Di Ling Zong Nei.

When the people of Wumo mountain attacked, Hou Xiaotian and others quickly came to the meeting hall to direct the discussion.

"Suzerain, as we expected, the five evil mountains are going to treat them in their own way, and attack us in the way we deal with them."

Said an elder.

"Ha ha, I've expected that our medicine garden and ore veins will be better. We can't let them succeed."

Hou Xiaotian said.

"Lord, to be on the safe side, I don't think we should let Xia worship. Our vein is guarding. I'm afraid that there will be some accident on elder five's side at that time."

"Yes, let Xiagong go."


"Deng Deng Deng."

Just as Xia Jue was still meditating, the door was knocked.

"What's the matter?"

"Xiagong, the Lord asked you to go to the mine for a visit."

A voice came from outside the door.

Let yourself go to the vein?

Is it the people from Wumo mountain?

If you come, it's OK. These people are money giving boys for themselves now. There's no reason why they don't want to.

"All right, I'll go there now."

After that, Xia Jue opened the door and went out.

"Why? It's a real call. "

After coming to the outside, Xia Jue's sense was clearly aware of the waves coming from outside the clan. It was obvious that the people outside were fighting.

No wonder Hou Xiaotian let himself go to the mine of di lingzong. If the other party has already come here, there should be a war there.

In view of Hou Xiaotian's intention to be a local lingzong, he had to send himself to the mine for safety. This is the safest thing.

No longer thinking so much, Xia Jue went directly to the underground lingzong.

The mine vein is not far from the earth lingzong, and it's only half an hour or so.

Far away, Xia Jue heard the sound of fighting in the mine, and from time to time there were bursts of sparks splashing out.

"Come on."

Xia Jue's mouth was slightly raised, and then he joined the battlefield.

"Ah, ah."

As Xia Jue joined the battlefield, the screams appeared one after another, especially in the dark night.

"Here comes the summer offering."

The five elders who are fighting are very excited to see Xia Jue coming.

Soon, the scream went out, and a figure fell to the ground.

This is Xia Jue.

The other side has three elders who are at the peak of the later stage of the heaven level. The rest are all miscellaneous fish, and they don't have much to gain. This is why he is not very satisfied.

"Please, Xiagong."

The five elders knew that it must be Hou Xiaotian who asked Xia Jue to stay here, so they didn't see too much.

"it's just a small thing. Are you ok?"

Xia Jue waved his hand and said.

The fighting continued, and there were more and more people coming to attack the mine. However, as the casualties of the other party became more and more serious, people began to become less and less.

It's morning.

After seeing that there was no enemy coming again, Xia Jue said goodbye to the five elders and then returned to the di lingzong.

When I returned to dilingzong, the battle was over. Some younger brothers were cleaning the battlefield and dealing with the corpses.

"In summer."

"In summer."

When Xia Zong's disciples came back, they all said hello.

"And their lords?"

Xia Jue asked.

"In the assembly hall, you elders are deliberating."


Xia Jue nodded and stepped in.

When he came to the meeting hall, he saw that Hou Xiaotian and others were in a state of chaos. Since some elders still had some colors on them, it seemed that the battle last night also made them a lot of trouble.

"Xia Gong is back. Didn't it hurt last night?"

Hou Xiaotian asked with concern.

"It's no big deal to return to the Lord."

The enemies who came last night were not enough to deliver food to him. How could they pose any threat to him.

"That's good. In view of the war between us and Wumo mountain, I think if we don't have anything, we should not go out in advance to avoid being attacked by Wumo mountain."

Hou Xiaotian continued.

"Suzerain, it's no problem, but I'm afraid they will start to pay tribute to us two days later. What should we do then?"

For example, the Earth Spirit sect has to pay a resource offering to its super sect every month, and the offering will be paid two days later. The eleven elders think that the people of the jade spirit sect will definitely start this matter, so he is so worried."Yes, our grudge with Wumo mountain is grudge, but the resource offering of Wangu sect can't be missed. Otherwise, if they blame us, we won't be able to deal with it."

There are many sects under the jurisdiction of Wangu sect. For example, their Di Ling sect and Wumo mountain are just two small sects.

If Wan guzong is not happy about not paying the offering on time, the consequences will be very serious.

"Lord, let me go."

Xia Jue is more and more enjoying the advantages of killing people and seizing treasure, so he naturally doesn't want to miss this opportunity. Besides, he really wants to see the super clan, wanguzong, which is often mentioned after he comes here.


to tell you the truth, Hou Xiaotian is very willing to let Xia Jue go. After all, Xia Jue's strength can be placed here. When he wants to sit in the clan, it is the safest way for him to escort him to worship the past.

But he thought it was too much for him to trouble Xia Jue with such big and small things.

"Xia Gong is too tired these days. Why don't you just have a rest and leave it to other elders."

Hou Xiaotian finally refused.

"It's OK, Lord. How can I say that I'm also the worship of the Earth Spirit sect now, and I should contribute to the sect."

The auction will start next month. If he wants to break through the cultivation of building foundation, he must take that building foundation pill. Therefore, Xia Jue will never miss such a good opportunity to kill and steal.

"Suzerain, it's rare for Xiagong to have such an idea. Let him go."

The elder said.

"Yes, suzerain. Since Xia Gong wants to go, let him go."

Eleven elders also said.

"In that case, you can go to wanguzong to pay the resources in two days."

Hou Xiaotian finally agreed.

Soon after.

Wait for Xia Jue to leave.

In the assembly hall, Hou Xiaotian and several elders were sitting.

"Suzerain, this Xiagong is really a capable general, but it's a pity that he is not a native of our dilingzong."

Elder eleven sighed.

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