After arranging the array, one of the array mages asked Zhou Kong again for confirmation.

"To go to wanguzong, dilingzong must pass through this place. They will come here today. You can rest assured."

Zhou Kong affirmed.

"That's good. In order to avoid being felt abnormal by your enemies, let's hide first."

"Is extremely is extremely..."


on this side, Xia Jue, who is coming from the sky with the thirteen elders at full speed, feels strange.

Along the way, he felt very abnormal. There was no sign that the devil mountain was going to attack them.

"If something goes wrong, there must be demons. There must be some conspiracy among those people in Wumo mountain."

It's obvious that elder thirteen also felt something wrong with the atmosphere.

"Don't worry, the soldiers will cover up the water and the earth!"

Xia Jue is not much worried, because in front of all the strength, all the intrigues are floating clouds.


As he spoke, there were bursts of sound around him. When he turned his head, he saw bursts of golden light curtain beside him.

"No, it's an array. Summer worship. Let's go back."

Aware of the danger, the thirteen elders cried out in a hurry, but it was too late, and the golden light around had blocked them.

"Damn it, break it for me!"

The thirteen elder urged his energy to roar on the light curtain of the array, but not only did the array not fluctuate at all, but he was shocked back seven or eight steps.

"Ha ha, don't think about it when you enter our dragon training array. Wait for the real fire inside to burn out."

Just at this time, several figures came out of the light curtain of the array. These figures were the three array mages and Zhou Kong who were invited by a lot of money.

"Zhou Kong, it's you!"

Thirteen elders see is Zhou Kong suddenly angry.

"Yes, it's me. I didn't expect you two to go to wanguzong. It's a pity."

It cost so much to kill two people. To tell you the truth, Zhou Kong still felt a little lost.

"Xia Gong, I said why the five magic mountains are so quiet. It turned out that three array mages were invited to come here. With these three array mages here, it seems that Lin Tianyi will not come here today."

Thirteen elders said.

"Well, let's break him first."

Xia Jue pinched his hands and then made a big vacuum fingerprint.


The impact of the vacuum fingerprint on the light screen of the array produced some fluctuations, which made the master of Sanwei array step back a few steps.

"What kind of martial art is this boy? How powerful is it?"

The three old men had never met such a person with the highest strength in the later stage of the heaven stage who could cause such a huge shock to their array, so it surprised them.

"If it's too late, there will be changes. If it's too late, there will be a quick decision."

One of the array mages pinched the Jue with both hands, and the array disk that belonged to him in the field flew up, emitting bursts of light.

The remaining two mages also fled to the two sides of the array and summoned the two underground arrays. Then the three array disks emitted light together, and soon there was a great heat inside.

"It's so hot!"

Just for a moment, the thirteen elders were red and sweating, as if they were in the sun.

"Hoo Hoo."

Maybe because the temperature inside was too high, several heat waves were blowing towards Xia Jue and the thirteen elders. If they hadn't spared no efforts to protect their bodies, they would have become a stream of flying ash.

"Xia Gong, this array is too powerful. What should we do now?"

He felt that he would be reduced to ashes in a quarter of an hour.

"Don't worry. I'll break his bullshit array."

Xia Jue patted the storage bag, and the Dragon Sword flew out and fell into his hands.

"I'd like to see if your array is good or my Tai Long Sword is good."

Xia Jue poured in the inner Qi, and his sword went to the light curtain of the array in one direction.

With a bang, the light curtain of the array was directly split by his sword, resulting in several cobweb like cracks.

The three mages outside the array were attacked by the enemy. They all stepped back with pale faces.

"What kind of magic weapon is it, and how can it be so powerful?"

The three array mages really don't understand how Xia Jue's sword is so powerful. You should know that it's a dragon refining array. It's a recognized array that can't be broken under the foundation.

Xia Jue naturally didn't know what the three mages were thinking. At this time, he had to sigh about the power of the array.

Jia Feng's sword array was also very powerful before, but he took out the Tai Long Sword and broke it. Now, after being chopped by him, the array doesn't break down. On the contrary, it quickly recovers itself. You can see it from the inside.But no matter how fierce it is, it's useless. If you can resist him with one sword, can you still resist him with ten swords and eight swords?


Xia Jue cut out two swords again. He saw that the array was already crumbling, and it was about to explode like an inflated balloon.

Zhou Kong outside turned black when he saw this.

Before, the three old men swore to him that the dragon training array was invincible under the foundation, but now it's not like they can even trap people for a moment. It's a huge difference.

If he can't complete the task today, it can be said that their plans for the past two days have been completely destroyed. He can't make it when he returns to Wumo mountain, which makes him very anxious.


Before he thought about it too much, the three mages in front of him spewed out a mouthful of blood, and it seemed that they could not support it immediately.


Zhou Kong has no time to think too much. He knows that if he doesn't leave now, he won't be able to leave later.

But when he was about to leave, suddenly there was a huge noise in the array in the distance, and the three array mages were also shocked out.

Zhou Kong ran away immediately, but he was attacked and fell to the ground before he ran far away.

There is no doubt that it was Xia Jue who launched this attack.

Without the slightest hesitation, Xia Jue went up directly and killed the other side. Then he took the other side's storage bag and returned to the three mages.

"Boy, we are from the array Pavilion. We are invited by their five demons mountain. It's none of our business for you to bear grudges with them. Since he is dead now, let's forget about it. If you dare to move, you will be hunted endlessly."

Seeing that Xia Jue solved Zhou Kong without hesitation, the three injured mages immediately got flustered, so they quickly raised the name of the array pavilion to threaten.

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