The next day it was dawn.

Yuanshi mining is almost finished, and some of the top experts in the later stage of the heaven stage put the mined Yuanshi into two storage bags and prepared to leave.

"It's time to do it!"

Xia Jue yelled, and then rushed up first.

The action of the eleven elders here is not slow, and they rush up with Xia Jue one after another.

"No, there are enemies!"

Seeing Xia Jue and others killed, the people of Wumo mountain in the mine didn't panic. Instead, they assembled the formation instantly.

"Who are you? This is my Wumo mountain territory. Do you want to die?"

A sky order later period top of superior coldly say.

"Bang bang."

Xia Jue and others will not listen to his explanation, but directly start to work.

"Vacuum fingerprints."

Xia Jue made such a blow to the jade spring master who collected a lot of Yuan stones.


The master couldn't even stop him, so he was smashed out by Xia Jue.

"Who are you? We will not let you go."

Looking at the Xia Jue who came step by step, he fell on the ground and vomited blood all over the face of the later master of Tianjie.

Xia Jue naturally ignored the other side and directly killed him with one punch. Then he picked up the storage bag on his body.

After picking up the storage bag and sweeping it with divine sense, he found that there were about a thousand yuan stones in it.

No wonder these schools attach so much importance to Yuanshi mining.

It's only a day that we can mine thousands of yuan of stone. If we accumulate it over time, how much can we accumulate?

Thinking of this, Xia Jue could not help thinking of robbing the other party's clan storehouse.

But it's just thinking.

You know, Wumo mountain has a master in the foundation period. If he goes to Wumo mountain, he won't be able to do anything good.

"Bastard, die for me!"

Seeing that the storage bag for Yuan Shi was robbed, several experts at the other end of the sky stage killed Xia Jue in a rage.

"Well, I can't help myself."

In the later period of Xia Dynasty, mingjue's first stab was the best.


After casting luanshen stab, it means that an expert is killed.

After that, Xia Jue once again put out the chaotic divine sting to a master who came to the West.

In this way, he used it repeatedly. In a short time, he killed five or six experts at the peak of the later stage of the heaven level.

Such a frightening move naturally caused people around to be stunned.

Especially eleven elders and others.

They know that Xia Jue is very good.

But you should know that these are the experts with the peak strength in the later stage of the heaven stage.

But in front of me, I was killed one by one by Xia Jue like a chicken, which is really a little too far.

The key is that even if it is like this, what makes them really cold is that those experts with the highest strength in the later days of the sky rank died so inexplicably.

Each of them was stunned as if he had been attacked by evil when they arrived at Xia Jue, and then they just stayed in the same place waiting for Xia Jue to kill him. Such a strange thing made people very creepy.

"You... You don't come here!"

At this time, the last master at the peak of the later stage of the heaven level saw Xia Jue coming towards him, and he was absolutely out of his wits.

Seeing the strange way of death of each of his companions just now, how could the last remaining peak master of Tianjie's later stage have any idea to compete with Xia Jue.

"Don't come here, don't come here. Here you are!"

The master directly took out his storage bag and threw it to Xia Jue.

Xia Jue took over the storage bag and weighed it, then looked at him with joking eyes.

"Spare me, spare me, I don't want to die!"

In order to survive, the master knelt down directly. If outsiders saw this, they would be surprised. The master at the peak of the later stage was so humble.


The next moment, the heaven level master screamed and fell to the ground. Xia Jue didn't let him go after all.

"Let's go back!"

Seeing that there were no valuable articles on the scene after the sweeping, Xia Jue proposed to return.


Seeing Xia Jue's means to solve these five devil mountain experts, several elders were deeply shocked. At this time, they were more awed by Xia Jue.


a war broke out not far from Wumo mountain.

Among them, the elder worship of the Earth Spirit sect and others are taking a group of people to fight with the people of the five devil mountain.

In a meeting hall inside the Wumo mountain, the leader Lin Tianyi is discussing some things with the main characters in the gate."Sect leader, it's really brave of the local lingzong to fight with us."

"Sect master, let's do it, let these five devil mountain bastards never come back!"

"Sect master, what are you waiting for? If you wait any longer, you will be laughed at by others."

"That's right. If so, wouldn't it be for everyone to see that everyone can ride on our heads and shit?"

Di Ling Zong and others said angrily.

No wonder they are so angry.

Over the years, the strength of their Wumo mountain is booming, while the strength of their sect is declining.

This is also the reason why they dared to fight against the Earth Spirit sect when Hou Xiaotian got that volume of skill.

But I didn't expect that it was the turn of geomantic omen. It was their turn to kill. How could they bear it.

"Don't act rashly. I always think their move this time will not be very simple. It must be premeditated."

With his strong sense of building foundation, he could feel that the group of people who came not far away were not the main force of di lingzong at all.

He was thinking about what the other side was up to.

"Lord, I have something important to report."

At this time, a disciple rushed in at the door of the meeting hall.

"What happened?"

Lin Tianyi asked first.

"Report to the patriarch that Lingshan medicine garden has been attacked by dilingzong. We can't stand it any more. Many of them are constantly destroyed and plundered by dilingzong."

The disciple told what had happened.

"Sure enough."

After hearing what happened in Lingshan medicine garden, Lin Tianyi's doubts were immediately solved.

This is what dilingzong really wants to do.

if they want to attack the whole Wumo mountain, the other party will not get any advantage.

Only by attacking the elixir garden, which is a strategic material for a sect, can it do harm to them.

When it comes to strategic materials, Lin Tianyi suddenly thinks of one thing, that is the mine.

If Lingshan YaoYuan is attacked like this, Yuanshi mine should also be...

attacked like this

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