This delay is almost to pay the price of life, but at last he tried his best to escape again.

The two pursued each other for more than half an hour.

At this time, some buildings in the direction of Qiu Feijie's escape in the distance can already see a general outline.

Seeing these buildings, Qiu Feijie was very happy.

Because the front is the boundary of the market.

Just go back to the market and it's safe.

"Come on, come on, come on."

At this time, the internal Qi in Qiu Feijie's body has almost been consumed. For the sake of safety, he shouts forward.

But at this time, suddenly he felt a stab in his mind, and then his brain fell into a state of absence for a short time.

But fortunately, a very strong sense of threat in his brain forced him to break through the blank again, and let him recover.

Looking back, he saw a slap from the sky, which made him think of the scene of Gu Hu just now. He couldn't care so much about his soul. He just dodged to the right side.


It really surprised Xia Jue that the other side woke up so quickly, but he was relieved to think that this guy didn't know what pills he had swallowed to improve his strength.

Gu Feijie finally understood how the three brothers were frightened to escape.

It turned out that he was shocked by the opponent's sense of attack.

It's a pity that there are so many people who want to fight for the martial arts in the cave, but it's rare for them.

"Vice President Qiu, why don't you run away?"

Xia Jue looked at him with a little sarcasm.

"Boy, you know I'm from an auction house and dare to fight me. You want to die, don't you?"

Qiu Feijie threatened the auction.

"Ha ha, I didn't expect the vice president of the auction to do such a thing. I don't know how to tell your president about it?"

"Don't spit out blood. I just happened to pass by. Don't talk nonsense when I do something to kill people and steal goods."

Qiu Feijie has made up his mind, that is, he insists that he is just passing by and is chased by Xia Jue.

"Ha ha, in that case, you can talk about it with Yama."

After saying this, Xia Jue runs a vacuum seal again and smashes it at Qiu Feijie.

Seeing that it was this fingerprint again, Qiu Fei's face suffered.

He didn't know how many times he had suffered from this skill. If he had a choice, he really didn't want to resist, but he had no choice.


Qiu Feijie is more than ten meters away.

"Vice President Qiu, what's going on?"

Two people in this side of the fight can not hide a few experts stationed in the trading market gate, they came to Qiu Feijie's side to help him up.

"Help me, this guy wants to kill me."

Seeing the people coming from the trading market, Qiu Feijie immediately asked for help.

"What, who on earth is so bold to pursue and kill vice president Qiu?"

Some people were shocked and couldn't believe it.

What's shocking is that Qiu Feijie, as the vice president of the auction, has a backer behind him. Who dares to be so bold and can't believe that he can still be chased by others with his strength? Can't he be a foundation builder?

Thinking of these experts, they looked up and saw a very young man standing ten meters away from them.

From the breath of this man, at least he reached the peak of the later stage of the heaven stage. This is the man who chased vice president Qiu!

"Go and inform the auctioneer."


One of the experts went into the market.

"Boy, you are finished, dare to chase me, wait for the sanction of my trading market!"

Seeing that he was about to get out of danger, Qiu Feijie suddenly became arrogant again.

"Ha ha, I'd like to hear what your auctioneers will say to you when they come."

This matter is definitely a very serious problem for the auction. If someone knows about it, it may have a great impact on the auction. Xia Jue thinks that he can take the opportunity to blackmail.

"Don't talk nonsense and spit out blood. I didn't do anything. I was chased all the way by you just because I was passing by. We decent friars will punish you for your evil behavior!"

Hearing this, Xia Jue sneered.

Qiu Feijie's ability to confuse black and white is really good. He directly puts on a devil's road hat to himself. In this way, he stands on the side of righteousness. If others raise an objection, it's a vicious scheme to collude with the people in the devil's road."What's the matter?"

"What happened, vice president Qiu?"

At this time, five figures appeared at the door of the trading market.

These five are the other five vice presidents of the auction.

Just now they heard that Qiu Feijie had been chased all the way here, so they rushed out to see what was going on.

"You came just in time. I was just about to go out to do something. Suddenly, I saw this boy lying in ambush. It seemed that he was attacking someone. As a result, he killed the three people and found out. As a result, he wanted to kill me too. Fortunately, I fought my life so that I could run back and save my life."

Before Xia Jue spoke, Qiu Feijie took the lead to tell the story.

"If so?"

You know, Qiu Feijie is a master who has been famous for a long time. His strength is half a step to build a foundation. But his strength was chased and killed by others. Fortunately, he saved his life? "

the five raised their heads and looked at Xia Jue carefully.

But no matter how they look at Xia Jue's strength, it's just the peak of the later stage of the heaven order.

Although it's really evil to cultivate this strength at such a young age, it doesn't make Qiu Feijie, an old master, so disheartened, does it?

If it's not that the other side is too strong, it can only be said that Qiu Feijie is too useless.

"This boy has developed a martial art of attacking sense. This martial art is very powerful. He killed Lingnan sanhen."

Qiu Feijie knew that these people didn't believe it, so he was about to say it.

"What, he has cultivated the martial arts of attacking sense?"

"What, was Lingnan sanhen killed by him?"

"There's such a thing

Several people were shocked when they heard Qiu Feijie's words.

"Why don't you tell me what happened?" Xia Jue smiles and takes a few steps to the front:

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