"Lord, I suggest that we publicize this matter and let others know."

A group of elders worshipped and others talked excitedly.

"It's not urgent in advance. After such a big loss, Wumo mountain won't give up. They will retaliate against our dilingzong, and the way to retaliate is probably to treat them in their own way. Our next task is very heavy."

Compared with other people's excitement, Hou Xiaotian, as the head of a clan, is much calmer.

"The Lord is right. We almost destroyed the inside information of Wumo mountain this time. It's absolute for them to jump over the wall in a hurry. We can't be careless."

The elder agreed.

"Lord, this time I went to the Yuanshi mine of Wumo mountain and got the harvest."

Xia Jue took out the storage bag from there.

Although he is in great need of Yuanshi to buy the Jianji pill, if he takes all the Yuanshi he got this time, it will certainly cause the dissatisfaction of many people in the Earth Spirit sect. Therefore, as long as he wants to have a foothold in the Earth Spirit sect, he still has to do enough superficial Kung Fu.

"Very good, but Xia Gong not only defeated the Yuanshi mine in Wumo mountain this time, but also captured the other side's deputy sect leader alive. Thanks to his hard work, our dilingzong also has a clear reward and punishment. These booty belong to you!"

Hou Xiaotian naturally knew that Xia Jue volunteered to go to the other party's mine. In addition, Xia Jue has made such a great contribution now, so he gave these things to him.

"The patriarch has said it's very important that we can successfully complete the task this time. The 13 elders and 11 elders and several offerings are also a great contribution. Only they have a share of these spoils, so I'll take one third of them."

With Hou Xiaotian's mouth, although other people can't say anything more, the harvest of the mine can be quite abundant, which is enough to make people envious. If he takes it alone, it will certainly make many people unhappy, so it's a wise choice to choose common distribution.

Hearing Xia Jue's words, thirteen elders and others were both ashamed and very grateful.

It's easy and pleasant for them to follow Xia Jue to the mine, which is much better than others.

Because most of the experts were solved by Xia Jue, they just cleaned up some rotten fish and shrimps.

But even so, people still did not forget them, and they had to share the spoils. How could they not be excited.

"It's very important for Xia to offer. We're just starting this trip. You're really making great contributions."

Elder eleven seems a little embarrassed.

"Don't say that, elder eleven. Everyone has worked hard."

Xia Jue could not help but put the storage bag in front of them.

"Go to goulingshan, elder. We'll take care of you."

Hou Xiaotian said.

"Yes, Lord."


after the meeting, Xia Jue immediately went back to his room, took out the storage bags and checked them one by one.

It has to be said that Jia Feng is worthy of being the Deputy headmaster of Wumo mountain. There are more than 6000 yuan stones in the storage bag. In addition, he also got 6000 yuan stones and ores from other experts' storage bags, with a total of nearly 10000 yuan stones.

With more than 10000 yuan of stone and his previous savings, the total reached more than 20000 yuan.

The choice of this trip is right, and the harvest is really abundant. At last, there is the capital to bid for jianjidan.

It has to be said that it's a good deal to kill people and steal goods. Otherwise, I don't know that it will take a long time to accumulate so many yuan stones.


at the same time, in the conference hall of Wumo mountain.

After a series of things that happened that day, Lin Tianyi and others were so gloomy that they could drip water.

"Sect leader, our veins have been completely destroyed, and the Lingshan medicine garden has been set on fire for several times. Only the elders who are stationed are dead and wounded."

Li Ji, the left Dharma protector of Wumo mountain, said.


After hearing this, Lin Tian hit the table one by one.

"Where's Jia Feng? Where's he going? Any news?"

Lin Tianyi then asked.

"Back to the headmaster, vice headmaster Jia. He didn't have any news, as if he just disappeared."

The nine elders who were sent out to investigate by Lin Tianyi said before.

"Is there an accident?"

An elder suddenly remembered that a disciple had come back to report that he had met a "monster".

"How can it be? Jia's major is profound, and his sword array is superb. Even Hou Xiaotian can't help him. How can there be any accident?"

"That's right. No matter how powerful that boy is, he won't get jamen."

"Sect leader, it's bad. Something's wrong."Just as several people were talking, a disciple in the door rushed in.

"What's the matter?"

Lin Tianyi already has a hunch that something bad should happen again.

"Headmaster, deputy headmaster Jia was arrested by the people of the Earth Spirit sect. Now the people of the Earth Spirit sect have publicized the matter outside, and they also say that if they want to let Deputy headmaster Jia return safely, they dare not go on talking about it.

"What did you say?"

Lin Tian's voice was cold.

"He said that you should take the sect leader with you. All the elders should go to their lingzong sect to apologize in person. Otherwise, he will send the head of deputy sect leader Jia back to you."

The disciple said this hard.

"How can it be said that they deceive people too much. Sect leader, I suggest that we should kill them at once!"

"Sect master, give an order. If we don't show anything about Wumo mountain, then people outside think we are turtles."

All the elders in Wumo mountain were furious.

"Very good, pass on my order, friars above zongmen Tianjie will gather in the square!"

Lin Tianyi said coldly.


Everyone knew that Lin Tianyi was preparing to fight back, so he didn't dare to neglect and turned around to prepare.


A bright moon hung high, all kinds of insects sounded around.

Outside dilingzong, countless shadows passed by and soon surrounded the whole dilingzong.

"Master, we are all set up. As long as we wait for your order, we can fight."

"Then go to war!"


With Lin Tianyi's order, the experts of the five evil mountains all around immediately rush up, and there are all kinds of Shouts.

However, in the face of the attack of the five demons mountain, the people of di lingzong were not in any panic. As if they had expected, the weak disciples fled to reduce the casualties.

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