm has been very powerful, even the top 20 experts in the later stage of the heaven level will not be his opponent.

But just like this, he raised his strength to such a level that Qiu Feijie did not dare to meet Xia Jue. He still chose to run away.

Fortunately, when he reached this level, his body method speed also increased a lot, and he could compete with Xia Jue behind him.

"How could this guy's strength suddenly Soar so much?"

It's about to catch each other, but suddenly this guy's strength suddenly soared, which makes Xia Jue very depressed.

But soon he had a plan.

I saw that he pinched the Jue with both hands and soon formed a big vacuum fingerprint.


After aiming at Qiu Feijie, Xia Jue smashes the vacuum fingerprint directly.

Qiu Feijie, who is running away, feels the danger coming from behind and quickly dodges to the side.

But he had to dodge and run for his life, which was not the best of both worlds, so the result was that he was delayed a little.

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