But after a little thought, Xia Jue understood Hou Xiaotian's idea.

It seems that he was afraid that he would leave dilingzong in the future. In addition, his current strength is really second only to Hou Xiaotian. That's why Hou Xiaotian offered such attractive conditions.

It has to be said that the two conditions of dilingzong and houlinger are really attractive.

Let's talk about dilingzong first.

Although dilingzong is only a small sect.

But for the general sanxiu, it is absolutely tempting to be the leader of the Earth Spirit sect.

Let's talk about hou ling'er.

Although Hou ling'er's appearance is not a national beauty, it is definitely a first-class beauty.

It can be said that as long as he agreed to come down, it can be said that power and beauty are at your fingertips.

But it's a pity that he can't promise to come down.

Because he came here to pursue a higher realm, and if he stayed in the Earth Spirit sect all the time, he would lose the pursuit of a higher realm, which is not the purpose of his coming here.

Besides, he already has Su Yihan in his heart, so he can't accommodate other women.

"Lord, I can understand your kindness, but I can't agree, because I don't want to be here."

Xia Jue didn't find any reason to prevaricate; instead, he said what he thought in his heart, because he knew that only when he was honest with each other at this time could he make it easier for the other party to accept.

Xia Jue's reply surprised Hou Xiaotian. He didn't think that the other party refused so simply.

After a long silence, Hou Xiaotian began to feel relieved.

It's unexpected and reasonable for the other party to have such a spirit, otherwise he would not have been able to cultivate to such a state at such a young age.

"Suzerain, you don't have to worry. I've received the favor of dilingzong. If there's something wrong with dilingzong in the future, Xia, I won't stand by."

Xia Jue could probably know what Hou Xiaotian was thinking, so he promised.

"Xia Gong, don't say that. We will never forget your kindness to our di lingzong. Even if you leave our di lingzong in the future, as long as you squeak, our di lingzong will definitely go through fire and water for you."

What Hou Xiaotian said was true. If it wasn't for the appearance of Xia Jue, they didn't know what the situation was at this time.


the next two days were calm, which made the whole family of dilingzong hold a hanging heart up and down, waiting for the hand of Wumo mountain. They felt that the atmosphere was strange, and they didn't know what tricks the other party wanted to play.

While the whole clan was immersed in this strange atmosphere, one of them was very angry.

That's Hou ling'er.

She has been waiting for news since her father came to tell her about it and left two days ago.

According to her estimation, as long as her father went to ask Xia Jue about it, it would be strange that he didn't agree.

But on that day, she waited left and right, but she didn't wait for any news. Although she was impatient, she didn't mean to ask.

Up to now, the past two days, there is still no news at all, which completely makes her impatient, and then she sent her maid Xiao Xiang to knock on the people of the clan to find out the specific information.

It's not a bad thing. After a question, he got a news that surprised and angered him.

That's why she was rejected.

She was rejected by Hou ling'er.

You know, I don't know how many childe brothers around here want to propose marriage to him, but he didn't agree. Now she has tacitly agreed in her heart, but the other party has refused her.

This has always been arrogant of her moment, such as Thunderbolt, suffered an extremely big blow.

"Miss, what's so great about Xia's offering? It's that people are a little better looking, and their accomplishments are a little higher. In this way, they dare to refuse our miss."

Xiao Xiang knows that Hou ling'er is angry now, so she also scolds Xia Jue for venting her anger on Hou ling'er.

"Yes, but it's just a little bit higher. I dare to refuse Miss Ben. She doesn't like him."

Hou ling'er said angrily.

"Miss, why don't we go to the Lord and ask him to drive him out of dilingzong, so that he can know the end of refusing our miss."

Xiao Xiang is just a maid. Naturally, she can't understand the importance of Xia Jue to the present dilingzong, so he suggested.

"No, now the clan is not stable, and my father has to rely on him. We can't go too far."

Hou ling'er is different from Xiao Xiang. She knows very well what can and cannot be done.

After thinking about it for a long time, Hou ling'er finally couldn't bear the tone in his heart. He decided to ask Xia Jue why he did it.

Soon, Hou ling'er came to Xia Jue's door."Eh, miss ling'er, why are you here?"

Because today is the day when we are going to transport the resources to the wanguzong. Just now, a disciple came to inform him about it. Just as he was going to the meeting hall, he happened to bump into Hou linger.

"You... Me"

before Hou ling'er was ready, she ran into Xia Jue, which made her panic for a moment.

"Miss ling'er, if you have something to say, I have something to do with Xia."

Hearing Xia Jue's tone, Hou ling'er's anger suddenly rose.

"I ask you, is Miss Ben not good-looking enough?"

Xia Jue thought that the other party was looking for him, but he didn't expect that the other party said the problem that made him black.

Come on.

Needless to say, he also knows that it must be two days ago that he rejected Hou Xiaotian's proposal, which made the young lady angry and came to question.

"Miss ling'er is joking. Miss ling'er's face is absolutely out of the city."

It's hard to understand a woman's mind. At this time, Xia Jue thinks it's better not to irritate each other too much.

Xia Jue's answer finally made Hou ling'er feel a little happy.

"Then... Then why did you refuse my father's offer?"

Hou ling'er, who said this, had a fever on her face. It seemed that it was the first time that a man had said such a coquettish tone when she was so old.

"It's nothing to do with Miss ling'er. It's just that Xia has long been attached to her, so he refused the proposal of Lord Hou."

Said Xia Jue.

"That's... OK."

Hou ling'er's eyes are dim, and her heart is faintly lost, but at the same time, her anger towards Xia Jue has disappeared.


Xiajue passed her and went to the conference hall.

When I came to the meeting hall, it was full of worshippers and others.

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