As for Hou Xiaotian, he took the first seat.

"Xia Gong, sit here."

Hou Xiaotian pointed to an empty seat on his right.

Xia Jue was surprised to see Hou Xiaotian ask him to sit in this position.

Because this position has always been taken by the elder of the sect.

Today, the elder sat on the second seat on the right side of Hou Xiaotian's left hand, which was deliberately given to him.

This not only does not have any objection to the refusal he made two days ago, but also releases a lot of signals.

No matter what, Hou Xiaotian and the people of di lingzong all chose to trust him.

Xia Jue, who wanted to understand this, no longer saw the outside world. He just sat in this position.

"Cough, well, everyone is here, then I'll talk about it." Hou Xiaotian moistened his throat and said, "there has been no movement in Wumo mountain these two days, but according to the news from our spies, they are already planning a major event. It is very likely that they will start to pay resources for our visit to wanguzong."

Hou Xiaotian said.

"Suzerain, in this case, will Xia worship..."

the five elders are worried that if Xia Jue, who transports resources to worship, is dealt with by Lin Tianyi himself, he will be in trouble.

After all, Xia Jue, no matter how powerful he is, is just the cultivation of the peak in the later stage of the heaven stage. He can't rival Lin Tianyi in the foundation period.

"Yes, Lord. If Lin Tianyi does it himself, then we'll be in big trouble. The resource offering must be guaranteed to be handed over to wanguzong. Otherwise, we'll end up in a miserable situation without the help of Wumo mountain."

"That's right. I think the reason why the five evil mountains are so quiet these two days may be that they are using this plan to kill people with a knife."

Several elders have put forward their own guess.

"I know that if Lin Tianyi really pays attention to it, it's really a headache."

Lin Tianyi's use of this is Yang Mou, if he personally sent this batch of resources and materials, then the other party may come to attack di lingzong, and then di lingzong will be unstoppable.

But if he was stationed in dilingzong, Lin Tianyi would probably attack Xia Jue. At that time, Xia Jue was also very difficult to resist, so it made Hou Xiaotian have a headache.

"Suzerain, I think we can do this. As soon as the Xia offering transports resources, we can immediately summon the experts to try out the five demons mountain."

The five elders suggested.

"That's a good way. Once Lin Tianyi is no longer in Wumo mountain, we can make a mess in their family. Then we won't believe him, and we won't be afraid."

"Lord, the five elders said this method is good. You can really have a try."

Several elders agreed.

"Well, I'll do it in this way. Summer worship. For the sake of safety, you have to take more people there."

Hou Xiaotian turns to look at Xia Jue.

"Patriarch, it's inconvenient to have too many people. I just need to take the thirteen elders."

Xia Jue has cooperated with the thirteen elders. He knows that his body method is not slow, so he just needs to take him as his guide.

"How can we do this? What if Lin Tian really goes there when he arrives? Even if he is defeated by more people, he can at least delay some time."

Hou Xiaotian is still worried about Xia's mistake.

"No, master. Even if Lin Tianyi himself came here, I'm sure I can make a few moves with him."

Xia Jue is not bragging.

With Tailong sword and many ancient martial arts, even if he is a master of building foundation, he is confident to make a few moves.

Xia Jue's words made all the elders and Hou Xiaotian have some ripples in their hearts.

You know, although the peak of the later stage of the heaven stage is just a line away from the foundation, the gap is very different.

It can be said that even the top 50 experts in the later stage of the heaven level will not be the opponents of a foundation building expert.

But Xia Jue said that he wanted to make a few moves with the master of building foundation. He had to say that he was very rampant.

But fortunately, this sentence is from Xia Jue's mouth, in view of his many brilliant achievements before, people are convinced.

"Suzerain, elders, the strength of Xiagong is obvious to all. No matter how much we go, it will only drag down Xiagong. Let me accompany Xiagong to wanguzong."

If anyone on the scene knows the most about Xia Jue's strength, it must be the thirteen elders.

Because at that time, Xia Jue was so powerful that he killed many of the top experts in the later days of the five demon mountain like a chicken and captured Jia Feng alive. He had seen them on the scene.

At that time, Xia Jue was really like the God of heaven coming down to earth, and there was no one to stop him. If there was an expert at the peak of the later stage of the heaven level who could compete with the master of building foundation, the thirteen elders would think that he was Xia Jue.

"Well, that's it. This is the offering resource. Take it with you. Be careful on the way."When that happened, Hou Xiaotian said no more. He took out several storage bags and gave them to Xia Jue.

"Don't worry, Lord. Xia will finish this task."

Xia Jue took over these storage bags.


in an open place in the southwest, the people were discussing something. If there were people from dilingzong, they could be seen at a glance that they were from Wumo mountain.

"Three masters, is this array really so powerful?"

Zhou Kong, the new deputy headmaster of Wumo mountain, asked the three old men next to him with some uncertainty.

"Don't worry, deputy sect leader Zhou. If we are trapped under the building foundation of the dragon training array, we will surely die. Even if the building foundation master is trapped, we have to peel off the skin. Otherwise, our array Pavilion will compensate ten times."

One of the old man vowed.

"Well, three masters."

In order to invite the three mages to attack, wumagic mountain spent a great price. Zhou Kong didn't want to make any mistakes.

"Well, it's almost time. Please step back, Mr. Zhou. We're going to build an array."

"I understand!"

After zhoukong retreated, the three elders took out the array disk. Then they injected the vitality into the array disk, and the array disk flew up and floated in the sky.


Floating in the sky, the array plate sent out golden rays toward the ground, and soon the land was shining as yellow as the golden word.

It took about a long time.

It seems that the array has been finished. Three old men clap their hands underground at the same time. The three floating array disks that day directly disappeared into the land below and hid.

"Well, the array is finished. As long as someone passes through this area for ten li, our array disk will feel it immediately. Are you sure your enemies will pass through here?"

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