
before Lin Tianyi came up with a reason, another disciple rushed in at the door.

"What happened again?"

Lin Tianyi thinks it's very possible that something must be wrong with the mine as he thought.

"Report to the sect leader that our Yuanshi mine has been attacked by the people of dilingzong, and several elders have died in the hands of a monster."

When this disciple talked about it, he was still a little scared.

"What monster, make it clear."

Originally, when Lin Tianyi and others heard that the mine was attacked, their heart sank, but the words that several elders died in the hands of the monster made them confused.

"Sect leader, that guy is a young man in his early twenties. His means are really weird. Every elder who reaches a distance of several meters away from him seems to be settled. Even if he is killed, he has no reaction at all."

"What, how can there be such a strange thing."

"Young people in their twenties? It's not the guy who broke our good last time, is it

One of the elders suddenly remembered something.

"It's probably this boy, otherwise there won't be such a young master in the later stage of heaven level in Wumo mountain."

"No matter what, the mine is the foundation and face of Wumo mountain. If we even protect the mine, we don't have to mix with Wumo mountain when it's spread."

"Well." Lin Tianyi, the master of Wumo Mountain Gate, nodded thoughtfully, "Jia Feng, you should lead the team to go there. You must recover the loss of our mine!"

"Yes, Lord."

Jia's magic hand arched the back of the main gate.


soon, Jia Feng brought a group of people to the mine.

When they came to the mine, they only found that the scene was in a mess. As for dilingzong and others, they even disappeared.

"Deputy sect leader, the other side used a kind of poison to pollute our whole yuan vein."

An elder came to Jia Feng after exploring.

"What, these bastards."

Jia Feng clenched his fist and his face was very blue.

Yuanmai is polluted, which means that the whole Yuanshi mine is useless, and no Yuanshi will be produced in the future.

And they need to find a new Yuanshi mine in Wumo mountain, but Yuanshi mine, such a precious thing, is strange if it is easy to find.

So now the people of dilingzong are cutting off their resources. How can Jia Feng not feel angry.

"Deputy headmaster, these bastards must not be far away. Let's catch up."

One elder suggested.

Hearing this, Jia Feng didn't hesitate any more. He just ran the vitality in his body and made strange handprints.

Soon, a layer of yellow gas appeared around him.

Then the yellow gas rushed to the north.


Jia Feng gave a big drink, and then he headed north.


"haha, it's really calming. I finally avenged the last attack on our clan."

"That's right. We've ruined their yuanmai. Maybe this time, Wumo mountain will come to an end."

Several elders who are preparing to return to di Ling sect with Xia Jue are very satisfied with the harvest.

All of a sudden, Xia Jue seems to feel something like stop figure.

"Summer worship, what happened?"

It's strange to see Xia Jue's appearance.

"Someone's coming. Be careful."

Xia Jue's sense felt that there was a strong breath behind them, chasing them in their direction, so he quickly reminded them.

"Is it the people of Wumo mountain who have come after me?"

"It must be the Yuanshi vein. It's their fault. It's normal that they want to fight with us."

"That's just in time. I haven't killed enough."

The evil Xia Jue stood on their side, and the elders didn't have the slightest fear. On the contrary, a sense of expectation rose in their hearts.

They are looking forward to seeing those guys in Wumo mountain killed by Xiajue like chickens.

Soon after waiting, they saw a group of people coming after them.

"It's Jia Feng..."

the thirteen elders exclaimed after seeing the face of the leader in front of them.

"Xia gongfeng, this Jia Feng is very difficult to deal with. He once had a whole body retreat in front of the foundation building experts. You should be careful."

Eleven elders are afraid that Xia Jue doesn't know each other's strength, so they explain in a hurry.

"I see."

Xia Jue agreed, and then raised his head to look at the people coming in front of him."You bastards, this time my five demons mountain will defeat you!"

After the five demons mountain and his party arrived, one of the elders, who was dazed with anger, couldn't help fighting against Xia Jue.

"Elder Lin, be careful!"

Jia Feng didn't forget what the escaped disciple said. He immediately reminded him, but his reminding was still a little late.

The elder who attacked Xia Jue suddenly stopped, and then Xia Jue's big hand directly patted on his head.

With a bang, the elder fell to the ground.

For this scene, the 13 elders and 11 elders are not surprised, but Jia Feng and others saw it for the first time. At this time, their faces all showed the appearance of ghosts.

"Jia... Master Jia, what should we do now?"

Five evil mountain an elder in the heart uneasy Dynasty Jia Feng asks a way.

"I don't believe there is such a heresy. Let's go together!"

Jia Feng, after all, was a man who had seen a big scene. He was just a little surprised and calmed down.

With Jia Feng's initiative, the other elders and others had to harden their heads even if they were afraid.

Ten elders are not willing to show their weakness. Naturally, the fight between the two sides broke out.

"Ah, ah."

"Ah, ah."

Where Xia Jue went, there must be an elder of Wumo mountain who fell down. In a short time, more than half of them died.

Seeing the situation so bad, Jia Feng couldn't help it.

He patted the storage bag with his right hand, and the dense swords came out from the bag and plundered towards Xia Jue in front of him.

"No, it's a magic weapon!"

Thirteen elders saw these flying swords and screamed out.

"Xia Gong, be careful of Jia Feng."

Elder Xi knew that the weapon was powerful, so he quickly reminded Xia Jue in the distance.

Xia Jue had just killed an elder of Wumo mountain. When he turned around, he heard elder 11's voice and countless flying swords flying towards him.


Xia Jue immediately urged the vitality of his body, and then he was ready to play a martial art to resist the flying sword.

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