But today, for such a thing, he evaporated all his savings.

It's just bad luck.


Xia Jue also knows that this is the limit of the other side, so he plans to stop when it's good.


the gate of dilingzong.

"Xiagong is back."

When the two gatekeepers saw Xia Jue coming back, they said hello immediately.


Xia Jue nodded slightly, then walked in towards the inside of the gate and returned to his room.

After returning to the room, Xia Jue immediately took out the storage bags of Lingnan sanhen and opened them one by one.

Less than 2000 yuan stones were found in the three storage bags. The rest were miscellaneous and worthless things.

Now he has 8000 yuan of stone in his hand, which is enough to bid for the so-called foundation.

But it's not the same thing to bid enough and actually make it.

The transaction price of zhujidan, such a precious and difficult thing, had been said by Master Sun before. It would be at least several times higher. That is to say, the stone in his hand is not enough.

So where are we going to get Yuanshi?

"Deng Deng Deng."

Suddenly, Xia Jue's door was knocked.

"What's the matter?"

Xia Jue asked.

"Xia is worshipped. Please go to the Council hall for a meeting."

"I see. I'll go now."

After that, Xia Jue got up and went out.

When I came to the assembly hall, many elders had gathered here.

"Xia Gong, please sit down."

An elder cordially said hello to Xia Jue.

After a while, Hou Xiaotian took Hou ling'er to the scene.

"Well, now that everyone is here, I'll make a few announcements."

After sitting down, Hou Xiaotian didn't get too much ink directly into the theme.

"After discussing with several elders yesterday, I think Wumo mountain is too deceiving. We have decided to declare war on Wumo mountain!"

Hou Xiaotian made a shocking decision.

"It should have been so long ago. They want to kill us everywhere. We must make a response."

"Yes, either he died in Wumo mountain or we died in dilingzong."

"Suzerain, what do you want to do? I just want to let me take the lead. I want to take revenge for last time."

When they heard that there was going to be a war against the five demons mountain, all the people of di lingzong had a strong sense of killing.

"All right, all right, just be quiet and listen to me." Seeing the noisy sound filled the whole conference hall, Hou Xiaotian could only signal the crowd to be quiet first.

When the crowd was quiet, Hou Xiaotian said slowly: "the five devil mountain is not weak. If you want to cause serious damage to each other, you have to go through careful plans. I made several plans with several elders yesterday.

First, send a group of people to feint the front of Wumo mountain to arouse their vigilance, then send a group of people to attack their Lingshan medicine garden, and finally send a group of people to attack and plunder their Yuanshi mine. A three pronged approach will surely bring heavy damage to the Wumo mountain. "

"That's good."

"That's right. It's a good plan. If it goes on like this, it will certainly hit the five demons mountain."

They all agreed with Hou Xiaotian's plan.

"Very well, then which way are you going?"

Hou Xiaotian looks around.

"Lord, I want to go to the front of Wumo mountain."

"Lord, I'll take Lingshan medicine garden."

"Lord, I'll go to Yuanshi mine."

All the elders spoke out.

"In that case, five elders and six elders, you two choose two elders and five worshippers to go to one place."


" Lord, let me go to the other party's Yuanshi mine! "

Just when Hou Xiaotian wants to say something, Xia Jue suddenly interrupts his words.

As for why he suddenly volunteered to go, it was also selfish.

It's just a lack of stone.

But now hou Xiaotian gives him a good choice.

That is to attack the Yuanshi mine in Wumo mountain.

Yuanshi mine is the place where Yuanshi is produced. Once it is successful, he will get a huge sum of Yuanshi, which is undoubtedly a timely help for him who is in urgent need of Yuanshi to buy zhujidan.

So he had to go on this trip.

"Mr. Xia, are you going to Wumo mountain Yuanshi mine?"

Yuanshi mine is the lifeblood of a sect. No matter which sect it is, it attaches great importance to it. Therefore, it can be expected that Wumo mountain will definitely be guarded by heavy troops.

Originally, Hou Xiaotian wanted the elder of the clan to lead a group of experts to go, but now that Xia Jue has volunteered, it's OK for him to lead the team. After all, his strength will not be weaker than that of the elder."Yes, please help the Lord."

Xia Jue offered his hand to Hou Xiaotian.

"Well, it's up to you. There are eleven elders, thirteen elders and a few worshippers. You can go to the Yuanshi mine of Wumo mountain with Xia worshipping."

Hou Xiaotian said.


Next, Hou Xiaotian discussed with the public to arrange something, and then began to take formal action.


"Xia Gong, the Yuanshi mine in Wumo mountain is in Heifeng mountain range. We'd better go there early, so as not to delay things in the dark."

Elder Xi said to Xia Jue.

"Well, let's go!"

Xia Jue nodded and went in a southwest direction.

There is a deep pit at the top of Heifeng mountain. At this time, a large group of people from Wumo mountain are stationed here. Among them, a large number of people with low accomplishments are digging the land in a deep pit with a special tool.

At this time, a group of people under the mountain quietly lurked up, this group of people is Xia Jue and others.

After arriving at the top of the mountain, Xia Jue and others gathered their breath and watched quietly.

"Do you want to do it now?"

Asked one of the worshippers.

"Wait for them to charge more Yuan Stone first, so that we can enjoy our success."

Elder eleven gave a sinister smile.

"Yes, elder eleven is right. Why don't you use free labor force, Xia Gong?"

Although they are going to wait for the other party to dig out more Yuanshi, this operation is led by Xia Jue, and we have to ask him for his opinions.

"Then wait for a while."

If you wait a little longer, they will find the stone. Why don't you do it? Xia Jue won't refuse.

In this way, Xia Jue directly stayed here until the evening.

In the evening, pieces of light rose in the field, which was emitted by a kind of stone called luminescent stone. When the stone emitted light, the people in the pit continued to work.

"It's estimated that the mining will not end until dawn. We have to spend the night here first."

Eleven elder very helpless say.

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