"The truth is that I got the secret of an ancient cave. Then this guy coveted the secret and let the Lingnan three ruthlessly follow me, while he wanted to take advantage of it. Unfortunately, I killed all the three guys, and he ran away in a panic."


After hearing this, the five vice presidents all looked shocked.

If it's true, Qiu Feijie not only deserved it, but also put their auction in the position that everyone pointed out.

Think of these five people are with different eyes to see Qiu Feijie.

Xia Jue told the story in public. Qiu Feijie couldn't hold his face. He immediately retorted loudly:

"nonsense. If you want to slander my innocence, it is clear that you have done something shameful to kill me."

Although Qiu Feijie was filled with righteous indignation, the people at the scene were not fools. From the analysis of Xia Jue's situation, it is really possible that Qiu Feijie did it.

Among them, five vice presidents have been tossing and turning in their hearts.

No matter whether Qiu Feijie did it or not, he must not have done it. Otherwise, the reputation of their auction will be completely destroyed.

"Boy, don't slander people. You said Vice President Qiu did it. What evidence do you have?

One of the five said.

"Ha ha, I don't know if there is any evidence, but what I want to say is that if I go into the trading market and publicize this matter, how many people will believe it?"

Looking at their faces, Xia Jue pondered.

"Boy, I warn you not to slander the reputation of our auction, otherwise you will come to no good end."

The old man looked around, there were many monks around to watch, some not calm.

"It's not what you say to slander, it's what you say."

"Well, don't talk about it here." The old man looked at Xia Jue calmly, "why don't you take a step to talk?"

"Lead the way."

Xia Jue knew that the other party was also afraid of making a big deal of this matter, so he should be ready to negotiate with him.

Soon, Xia Jue entered a room in the trading market and waited.

In another room, the five vice presidents of the auction and Qiu Feijie are talking.

"Qiu Feijie, we are the only ones here. To be honest, did you really do it?"

The old man who talked with Xia Jue before said calmly.

Hearing this, Qiu Feijie was silent, and his heart was thinking constantly.

After a while, he came to the conclusion that it was impossible for him to hide the matter, and other people were not stupid. Naturally, they were not likely to believe it, so it would be better to simply show off.

"Yes, I did."


" why did you do such a thing! "

Although everyone felt that it was a matter of eight or nine, they could not help but get angry when they said it from Qiu Feijie.

"If you know about the ancient monk's cave, I think you will be the same as me."

Qiu Feijie said.


" well, don't talk about it, think about how to solve it now. Anyway, you can't let that boy go out to talk nonsense and affect the reputation of our auction, otherwise the president will be furious. "

Just as they were ready to blame Qiu Feijie for his shameless words, the old man spoke out again.

"I think since this boy is willing to come here with us, he must want something good. Let's spend some money to make him shut up and stop talking nonsense."

"Yes, it should be feasible, but the cost has nothing to do with us."

The vice president's words are very clear, that is, the loss should be paid by Qiu Feijie.

"Vice President Chen is right. Since you are Qiu Feijie, you should wipe your own bottom."

"Go ahead and clear up your own rotten affairs, or let the president know that you have no good fruit to eat."

The old man also said to Qiu Feijie.

Qiu Feijie had no choice but to go out with a black face.

Soon, Qiu Feijie came to the living room where Xia Jue was waiting.

Qiu feijue is very entangled when he sits on it.

One moment, the other party is still chasing him, and the next moment, he will come here to discuss how to compensate the other party, which is really ironic.

"Why, your rescuers let you come by yourself?"

Xia Jue looks at this guy sarcastically.

"You..." in his own territory by an outsider so ridicule, Qiu Feijie heart is incomparably depressed, "since came here, then we don't have to talk so much nonsense, say, what do you want?""I don't want to do anything. If your auction house can give me some compensation, such as Zhuji Dan, I may forget today."

"Ha ha, you are quite good at dreaming."

Qiu Feijie sneered. They didn't have anything like zhujidan at the auction. That's to say, it's just lucky that someone came to entrust them to auction one next month.

"That's good. I'll walk out of your auction later and yell at the door about it."

Xia Jue began to threaten again.

"You..." Qiu Feijie's teeth cackled. "Let me tell you this, it's impossible for you to build a foundation. Even if you go outside to yell, we can't come out."

Xia Jue also knows that it is impossible for him to take out a foundation building pill to solve this problem. The reason why he said this is to test the bottom line of the other party.

"If you take out eight thousand yuan as a compensation, I can accept it."

"It's impossible. Even if you killed me, I can't get so many stones."

Qiu Feijie refused again.

"Neither can this nor that. What do you think you can give me?"

Xia Jue began to get impatient.

"One thousand yuan stone, that's it. Go out and shut your mouth, otherwise..."

Qiu Feijie threatened.

"Ha ha, one thousand yuan stone, you send beggars. I tell you, if there is no five thousand yuan stone, you want to stop me."

If it's for 1000 yuan stone, Xia Jue could kill this guy and take his storage bag when he was in the trading market. Why wait until now.

"Four thousand yuan stone, this is my limit. If you don't agree, you can go out!"

When he said this, Qiu Feijie was almost bleeding in his heart.

Because this has been his savings for so many years.

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